September - time to consider flu jabs!!!

:hug: thanks girls :) seems kind of ironic now that i'm battling with my docs surgery to try and get it done :roll:
Hopefully most people's surgeries are more on the ball than mine xx
:hug: thanks girls :) seems kind of ironic now that i'm battling with my docs surgery to try and get it done :roll:
Hopefully most people's surgeries are more on the ball than mine xx

That's awful, it's been all over the news the last few days so can't believe your surgery is so lax!

It's my understanding the Gov are not doing the big advertising campaign this year and having each surgery contact the people at risk directly asking them to come in and have the jab.

I hope you get it soon.

Thank you for sharing all of this information with everyone, and especially the personal stuff as well.

I have my 1st appointment next week with the midwife so I will asking then about this jab, I have it normally anyway because of my asthma so shouldn't be a problem.
still no letter today :wall: if it's not here for a couple of days then I'm just going to make an appointment with my own gp and insist he does it there and then rather than waiting for a special surgery appointment. He knows my circumstances so knows why I'd be keen to get it done.
I'm having mine tomorrow cos of this thread so thank you. xxxx
Thanks again for this hun. My local surgery hasnt had their batch in yet but I've been told to ring on Friday when they're expecting it and make an appointment :) thanks for all the info :) xx
Just read this post and I'm so pleased I went for my flu jab on Saturday. When my MIL found out I had it she wasn't impressed. I got a lecture on why am I putting things in my body that I don't
need, do I understand the impact this could have on the baby etc, etc. When I said that flu can be really serious she just said "its nothing I couldn't give you a rememdy for" she is a homopathist (think thats how you spell it!). When she left I felt awful for having the flu jab without finding out what the consequences could be, but reading this post has confirmed that I made the right decision.
Bloody women!
Just bumping this thread due to the time of year and to alert all our mummys-to-be xx
Many thanks for bumping this thread Princess

Also if you have asthma ask about it.

3 years ago I got a form of bird flu and was on Tamiflu for a week after been rushed into hospital on a nebuliser. It made my asthma worse.
Now I have the flu jab every year due to it.
Thanks for this :)
Reminded me of a lady who was on our ward with swine flu, she turned in literally a couple of hours and ended up in ICU for 2 weeks. Was very poorly but luckily pulled through. I honestly thought that she was going to pass away, she was so ill, I think everyone was thinking the same. I was in two minds about the jab, but remembering that lady and reading through this thread I think I will look into getting it done. Everytime I've had the flu I have ended up very ill, if I'd have gone to my GP I probably would have been admitted to hospital each time, as it happens I rode it out at home. Cannot cope with the agony and dizzyness again!! x
I have mine booked for today and my DH had his yesterday (he is asthmatic). I just booked him in because i cant risk him.getting it either

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
had mine, and the WC one was worse, the benefits of both far outweigh the risks IMO, thanks for keeping this thread bumped hun, even with the sad reminders it must have for you xx
I confess to really not wanting to have either.

BUT I spoke to several people (Dysco and Little_angel from PF were very helpful and imformative :lol:) I also spoke to MW, SIL who had her jabs and I did some independant reading... I still wasn't 100% happy about having vaccines whilst preggers but I did have them both done as my "research" concluded the benefits outweighed any reservations I had!


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