September - time to consider flu jabs!!!

It's scary to hear how many people haven't been made aware of the facts. I'm tempted to post something on FB to warn everyone else too, just thinking on how to word it :think: obvs I don't really want to go into details like I have on here x
this threads heartbreaking but well done girls for highlighting such an important topic! hopf people take note! :hug: xxxx
Thank you so much ladies for sharing your stories.

I had my jab when I was around the 12 week stage. I did have a terrible migraine for about 2 days afterwards (and I have no idea whether it was linked to the jab or not) but I would still advise everyone to get it.

How long does it last i.e. should we get yearly jabs?
Thanks so much for starting this hun, very brave and considerate of you. I honestly didnt even think of it and I have customers walking in and out of the store all bloody day coughing and spluttering everywhere - its sick. I've got an appointment with my doc this afternoon to get my iron tablets so I'll be sure to ask about it. I know you probably get this all the time but I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss sweetie and thanks so much for posting this xxx

I got mine last year because I work with vulnerable adults but will definitely get it this year too. x
This is such an important thread, and so considerate and brave of Princess and Laura_c to share their heartbreaking stories.
I had my jab last December when I was about 14 weeks pregnant. 2 weeks later OH caught the flu and spent all of Christmas and New Year in bed. I didn't so much as sneeze and I put it down to me having the jab. Whilst OH didn't have swine flu, he was pretty ill for a week or so.
No one offered me the jab when I was pregnant- I had to ask for it. When I asked my MW for it she told me how to go about getting it and I was jabbed fairly quickly! Due to the seriousness of the consequences for anyone contracting the seasonal flu or swine flu surely all MW's should offer this as a matter of course.
If I hadn't been a member of this forum, I would never have known that I could have the jab, it would never have been offered to me and I probably would have caught the flu my OH had and god knows what consequences that may have had on me and my baby. xx
Thank you so much for this thread. I had no idea we were meant to have this jab and it hadn't been mentioned by any of the health proffessionals I see on a fortnightly basis.

Booked appt to see my GP last Friday and she said that although pregnant women are supposed to have it our surgery does not send out recommendation letters to them, just to the other at risk groups. We have to ask for it ourselves.

I'm now booked to have mine on 1st October.

Again, I thank you for bringing this important piece of information to our attention.

I've just booked mine for 27th Sept. The receptionist said that it's just the "normal" flu jab that they're giving out, she said that they don't do ones for swine flu etc. Is this correct??? She said it's an overall jab? xxx
I havent been told anything by either my doctor or midwife :? and for that reason it hadnt even crossed my mind but definitely going to get myself booked in!
I was told specifically that it was two separate jabs. One for swine flu and one for general flu.

I rang my surgery on 31/08 and asked when the flu jabs would be available. They said ring back in the September. I pointed out that Sept started the next day. They then said end of Sept. Grrrrrrrr just irritated me because they couldn't have cared less. I shall be chasing this up again.
I was told specifically that it was two separate jabs. One for swine flu and one for general flu.

I rang my surgery on 31/08 and asked when the flu jabs would be available. They said ring back in the September. I pointed out that Sept started the next day. They then said end of Sept. Grrrrrrrr just irritated me because they couldn't have cared less. I shall be chasing this up again.

This is what i thought but she said that there's only one type that they do now. I will check with my midwife i think!
My doctors today had signs everywhere so I just asked the receptionist

Thank you for keeping this thread going girls. Now we are into September it really is time to consider getting this done. The seasonal flu jab is amended every year to cover the new strains being produced and so as far as I am aware the seasonal flu jab should be fine for covering all bases but your docs should be able to advise you better on the subject.
As the virus mutates each year, it is important to get it done each year when the flu season starts x
Thanks for posting and sharing Princess and Laura C - terrible virus - get down the docs ladies and protect your bumpage and yourselves
My surgery are doing a mass clinic on the 30th September, so will have mine then, but am amazed that they aren't advertising it. I had to ring up and ask!

When I had my MMC in January one of the questions I was asked was about Swine flu or flu. I did have suspected Swine flu in December when I must have been 3/4 weeks pregnant (wasn't aware I was at this stage). The Consultant believed this was a contributary factor for the increase in MC/MMC they had seen.
:hug: caz well it could possibly be the case, I guess no one really knows do they - without more tests etc.
Prevention is always better than a cure so I really hope the government pull their finger out and start advertising something soon. x
I'm having mine cos of working with older people my Dad's leukaemia has highlighted to us all about being protected properly xxxxxxxx

so sorry for your loss hun xxxxxxxxx
Great thread I am worried cos I can't have the jab I have a poultry allergy which I have been told prevents me from having it! Gonna make sure I have vit c and gonna ask if I can take echinacea I know it isn't the same as having the jab but I don't know what else I can do


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