@Jac2019 - it’s definitely left over hcg?
The bottom test looks darker than the top. Which is the most recent? Xx
@Jac2019 - it’s definitely left over hcg?
The bottom test looks darker than the top. Which is the most recent? Xx
The bottom one is this morning. :( I thought it was nearly away but had it in system when dtd so heard can't ovulate then. Xx
Hmmm @Jac2019 - that is really confusing.
The top one is alot lighter and the one this morning is darker.... surely it would be getting lighter as the days go on, not darker? xx
Hmmm @Jac2019 - that is really confusing.
The top one is alot lighter and the one this morning is darker.... surely it would be getting lighter as the days go on, not darker? xx
I know they were for weeks. Maybe just last wee bit still of previous pregnancy still In me though they did say complete miscarriage. I hate not being in control of cycles and body. I expected it to be totally away and hopefully ovulate or AF.. Thank you Char do feel better not only one confused. :( xx
Ok I’m 10 dpo and got this one this morning after a 45 min hold (I had peed this morning before I took my daughter to school not thinking)

E382E156-DE36-4FD3-AA48-89E3E3962EEF.jpeg 5F4D968C-6547-4368-9C25-990A0272F200.jpeg
I can see it on the dark photo more clearly, but can also see it in the first one too
Ok here’s 2 more. I’m out of tests so just going to wait until AF is due and thats it :) one is a FRER and the other is a dollar store brand.

C2C06EAE-86D8-4BAF-B99A-ED5D971A2446.jpeg 0278B4B3-F31F-48E7-8A24-C4A537F52AA5.jpeg
Can’t see anything on the FRER but I see it on the cheapie. Good luck. I hope AF doesn’t arrive x
Can’t see anything on the FRER but I see it on the cheapie. Good luck. I hope AF doesn’t arrive x

It’s odd that the two different brand cheapies are picking it up but barely the first response. It’s definitely more noticeable in person
I can def see the line on the cheapies but can’t see it on frer. Fingers crossed this is your bfp xxx
How are we all ladies?
Any symptoms from those left to test?

I am feeling so impatient! I was 100% convinced that AF was on her way last night and this morning just due to the cramps I was feeling. I have also been super emotional. But today I have started having super sore boobs, and also the back of my arms are sore? Also my cramps have subsided. :? Fingers are still crossed that this month is the month!
Oh my goodness.
Just yesterday my boobs are so sore, my daughter was laying on them last night as they are her cushions but it was hurting so much, I was so tired yesterday I spelt through my step son waking up in the night and I'm normally the one waking up my OH to see to him and I'm still tired now.
I've been grumpy too, weeing more and backache. I've also had cramps and not been for a number 2 for a few days when I'm normally quite regular. Oh and my whole body aches.

But I know these are all PMS symptoms too so trying not to look too much into it. I don't know weather it's cause I've been pregnant twice before, I just feel different.
I’m wondering if I’m having a chemical? I’m 11 dpo and I don’t feel like the line isn’t getting much darker or very minimal each day. Do you ladies think it’s because it still early or because it could be a chemical? Here’s my latest test from this morning

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