September - time to consider flu jabs!!!

Mrs Mc you could ask if there is another way of it being administered, one of the guys at work has an egg alergy but was told he could get the vaccine in another form or have antihistamines with it? If it's not safe for you then don't put yourself at risk hun, just wanted to hi light the risks involved generally x
Thank you so much for this thread it must be so hard for you :hug: the girls and I had swine flu last year luckily it was a mild case but it was still dreadful!
So sorry to hear about your sister I really can't imagine the pain you went thru and still are going thru xxx
I haven't read through all of the responses but thanks hun. I asked the receptionist when booking my 16 week appointment as mw had mentioned and she said that they weren't offering them anymore, but hopefully thats changed now that the season has. I'll ask at my 22 week appointment next week.

Sending you a big hug :hug:

Omg I had no idea about this! Il get mine booked thanx so much for making me aware x
Thanks Princess & Laura, I'm so sorry about your losses. My youngest son is asthmatic and is in and out of hospital, I always make sure he has his flu jab, he also had swine flu jab last year. Think I might ring the surgery up and see if they can tell me when they are starting them, hopefully I will be able to get one! X x x

BevG - I saw that program, it broke my heart, just shows its not worth taking the risk!
When my son was at pre-school, one of the mums there had to go to a funeral of someone her own age (mid-twenties) who was pregnant and had passed away from swine flu, so I'm definitely going to get any jabs going. :eh:
I booked my Flu jab today. I have it end of Sept. x
Been to my docs today about getting the flu jab as they are doing it on 26th Sept and 10th Oct but its invitation only, and they have said that pregnant ladies are not considered an at risk category so are not being invited to have it done, apparently they only offered it last year because of risk of swineflu but this year there isn't a risk so we don't get one. I explained my dad had flu at the moment which he does and I was worried as its obviously going round this area at the mo and she said I'll be fine and don't need one as I'm not in at risk category.
Guess I'll be off to get it done privately if i can!!
That is ridiculous bunnykins!! I hate that some dr's are so ignorant to these viruses it makes me so mad. I was speaking to my midwife about it at my appointment today and our surgery are sending out letters to every pregnant patient inviting them for a jab - so how can two places have such different views on it :wall:
I'd put money on that there are more deaths with swine flue this year than last :( x
I know I was fuming, they totally fobbed me off, esp saying no risk of swineflu which I know is bull as its not exactly gone away!! I'm still getting it just gonna pay for it somewhere, I'm not risking it esp with a new born on its way, my dad has been so ill this week that I dread to think what would have happened to me while this heavily pregnant if I'd caught it off him. I just feel sorry for the other pregnant ladies in my area who may not know the risks of flu and because they aren't offered it they think they will be ok.
They'll know all about it if a lot of their patients come down with the virus as they will have lots of questions to answer :(
Last year, Boots, Tesco and Asda were all offering the vaccination privately and I'm sure they will be this year too - along with loads of other pharmacies x
No problem hun :) I think it was about £8 last year at Asda.
I have seen there that 2 children have been diagnosed in America already this year. Not really relevant to us over in the UK, but it normally follows suit :( x I've just found this nhs link and it specifically mentions pregnant women, I might ring my docs back tomorrow and quote it, prob is they could argue my due date is 24th and the first date they are doing the jabs is 26th so I may not be able to argue my case but hopefully I might change their mind about the other pg ladies in my area?
It's always worth a shot hun, they'd do well to pay attention to the NHS recommendations wouldn't they? x
My midwife gave me a leaflet, here is the info on it:

Why it's important to protect yourself and your baby by getting the flu vaccine:
Each year the flu vaccine protects agains the three most commons strains of flu, which this year includes swine flu. this is why it is important to get the flu vaccine:

While flu is a mild illness for most people, it can be very serious. Experience in the UK and other countries suggests that pregnant women are more likely to develop serious complications as a result of flu compared to women who are not pregnant.

There are also risks of complications for the baby, including miscarriage and premature labour. We particularly saw this with swine flu over the past two years.

The flu vaccine can protect you and your unborn baby from the effects of flu, including swine flu.

is the vaccine safe for my baby?
Yes. The flu vaccine is licensed for use in pregnancy by the European Medicines Agency. Although pregnant women and their carers are naturally cautious about taking vaccines, we now have a lot of evidence that flu vaccines are safe in pregnancy.
The flu vaccine has been regularly used for pregnant women in other countries. Millions of pregnant women have received seasonal flu vaccine in the USA, where its safety has been carefully monitored. This has shown the vaccine to be safe for your baby and for you.

Is there anybody who should not be vaccinated?
Most people with a serious allergy to hens' eggs can now be given a flu vaccine but you need to discuss this or any other serious allergies with your nurse or doctor.
The flu vaccine should not be given to those who have had an anaphylactic reaction to a previous flu vaccine.

Does the vaccine cause any side effects in pregnant women?
Flu vaccinations are very safe, There are n o specific side effects during pregnancy. Pregnant women can suffer the same minor side effects as anyone else. You may get some soreness where the vaccine was injected. Less often, people get a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days after being vaccinated. Other reactions are very rare.

the flu vaccine does not contain live virus and cannot give you flu

How does the vaccine work?
About a week to 10 days after you get the flu vaccine, your body makes antibodies to the vaccine viruses. These antibodies help to protect you against any similar viruses you then come into contact with.

How effective is it?
Flu vaccinations only protect against flu. There are many other viruses around every winter which cause flu-like symptoms, but these are usually not as serious as flu. A small number of people may get flu even if they have been vaccinated, but it is likely to be a milder dose than if they had not been vaccinated.

When is the best time to be vaccinated for flu?
The flu vaccine becomes available in early October. It is best to be vaccinated early so you and your baby are protected. If you become pregnant later in the winter you should get the vaccine as soon as you know you are pregnant.

I received a flu vaccine in the past, do I still need this vaccine?
Yes. If you received a flu vaccine in the past, you still need to get the flu vaccine. Flu protection only lasts for one flu season, so it is important to get vaccinated every year.

How do I get the vaccine?
Simply contact your GP surgery and the receptionist will be able to tell you the arrangements for flu vaccination in your practice.

  • The flu vaccine will help protect you and your baby from the effects of flu, including swife flu.
  • Flu can have serious complications for pregnant women and their babies.
  • The vaccine has been shown to be very safe for use in pregnant women.
  • The flu vaccine will not give you the flu.
Hi, thanks again for this post!

I had my flu jab Saturday and am now on the case with advising all of my pregnant friends/family of the jab too.

I had mine on fri last week....stung quite a bit but I know it's worth getting it done. Princess I was really touched and saddened by what u have been through :-(

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