***September 2018 Testing Thread***

I had bleeding at about 5 weeks with my first but not bright red - more pinky red CM. Enough to fill a panty liner each day for 2 days but not enough to make me worry as Dr Google said very light bloodied discharge was usually ok.

I think all you can do is see how it goes over the next few days. There are lots of reasons for bleeding and, even red bleeding, needn’t always be a sign the pregnancy will end. Good luck and keep soldiering on. I like the distraction of work if I’m worrying over something so throw yourself into it and see what time will bring.
Thank you once again ladies. I really appreciate all of your comments. It’s really comforting at a time like this xxx
So sorry to hear about the bleeding SJF... But it might just be random bleeding. I hope you soon get some answers soon. When I had a MC the bleeding was really heavy. If it's just a wipe, it might still just be positive.
Loads of hugs hun xx :hugs:
Im so terribly sorry, not just that you&#8217;ve experienced the bleed but that they&#8217;re making you wait until next week to know what&#8217;s going on. I had bleeding in both my pregnancies and they were okay. I know you&#8217;ve had a bad experience but there really is a chance that all is ok. Thinking of you <3

Sorry if this is TMI but how much bleeding?

I&#8217;m still bleeding but there&#8217;s hardly anything on my pad but when I wipe there is quite a lot of stark red blood. Sorry to be so negative and down about this but it feels just like last cycle.

My OH has said we should try to be positive and think that at least we can get pregnant and we know that we must be super fertile. The problem is either with me and my stupid womb or just a random coincidence that we have had such bad luck. EPU want me to wait until Sunday to test but I think I&#8217;ll be peeing on that stick every day up until then just to see if my two lines fade away into one...

OH has also said that we should wait to TTC for a bit to let my body recover and get my cycles back to normal before trying again. Not sure how I feel about this. In one sense I think it would do me good to relax and forget but then again, I know how much we want a baby and so it&#8217;s not that easy...

Thanks ladies for all of your support. I don&#8217;t know what I&#8217;d do without you all xx

It was definitely more pinky than bright red but when I spoke to my doctor, they assured me that even if it was bright red blood it may just be normal for me. Of course we&#8217;re all different so it&#8217;s so hard to advise each other accurately but I just don&#8217;t want you to completely count yourself out because of this. I would be peeing on that stick every morning too so no one will judge you for that! I really hope the blood settles and the lines stay strong my for you lovely xxxxxx
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I'm 9DPO if I'm right, which means AF is only supposed to come on the 16th (30 day cycle) but I just went to the loo and had some brown spotting. I've never had a 25 cycle yet so could this be IB??
Im so terribly sorry, not just that you’ve experienced the bleed but that they’re making you wait until next week to know what’s going on. I had bleeding in both my pregnancies and they were okay. I know you’ve had a bad experience but there really is a chance that all is ok. Thinking of you <3

Sorry if this is TMI but how much bleeding?

I’m still bleeding but there’s hardly anything on my pad but when I wipe there is quite a lot of stark red blood. Sorry to be so negative and down about this but it feels just like last cycle.

My OH has said we should try to be positive and think that at least we can get pregnant and we know that we must be super fertile. The problem is either with me and my stupid womb or just a random coincidence that we have had such bad luck. EPU want me to wait until Sunday to test but I think I’ll be peeing on that stick every day up until then just to see if my two lines fade away into one...

OH has also said that we should wait to TTC for a bit to let my body recover and get my cycles back to normal before trying again. Not sure how I feel about this. In one sense I think it would do me good to relax and forget but then again, I know how much we want a baby and so it’s not that easy...

Thanks ladies for all of your support. I don’t know what I’d do without you all xx

Hope you don't mind me jumping in on the conversation, just thought I'd let you know my experience of bleeding in 2 of my 3 pregnancies (all of which ended well and I have 3 healthy boys). When pregnant with my eldest I started bleeding at 19 weeks, not much blood but what there was was bright red - went to hospital, they did an internal, decided they wanted to keep me in over night to monitor me, they picked up contractions on the monitor (I couldn't feel them) after a worrying couple of night in hospital I was discharged and advised to take it easy, I had a couple of extra midwife appointments but to cut a long story short all went well, no more bleeding, and I carried him to full term (5 days over infact). I had no explanation to the bleeding.
My second pregnancy was problem free and no bleeding.
My 3rd pregnancy was very problematic and I bled off and on throughout the whole pregnancy for different reasons - a bleed next to where baby was (very early on so had lots of early scans to make sure the pregnancy was still going well), bleeding from an erosion on my cervix (many times throughout), bleeding from a tiny part of the placenta dying (this was the one that worried me the most but the doctors weren't too concerned and explained it really well to me - one midwife in hospital described it telling me to imagine the placenta as a giant Sunday lunch will all the trimmings and the tiny bit I had lost was just the Yorkshire pudding meaning there was still an awful lot of Sunday lunch left to provide baby with everything he needed lol!! A funny way to describe it but it reassured me and she was right as my son was totally fine! :) )
I'm probably rambling on a bit but just trying to offer a bit of reassurance and explain what had happened to me.
Bleeding in pregnancy is always very worrying due to the unknown, however doesnt always end badly - my sons are proof of that :)
I don't want to offer false hope in any way, but please try to stay positive and I hope it works out for you . Take care x
I'm 9DPO if I'm right, which means AF is only supposed to come on the 16th (30 day cycle) but I just went to the loo and had some brown spotting. I've never had a 25 cycle yet so could this be IB??

