Still bleeding

I can only get a referral from Midwife A and E or GP in my area xx
Hope you're ok sophie, must be scary but I'm sure it's all fine, like the other ladies say so many people have some bleeding in pg and their little beans are fine and dandy. If I were you I'd give the doc a call in the morning to put your mind at rest and perhaps ask for a referral to the epu for an early scan. Milk it a bit if necessary ;) x
I'll make GP appointment tomorrow morning to get cervix checked and see if they can refer me.
What is weird about this whole discharge/blood is I only get it when i've walked home from work. Xx
I'll make GP appointment tomorrow morning to get cervix checked and see if they can refer me.
What is weird about this whole discharge/blood is I only get it when i've walked home from work. Xx
Hmm strange isn't it. Wonder if it's just everything getting a bit of a shake up? Oh god imagine if there were two in there.... Would explain why you had sickness so early on.....!!! ;) x
Hmmm i've Already thought of twins for some reason...
Really hope it's my UTI coming out xx
Hmmm i've Already thought of twins for some reason...
Really hope it's my UTI coming out xx
Weirdly the doc mentioned twins when i saw mine. Our bodies don't wanna give us an easy ride do they :/ definitely try and get in with your doc tomorrow hun. Hope you're ok xxx
Oh said she doesn't think doctors will send me anywhere they'll just reassure me. How come doctors said twins Lou? Xx
I would go to your doctors tomorrow, tell then you want a referral. Just cry, that's what I did today think it scared them! X
I agree crying always freaks doctors out.

I dont know why she said it i cant remember the wording, she just said 'u never know, it could be twins' but i think she might have been trying to make me feel better. The docs have to refer if ur bleeding i think, especially because there's a risk of ectopic. Just insist on it and say you're worried sick xxx
Girls do you think it's worth finishing my antibiotics first and seeing if bleeding stops? Xx
I don't know, did the doc just give u them based on your symptoms or did they do tests? How many days have u got left on them? I'd probably say carrying on taking them and then ask doc when u see him/her. If u cant get an appointment ask to speak to a doctor on the phone and just ask to be referred xxx
I've got four days left. They did a wee test and shown a strong uti. Xx
If i was you i'd take tonights and then wait to see the doc (get an emergency appointment) just to check if you're worried xxx
Get yourself checked Hun! If the doctor doesn't refer you then go to a&e. you need a scan to put your mind at ease. X
I will have to go for a scan on my own, oh is away this weekend i'm stuck x
They might not be able to get you in for a scan straight away so you might not have to go on your own x

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