SPD Support Thread

AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH! It hurts sooooooooooooo bad!

My hips now get so sore it makes my lower legs ache, my pubic bone is so sore my stomach muscles/ligaments hurt (like a constant period cramp) and my coccyx is so tender that sitting or lying down is now as uncomfortable as standing up :(
LO is not the most helpful as at last MW appt her head was down and she seems to take great pleasure from poking/kicking or head banging all my sore spots. My poor OH jumped out of his skin last night when I suddenly jumped at one particularly violent movement...
I'm doing as little as possible and still get no reprieve, and so far I've missed 2 of my antenatal classes and can't see me getting to tomorrow nights either... also missing out socially as missed one friends wedding and have another next weekend that I don't think I'll make :(

Sorry for whingy post, just so sore and uncomfortable I needed to vent and rant a bit!
I am trying Bowen Technique tomorrow morning as was recommended by someone I met whilst waiting to see the MW, she was on crutches and said that after one appt she was sorted, so fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Aww hun I feel for you ... I couldn't see the
Light at the end of the tunnel but it's there.

I can't see how far along you are as I'm
In my phone but think about it like this ... There is an end in sight, it's not forever.

I was immediately free from spd after labour (I was in pain but it was a whole new world of pain that only lasted a few days)

I'm up and walking about no problem and I'm sleeping again

Please try to stay positive xxx :hugs:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Bowen is amazing! I hope it helps!

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Hi hows everyone doing? Guess i just needed somewhere to vent, got my physio again today n im dreading it. I no theres no magic cure but i just feel like he isnt interested noe i havent got a bump anymore .. Just need some sort of relief n arent really getting it x
I have my first physio appointment next week and I'm so worried! What's going to happen at it?

Mine is so and so I have some really bad days and some okay days, the bad days are the worst and I hate them can't even do simple things :(

I hope everyone else is feeling better x
At my first he said i would need a bump support n crutches, looks at how ya joints move and gives u some exersizes to do, ever since then my hyperemesis got so bad my bumps gone so he says i dont need either till it comes bk, whichs awful cos im in more pain now than i was with my bump x
km28 Have you got some Tubigrip/can you ask for some as this will provide a bit of support for your hips and pelvis whilst you're waiting for bump reappearance and bump support?!? It's what I started with...

I tried the Bowen but to be perfectly honest I don't think it made any difference to me whatsoever :( I find reflexology has helped a fair bit if only that I can go 2 hours without waking up at night as opposed to very 45 mins...

My SPD still seems to move around on a daily basis, and I never know what's gonna hurt the most when I get up each morning - the foof daggers are getting worse though :( I guess as LO gets bigger and starts heading down this will continue to get worse?!?

The only medical professional who has ever been properly supportive towards me was a MW in the labour ward who had suffered herself - I guess they have little interest as there is nothing they can do?!?

Group hugs for all....
Hey ladies

Sorry to hear you are still suffering :hugs:

I went for an hours walk today with no pain, so it will go away after birth, try to focus on that!

Hoping you all get relief soon xxx

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
It wont let me quote ive got lots of mini scan pictures all over my screen :S .. I had tubi grip but i was so uncomfortable, i suffer with hypremesis too so have alot of dehydration pains n it was irritating that. Ive finally been given a bump suppott today :) it feels ace !! Hes sed about crutches next time too :) hea leaving so will have a new one n its a lady so i think ill like that, always felt a bit awkward bending about in my undies for a man ( silly ino ) x
Oh my god it's Bloody killing me......

5 sleeps then please tell me it will Defo Defo be gone when I finally get bk on my feet from my section?

Feels like someone's starting a fire by rubbing my broken pubic bones together. Oooooooouch :( can no longer walk more than in the house. It's so bloody debilitating hu?! :( want to cry and it's 4:15am. I need sleep. Xxxx
It will be gone Gayle

(at least it was for me)

It was instant ... I was up and walking immediately after labour!

Now if I could sort out this carpal tunnel!

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Tapatalk madness!
Gayle - I know what you mean! If the SPD goes once LO's here I'm sure I'll get more sleep with a newborn than what I'm getting now...
GGrrrr my hips have started hurting in bed! It started like this last time but not until about 30 week, but maybe the short time between babies is making it earlier. Will get my bump band out i think and carry on. Got myself a nice v pillow which helps anyway. Its going to be fun running around after Alice as i get worse lol xx
Gayle - I know what you mean! If the SPD goes once LO's here I'm sure I'll get more sleep with a newborn than what I'm getting now...

The nurses keep asking me how im sleeping at the hospital and my reply is always ... I sleep better now than I did when I was pregnant. That's with me getting up for night feeds and to express and all whilst sleeping on what an only be described as a slab!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
At the point now that I' m struggling to even get about the house =( I'm just so sore and stiff. Hope bubs makes an appearance soon so I can start getting back to normal x
Spd-work of the devil.

Tweety-have u still got CT?? I had it for about 5 years at the end of my teens. Awful. Ended up with 3 ops to release the sheath. I thought when its pregnancy related it should go after birth? Maybe mention to GP? My fingers have swollen and are stiff. Rings have been off 3 weeks now. Its sore sometimes but I dread to think of the state I'd be in if I hadn't had the surgery previously xx

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Yeah I still have it which confuses me, I'm going to contact the physio to see what they say

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Do u wear splints? I found a lefty which I wore for a bit bit made no diff. Think its just my body being a daft thing as per. Good luck at physio. Will try to catch up when I'm doing night feeds :) hehe! Xx

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Glad i found this thread...as after reading just first couple of pages i think i may have this...!!! :( so painful! My foof hurts so much and getting up is agony. :( Any tips or advice from sufferers? xxx

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