~***September Mummies***~

I'm getting so uncomfortable now.... mini mac is big and theres no room left... very jealous of Eli having her bubba already she was due day before me...
I'm not sleeping as I can't get comfy. .. no matter what side I lie on bubbas arms and legs push on me and its painful. ... :(

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Yep I feel the same too Seonaid. I'm really trying to enjoy these last few days (hopefully not weeks!) of being pregnant but it is hard when it starts to get so uncomfortable and affects sleeping etc. it doesn't help that so many people seem to be going early lately, I thought I would with it being my second and DS was virtually on time but its looking less and less likely! Xxx
You still have time ammdaz, half you sept mummies could be popped before I am! Scary!
Happy 1st September ladies! Right, come on babies!! Xxx
Yes happy September ladies! !

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I can't believe it's our month already! At the start I thought this would never come round. That first 12 weeks seemed to take forever! I'm still not sure I'm totally prepared for an early baby, but I don't want to go over too much. The day after my due date is my first wedding anniversary, so not that day please baby :)

It's getting uncomfortable now, my whole tummy hurts when baby moves. I'm sick of waking every 2 hours for a wee, and I can't wait to see the back of this heartburn and cough caused by it.

I plan on a bit of cleaning today. Hubby at work til 4pm. Nothing too exciting.

Anybody getting any signs. I've had nothing :( midwife on Tuesday so hopefully she'll tell me I'm fully engaged.

Have a lovely weekend ladies :)
Yay September finally. Good luck ladies :-)

Since yesterday morning i been getting that dull ache in my thighs and back that i get with a period and last night pains in my tummy woke me up but that's about it.

Not got much planned today. might help oh in garden if he tells me what to do lol and i can sit down. Making a lamb dinner... yummy.

Have a good day ladies xx
So I'm officially no longer an interloper on this thread I WILL be a September mummy. (surely)
So I'm officially no longer an interloper on this thread I WILL be a September mummy. (surely)

Surely! You'd better say Hello on the October thread just in case :) x

Mmm Lamb dinner. Hubby doesn't like lamb, so I'm doing pork.
It's September!

I feel like I can accept all and any signs now. I'm due on Wednesday but I'm not holding my breath. Mustn't get my hopes up. We went for a meal last night and I had to leave early as I was so uncomfortable :(

Happy due date month everyone :) and Umbongo it'll be your labour thread soon, I'm sure of it. Might be joining you in the overdue club on Thursday but I doubt you'll still be in it :) xx
At least squiggle will be the eldest in the year not the youngest. I always said I didn't mind but really I much prefer it.

We're doing roast chicken. Nomnomnom!

Meanwhile, I have super bad sciatica the last two days...Wtf?!
How exciting! And our little ones will be the oldest in year! Don't worry bex I am sure it will be soon, it will all come at once and shock you. I would bet you will be the next mummy I keep checking for your labour thread. It dawned on me yesterday if they let me go to 41+4 I could have an October baby! Maybe I had better say hi just in case!! Xxx
Can Not believe it's September! Bring it on Girlies!!
OH woke up this morning with a text from his Mum saying he's going to be a Daddy this month, I think it all dawned on him at once as he's suddenly asking if we have all we need - Bless!
I've had dull period pains for 3 days now, got really bad whilst out and about yesterday, felt sicky and really tired too, so came home and had a nice lay down. But when I woke up all was gone - I felt great! Yay for feeling good, boo that it didn't go further.
Feeling Good today too, got loads of little jobs done already, now for a nice bath with Radox Muscle Soak (It's got Clary Sage in it ladies but smells nicer!) then it's Lamb for us too!
Bex, hope you're not suffering too much, you will be next I just know it! xxx
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I'm beyond excited to see who goes next.
I just ignore my niggles now, had awful pains in my back last night and period pain, much more intense than before but all gone again now. I'm just gonna let her do her thing and come when she wants.
The "any signs" messages are already annoying me tho, I've not even passed my due date yet x
I logged off fb and told people not to text, so bloody glad as I'd have punched someone by now!!! :-)
I'm getting a lot of "any signs" messages now too! I've told Jim if anyone asks him that he's to always say no because if he says anything different he'll just get more bombarded.

Got woken up with period pains and lower back ache today, but since our walk around town they've gone. My first "sign"!! My discharge has changed slightly too - I've been getting bits of plug for weeks and weeks anyway, but the discharge itself has darkened a little today. I doubt it means a thing though!

I've been told by so many people not to have baby this week that its either gonna be awkward and come this week or its gonna make me wonder all week "is this anything...?" Haha.

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