SPD Support Thread

Haha i love the wailing in pain idea! I just seen tho that i'm entitled to MA rather than SMA as i haven't been at my new job that long and according to the guidelines for MA i can claim for a total of 39 weeks which is long than the 26 weeks work said i would be entitled too, so even if they did move my maternity leave forward i'd still have plenty of time off with bubs :D

Honestly these last few weeks i wouldn't have been able to manage without my OH he's been an absolute god send :)

x x x

Oooo that is great news!! Have you told your work that you are actually entitled to the 39 weeks? IN THEIR FACE! lol.

My OH tries bless him...BUT, just not to my standards. All the washing up is never washed up properly and have food still on it etc. But I am still 'breaking him in' haha. He does get up all hours of the night and help me out of bed when I need to pee lol.

I'm going to use my wheely chair for decorating our bedroom, maybe I need a skate board for doing the skirting boards etc :lol:

Hahaha I so wanna do the skateboard thing although I may break it :/ haha.
Morning ladies

how are you all? Hope you had a good night's sleep.I managed a few hours but kept waking up trying to get comfy :-(

Got my first physio appointment today at 9am. Not looking forward to it, aching as it is and have a feeling she'll be pulling me about :-(

Best get ready to go xxxx
Morning, not too bad pain wise yet but still in bed made up with stinking horrible cold :(

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Ah, a cold, not what you need whilst pregnant! Hopefully it'll just be a sniffle and not a full blown cold. x x

Well had appointment. And in all honesty it weren't too bad. She didn't pull me about like i thought she would, and there was no exercises involved so didn't feel like a performing monkey either, bonus! All she did was check my hips were aligned and talked!

She went through what SPD was, why it happens and what i can expect. We spoke about work, household chores and days out etc and how best to cope. Basically told me due to my nature of work i should remain signed off if i can, if not no squatting, being on feet long periods of time etc etc.

She explained that although painful now if i'm really careful and don't over do things then i may find it stays how it is and won't get worse, however if i over do things even just a little i will feel worse and it will take longer to recover.

She told me if i do find it gets worse i may end up having a section, as getting into a comfortable position to labour in my be too much for me. But she did say that it usually clears up with 6 weeks of giving birth, and most notice an improvement with in days.

She told me i could use aids such as support bands but advised against this. Her reason being, the bands provide to much support which tricks us into over doing things as we feel 'ok' then when the band/belt comes off you feel 10 times worse. She advise to 'listen' to my body, rather than mask it. If i begin to feel pain stop and rest, it's my bodys way of telling me i've done to much :/ However she said if i'm doing to be out the house for most the day she said to use normal support knickers, there cheaper and do the same thing. But to be prepared to ache like nobodies business the next day!

She has however given me crutches to use on bad days. Just taking the weight of the hips slightly can help ease the discomfort apparently.

Other than that she said there isn't much anyone can do, and so has discharged me. I won't need to see her again, unless the pain doesn't go away within the 6 weeks after the birth.

x x x
Your physio appointment sounded really positive Emma!

Just wondered how everyone's coping with the hip pain in bed? My spd seems to have become a lot worse the last week. For ages I've been swapping sides in the night to help with the pain but lately I'm just in constant agony even when I turn over onto a fresh side?

The pain is like a burning sensation in my hips, then when I get up I can barely stand.

Just wondered if you had any tips? Is there anything you can slip under the hips to help? I'm already using a full body pillow xx
I did ask this today and she said a pillow between the knees and squeezing it as you turn can help. It works by pulling the ligaments in which helps support the hips etc and so in theory should ease the pain.

Oh and also she said if you get that feeling in pubic area like you've been kicked between the legs, she said an ice cube can help! Sit on the toilet, rub it around pubic bone area. Lol Haha. Funny thing is this happened not to long ago for me. I was in bed which burning pubic bone pain and couldn't get comfy so ended up sleeping with a cold flannel on my bits! And it did help :D

x x x
bewdleygirl You could try a COLD hot water bottle on hips whilst in bed? Just alternate sides when you turn?

x x x
Thanks hun, there's some good tips there :)

The ice cube down there sounds cold! :shock: think I might try a cold flannel to start with, lol! xx
I never thought of a cold pack on the hips, thanks, I'll give it a go tonight xx
No worries hun :D Hope it helps x x

Haha can pick our OH's faces now at our shocking mountain of sleeping aids! Lol x x x

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