I have brown spotting from between 5 and 8dpo every month till proper AF arrives. One clue I might be pregnant this time was when the spotting started as usual at 6ish dpo but then tailed off again. Not sure it meant anything for me. If it stops soon it could be a good sign or it might just be your body being daft as mine often was!
I'm 9DPO if I'm right, which means AF is only supposed to come on the 16th (30 day cycle) but I just went to the loo and had some brown spotting. I've never had a 25 cycle yet so could this be IB??

I have brown spotting from between 5 and 8dpo every month till proper AF arrives. One clue I might be pregnant this time was when the spotting started as usual at 6ish dpo but then tailed off again. Not sure it meant anything for me. If it stops soon it could be a good sign or it might just be your body being daft as mine often was!

I've never had spotting before so hope this is a good sign! Hope it's not my body playing tricks on me, I would be so disappointed if I suddenly had a 25 day cycle!:shock:
Anybody had/get chin spot(s) just before or during ovulation? I've read this can be common, and interestingly, the side your spot is on is side you will ov from?!

I had a spot come up on left side of chin Sunday evening (first day of my positive OPKs) and yesterday a couple of small ones have come up towards middle of chin. My skin feels quite oily at the moment. X
Ps holding up ok in work at the moment although I keep getting teary... I’m a solicitor and I have court deadlines so I’ve had to come into work. I share an office with another lady so trying to keep myself together so she doesn’t suspect anything. Work is helping to try to keep me distracted but I’ll definitely finish at 4 so I can go home and curl up in a ball on the couch x

I’m so sorry <3
Anybody had/get chin spot(s) just before or during ovulation? I've read this can be common, and interestingly, the side your spot is on is side you will ov from?!

I had a spot come up on left side of chin Sunday evening (first day of my positive OPKs) and yesterday a couple of small ones have come up towards middle of chin. My skin feels quite oily at the moment. X

I have loads of spots at the moment, on my head and my chin. I’m putting mine down to coming off the pill though. Not sure what their relation is to ovulation/pregnancy. All I know is I hate them!!! Lol
Corrr it&#8217;s quiet on here tonight ladies!! Got a question for ya! I&#8217;m 8dpo today and I&#8217;ve been super dizzy the last couple days whenever I stand up. Tonight I have mild full cramps. No bleeding or staining and just normal creamy cm (not much at all) I really don&#8217;t want to symptom spot til I&#8217;m crazy but just wondering if it sounds positive to you? It&#8217;s the fact I&#8217;ve had no spotting or pink stained cm that I&#8217;m thinking I probably haven&#8217;t implanted. But also I know you don&#8217;t haveeee to bleed. Just seems like all the girls on here do. Any analysis on what&#8217;s going on? All theories welcome haha xxx
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OPK lighter tonight, hopefully that means ov has finally happened! X


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Corrr it’s quiet on here tonight ladies!! Got a question for ya! I’m 8dpo today and I’ve been super dizzy the last couple days whenever I stand up. Tonight I have mild full cramps. No bleeding or staining and just normal creamy cm (not much at all) I really don’t want to symptom spot til I’m crazy but just wondering if it sounds positive to you? It’s the fact I’ve had no spotting or pink stained cm that I’m thinking I probably haven’t implanted. But also I know you don’t haveeee to bleed. Just seems like all the girls on here do. Any analysis on what’s going on? All theories welcome haha xxx

It does sound good but then I often wonder how acutely aware we are about each and ever twinge when ttc. I’m deliberately trying to ignore it this month! X
Yeah I get that but this cycle I haven&#8217;t really had any symptoms and I&#8217;ve been a little more chilled but the dizziness is so bad I have to stop in my tracks sometimes to re group! So it just feels like it can&#8217;t be in my head... 1 week to go! Lol x
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Corrr it’s quiet on here tonight ladies!! Got a question for ya! I’m 8dpo today and I’ve been super dizzy the last couple days whenever I stand up. Tonight I have mild full cramps. No bleeding or staining and just normal creamy cm (not much at all) I really don’t want to symptom spot til I’m crazy but just wondering if it sounds positive to you? It’s the fact I’ve had no spotting or pink stained cm that I’m thinking I probably haven’t implanted. But also I know you don’t haveeee to bleed. Just seems like all the girls on here do. Any analysis on what’s going on? All theories welcome haha xxx

Dry as a bone this end. Not even a speckle of blood....fx :dust:
There is hope!!! This next week is gonna drag even more than the last haha
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Yeah I get that but this cycle I haven’t really had any symptoms and I’ve been a little more chilled but the dizziness is so bad I have to stop in my tracks sometimes to re group! So it just feels like it can’t be in my head... 1 week to go! Lol x

I got bouts of dizziness a few days during this 2ww! I remember walking to the buffet at a restaurant and I got so dizzy, I just had to stand still for a few seconds.
I had told my OH and he jokily said, maybe you're pregnant already, but I was about 3 or 4dpo.

I just had some brown spotting at 9dpo! Who knows it might be IB!
Hopefully you will get it too hun!xx

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