***September 2018 Testing Thread***

So I've been awake since 1:30am and have an exam at 10:00 for two hours. What possibly could go wrong?! Ffs

What kind of exam?

Good morning girls, 10 DPO and very high temperature (for me) after a drop yesterday ....other than that no other sign that could make me think I could be pregnant but just feeling AF will be here soon.
Going to have another 12 hours shift so I will not be present much today either. Big :hug: to the ones that got AF and a lots of :dust: to the ones are going to test today!!! :kiss:
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For a module in my Paramedic degree. It's about ethics. Interesting but not on 3.5hrs sleep, lol.

If I had a 12hr shift like you do today I may die (cue melodrama)
For a module in my Paramedic degree. It's about ethics. Interesting but not on 3.5hrs sleep, lol.

If I had a 12hr shift like you do today I may die (cue melodrama)

Oh, one of my colleagues took a paramedic degree last year and now she is working on ambulance.
I been volunteering on ambulance years ago in Italy :thumbup:
Good luck then! Maybe have the exam and go back home to sleep :nap:
Another positive OPK this morning (CD18), HPT test a BFN. It's been 48 hours that I've had these no question of a doubt positive OPKs, never had them lasting no where near this long before. Really don't know what to think other than my body is struggling and might not ov! Still in quite a bit of pain which I'm getting both sides and middle. X


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For a module in my Paramedic degree. It's about ethics. Interesting but not on 3.5hrs sleep, lol.

If I had a 12hr shift like you do today I may die (cue melodrama)

Oh, one of my colleagues took a paramedic degree last year and now she is working on ambulance.
I been volunteering on ambulance years ago in Italy :thumbup:
Good luck then! Maybe have the exam and go back home to sleep :nap:

That's cool! I'm already a technician so working to get up to Paramedic this year as I already do most of the job just topping up extra skills. Only a few months left and I'll be done.

I think a nap is definitely in order when I get home this afternoon. I'm that tired I can't even be bothered to poas although I've not got a frer anyway and I've got a feeling it's not happened this month in spite of doing it all right. Time will tell though, will get a frer for a few days time
Symptom spotters I hav one for you! Only just realised it but since 10dpo my nips have been permanent coat hangers. Usually they are a ‘come out in cold weather only’ sort of pair but for a few days they’ve been standing to attention as if a Sargent major is in the room.

Only since last night have they become tender and sensitive though. Now 14dpo.
I'm out look like AF is here now just to wait and see if I get full flow and the killer cramps

Oh no vintage - so sorry hun!!

OPK is defo positive tonight still, darker than this afternoons. Going to do a HPT in the morning just to rule out BFP, which I'm certain is not going to happen. X

Another positive OPK this morning (CD18), HPT test a BFN. It's been 48 hours that I've had these no question of a doubt positive OPKs, never had them lasting no where near this long before. Really don't know what to think other than my body is struggling and might not ov! Still in quite a bit of pain which I'm getting both sides and middle. X

Emma you must be climbing the walls this cycle hun. How crazy that your getting lots of positives. You have :bd: allot though so hopefully you have covered yourself hun xx
I feel numb... I am lost, I’m upset and I’m sad along with every other emotion I could be feeling right now. Got up this morning and went to the toilet and there was blood... just like my MC last time except when I woke up I didn’t feel ‘wet’... why is this happening to me? I don’t understand it :-( two MC in a row... I’m going to phone my EPU when it opens so I can get bloods done to confirm it but I already know, I just want it on my record. From what I understand from last time they won’t do any invesstigations until you have 3 MC but I’m still going to keep my GP appt for Thursday to discuss this with him. I need some answers but I doubt I’ll get any. It’s just not fair... I’m super busy at work after being off for 2 days so I’m going to have to go into work today too... I have flexi time so going to do a short day I think. I say I think, at the moment I can’t hink about anything other than this 2nd MC... I’m broken
That’s so rubbish. I hope it turns out to be nothing, just a blip. I can understand how you can’t help thinking about it all day long - perhaps work might help the time pass faster. Thinking of you.
That’s so rubbish. I hope it turns out to be nothing, just a blip. I can understand how you can’t help thinking about it all day long - perhaps work might help the time pass faster. Thinking of you.

Thanks Hun x
I feel numb... I am lost, I’m upset and I’m sad along with every other emotion I could be feeling right now. Got up this morning and went to the toilet and there was blood... just like my MC last time except when I woke up I didn’t feel ‘wet’... why is this happening to me? I don’t understand it :-( two MC in a row... I’m going to phone my EPU when it opens so I can get bloods done to confirm it but I already know, I just want it on my record. From what I understand from last time they won’t do any invesstigations until you have 3 MC but I’m still going to keep my GP appt for Thursday to discuss this with him. I need some answers but I doubt I’ll get any. It’s just not fair... I’m super busy at work after being off for 2 days so I’m going to have to go into work today too... I have flexi time so going to do a short day I think. I say I think, at the moment I can’t hink about anything other than this 2nd MC... I’m broken

