SPD sufferers support thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Seems to be a few of us struggling with SPD ATM so thought maybe a thread we can all moan and give advice to eachother would be good!

I was diagnosed with si joint dysfunction and SPD at 9weeks! It has got worse and worse! Am mow on crutches and under the physios!

He he well done you!!!!! Just for anyone who doesn't know me I have suffered from Psoriatic Arthritis since 2007 and have had SPD diagnosis 1 week ago after constant pain for weeks. I am currently waiting for physio etc and am going back to see my arthritis consultant to look and pain relief for the arthritis and SPD in four weeks.
500mg paracetomol x 2 3 times a day and 15mg codiene 4 times a day. My doc said I can't have anything else cos I am pregnant yet I have spoken to others and they said their docs have given them more. I was on more than that before being pregnant to control the arthritis pain so to go down to the bare minimum has left me in pain every minute of the day and night. I keep trying to push through the pain but it makes me feel so sick sometimes I have to give in incase I start throwing up which I have done. It was totally agony. What do you take?
I am taking 15/500mg co codamol 4 times a day!
Doc won't prescribe more and to be honest it doesn't do much :-(

It really doesn't but I have spoken to people who have been allowed pethidine jabs when it was bad, morphine type meds and loads more. Thats why I am going to my consultant he knows more than the doc and physio is linked to the clinic and I am going to push for tens machines and everything I can get as I need stuff for the SPD but my back is awful at the moment with the arthritis. So glad I have my OH and my son. Cos Dylans 13 he understands what is going on and I can moan constantly about him (and I do!) but my OH does loads for me. xxxxxxx
Glad ur family are helpful. It's only me and OH and I don't think he really gets it! :-(

I don't think they get it either but they try to help anyways. Bless them. I'm my own worst enemy though cos I have got so used to living with pain due to the arthritis that I just push through it and try to carry on which ends up ultimately making me so much worse!!! But being on my own for such a long time before I met the OH I am so used to having to carry on as I had Dylan to look after so had no choice. Its so hard for others to understand unless you live with pain. It makes you tired, grumpy, snappy and so depressed. xxxxxxxx
i have my first physio appt next week - its absolute agony but im a bit of a martar and have refused pain relief so far but think im gonna have to start soon as i physically cant walk sometimes and getting out of bed or up from sitting is a killer.
i feel like ive been kicked in my lady bits by 1000 camels too it feels like something is gonna snap.

does anyone have tips for sleeping ive tried alsorts including pillow between legs but that makes it feel worse.

Good description of being kicked in the bits!!!!! Well done for getting this far without meds but maybe nows the time to give in. I brought a body pillow which goes the full length of my body it keeps me from rolling over. But that helps so can't over any other advice. MrsMc is the guru of this so she may be able to give you more advice. xx
Hi ladies.

I have sacro-iliac joint pain which is part of the SPD family! Started at about 8 weeks and I've been in agony ever since on the right side only. I've been taking paracetamol and 15mg of codeine 4 times a day but it doesn't do much to relieve the pain.

I have been off work for six weeks now and I'm so bored! It's hard because I get tempted to do things around the house but if simple stuff like putting washing out or hoovering is really painful and I end up being laid up for a couple days after. I can slowly walk short distances and can still drive but it's uncomfortable getting in and out of the car.

I saw the physio yesterday who gave me some stomach and pelvic floor exercises. She also said my hip was out of line so she tried to manipulate it into place, this was so painful and she couldn't get it all back so I have to go back next week and have it done again. If it goes back inline my physio thinks it may ease the pain but it won't go away.

I feel for all you ladies xxx
i suffer from sij dysfunction aswell. and its absolute agony. but havent taken anything for it. paracetmol does nothing to me and allergic to codiene and any codiene by products. been going physio since early preg as i suffered from chronic back pain before and was told its gonna get worse. and whey werent wrong there. im in absolute agony as soon as i attempt to get out of bed or stand up, then its painful walking for a while. im waiting for a sij maternity belt but mw said she doesnt know how to do it so is referring me to another hospital not happy.

cazzylou about the sleeping, have you tried sleeping with another duvet under you so you're sleeping in a sitting position? thats the only way i can sleep and its a lot more comfy turning around. ive got a body pillow but thats not doing much :-( xx
Hi Ladies onlyjust seen this thread what a good idea !!! I have suffered with sij dysfunction and SPd in all 3 of my pregnancies and this time is by far the worst !! been signed off since i was 25 weeks and thought i would b going mental by now but surprisingly not !!!think it helps i was moved post whilst preg and wasnt enjoying the role i was in !!) i dont take pain killers as most i have been prescrided is paracetamol !!!! been doing my rock the baby and pelvic floor exercises since i found out i was preganant, a wear a support belt which i had from physio although its not doing much to help at the min !!. literially all i do round the house is washing and ironing !! I cant hoover or push trollies etc and should really b on crutches but with a 4 and 2 yr old that just doesnt work !!!

On the plus side am being induced on 28th due to these problems I know some may say im selfish and should leave lo in there it ready but until u suffer like we do u cant really understand.

hope u girls continue to get the help from physio and if can get something stroger for the pain even better !!!:hugs::hugs:

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