Just replied to this on your journal but didn’t want to not reply on here.
I am heartbroken for you darling but I really hope it’s nothing and the blood goes away. I have read so many threads that women bleed and baby isn’t fine. Please keep us updated once you speak to the EPU and throughout the day. Do a short day and get home hunnie. I am here if you need me <3 sending you a massive hug xxx
I feel numb... I am lost, I’m upset and I’m sad along with every other emotion I could be feeling right now. Got up this morning and went to the toilet and there was blood... just like my MC last time except when I woke up I didn’t feel ‘wet’... why is this happening to me? I don’t understand it :-( two MC in a row... I’m going to phone my EPU when it opens so I can get bloods done to confirm it but I already know, I just want it on my record. From what I understand from last time they won’t do any invesstigations until you have 3 MC but I’m still going to keep my GP appt for Thursday to discuss this with him. I need some answers but I doubt I’ll get any. It’s just not fair... I’m super busy at work after being off for 2 days so I’m going to have to go into work today too... I have flexi time so going to do a short day I think. I say I think, at the moment I can’t hink about anything other than this 2nd MC... I’m broken

oh no, I am so sorry to hear this, I had one MC 3-4 months ago and can't imagine having to go through it again. How many weeks were you? I had MC when I was just over 5 weeks and they said that the piece was too small to find out why it happened. if any consolation my sister in law had 3 miscarriages before having a daughter who is now 6. But I am sure it doesn't really help to hear this when you are just going through this difficult time. How long did it take you to get pregnant after your first MC?
I feel numb... I am lost, I’m upset and I’m sad along with every other emotion I could be feeling right now. Got up this morning and went to the toilet and there was blood... just like my MC last time except when I woke up I didn’t feel ‘wet’... why is this happening to me? I don’t understand it :-( two MC in a row... I’m going to phone my EPU when it opens so I can get bloods done to confirm it but I already know, I just want it on my record. From what I understand from last time they won’t do any invesstigations until you have 3 MC but I’m still going to keep my GP appt for Thursday to discuss this with him. I need some answers but I doubt I’ll get any. It’s just not fair... I’m super busy at work after being off for 2 days so I’m going to have to go into work today too... I have flexi time so going to do a short day I think. I say I think, at the moment I can’t hink about anything other than this 2nd MC... I’m broken

hey just saw , you managed to conceive very shortly after your first MC, this shows that you are very fertile. It took us 11 cycles to conceive than have a MC and nothing since than and it's been 4 months. I am praying that you can get pregnant again and stay pregnant this time.
Thanks ladies. I phoned EPU but they said because I&#8217;m only 4 weeks and 5 days they said to wait it out and theyve booked me for a scan a week today. They&#8217;ve told me to wait until sunday, take another pregnancy test and see what it says. If it&#8217;s negative I need to phone them up and then they&#8217;ll decide whether to also test me and whether to do the scan. If it&#8217;s still positive then they will scan me in any event.

I really hope it is just a bit of harmless bleeding but I just know what it was like last time and it&#8217;s very similar... got little hope it&#8217;s anything but another MC...

Yes Maximum, this was my first cycle after our last MC so I was shocked I got pregnant again straight away. Oh asked if I was def sure I was pregnant but I took at least 7 days, including 1 digi so I know it isn&#8217;t all in my head... x
Thanks ladies. I phoned EPU but they said because I’m only 4 weeks and 5 days they said to wait it out and theyve booked me for a scan a week today. They’ve told me to wait until sunday, take another pregnancy test and see what it says. If it’s negative I need to phone them up and then they’ll decide whether to also test me and whether to do the scan. If it’s still positive then they will scan me in any event.

I really hope it is just a bit of harmless bleeding but I just know what it was like last time and it’s very similar... got little hope it’s anything but another MC...

Yes Maximum, this was my first cycle after our last MC so I was shocked I got pregnant again straight away. Oh asked if I was def sure I was pregnant but I took at least 7 days, including 1 digi so I know it isn’t all in my head... x

Sending you massive hugs hunnie and i am hear if you need a chat <3 you know that!!
Keep us updated throughout the day on the bleeding xxx
Thanks ladies. I phoned EPU but they said because I’m only 4 weeks and 5 days they said to wait it out and theyve booked me for a scan a week today. They’ve told me to wait until sunday, take another pregnancy test and see what it says. If it’s negative I need to phone them up and then they’ll decide whether to also test me and whether to do the scan. If it’s still positive then they will scan me in any event.

I really hope it is just a bit of harmless bleeding but I just know what it was like last time and it’s very similar... got little hope it’s anything but another MC...

Yes Maximum, this was my first cycle after our last MC so I was shocked I got pregnant again straight away. Oh asked if I was def sure I was pregnant but I took at least 7 days, including 1 digi so I know it isn’t all in my head... x

I'm so sorry SJF but I hope it's not what you think, I've heard of several women who've had bleeds throughout their pregnancy and the baby has been fine. Got everything crossed for you!
I'm so sorry SJF but I hope it's not what you think, I've heard of several women who've had bleeds throughout their pregnancy and the baby has been fine. Got everything crossed for you!

I have heard this too Hendy, really hope this is the case for Sjf!
This world can be so cruel :( xx
:hug: sjf , as the other ladies have said, really hope this is just normal pregnancy bleeding that some women get. X
Oh no :( I’m so so sorry Sjf0709 :hugs:

See how you get on at work but if you need to leave then do, doesn’t matter how busy you are.
So sorry Sjf, i really hope it just a harmless bleed. Lots of ladies have them around the time AF would have been due, and some are so heavy they are mistaken for AF. Hopefully, this is the case for you. Try and rest as much as you can, hear if you need to talk xxx

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