***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Next testers are Coffee77 and claire2602 of Claire hasn't tested already finger crossed ladies :dust:
Wow, after being offline for a couple of days already 2 bfps!!!
Congrats SJF anr Theosmama!!:bfp:
September is going to be awesome! I can feel it in my ovaries!:lol:
Speaking of mittelschmerz, I just felt it today! How long do you ovulate after?x
When I have those pains it normally means I'm hours from ovulating. I generally have a dull ache when I get my first positive opk. Then by my second positive I get full on pinching/stabbing pains in one ovary. Then by the next day I have a negative opk and the pain has stopped. Xx

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Ok cool, thanks for the info!! I never used to get those pains before I had my daughter. But so it means I ovulated today. I had those pains this morning and we only DTD this evening since we were traveling. Usually the eggy survives for about 24 hours right?
Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER

I knew that they were unreliable but I thought it was simply that they didn’t show anything not false positives. I didn’t realise they did that! Ekkk... definitely not placing too much hope on it then. I’ll try to wait to test again because I haven’t got any FRER. X

I’ve used one steps many a time lol, both when I’ve been pregnant and not pregnant, I find with them you are more likely to get a false negative then a false positive, because they are so cheap they hardly put any dye in them at all takes ages for lines to go from a squinter to an obvious line, tbh when I’ve not been pregnant and used them I got nothing on them, not even an evap, but then I’ve seen others saying they got evaps, yours looked that a true positive to me :) mine was similar at 10dpo and now I’m nearly 8 weeks and just seen my baby on the screen this morning :dance:

Wishing everyone lots of luck and babydust xx
Aw how wonderful you’ve seen your baby today! Congrats!

I’ve been getting stomach cramps this afternoon and I now feel a bit sick. I did yesterday too later on (feel sick). Surely it’s too early to be getting symptoms? I’m worried because when I got pregnant last cycle I felt sick and the next day I miscarried...

It’s reassuring you’ve only had false negatives and not a false positive with one step tests... I’ll keep track of my progression lines (if I get any!) xx

Hun I got first very faint positive yesterday morning on a one step, was just like yours but didn’t want to believe it at first until I took another branded one and got a different/Better line, then I tested at about 3pm with my FR and got that lovely line. Today I tested once again with a one step cheapie and there was little to no progression from yesterday morning, however I then did a digi a few hours ago (as I couldn’t help myself!) and it says ‘1-2 weeks pregnant’ :)

Get yourself some more tests and lets see that stronger line!!!

Congrats babe, bfp buddies! Xx
So I just put all my data into another app and it’s telling me AF isn’t due until Friday.... Ovia is telling me it’s due on Tuesday.... hopefully the new app is correct which will mean it will be far to early to detect a bfp. I’m keeping my FX xx

Ovia has given up on me this cycle and just has question marks until my next fertile window and days until I can test. I think because my cycle has been abnormally long...

I’m keeping everything crossed for you hun! Xx

Ps what is the other app you’ve tried?

It’s called Femometer, got it from someone off here. It’s actually brilliant. You take photos of your opks and it tells you if it’s positive etc. If I haven’t conceived this month I will use this app for my next cycle.
I’m trying to be positive and not even going to tell the OH I did a test today going to wait until Wednesday if I can xx

Oww Char that’s so awful. I’m so sorry!

Onwards and upwards to your next cycle. Enjoy that holiday and have plenty of alcoholic drinks whilst you can!! Xxx
Hun I got first very faint positive yesterday morning on a one step, was just like yours but didn’t want to believe it at first until I took another branded one and got a different/Better line, then I tested at about 3pm with my FR and got that lovely line. Today I tested once again with a one step cheapie and there was little to no progression from yesterday morning, however I then did a digi a few hours ago (as I couldn’t help myself!) and it says ‘1-2 weeks pregnant’ :)

Get yourself some more tests and lets see that stronger line!!!

Congrats babe, bfp buddies! Xx

Thank you Theosmama and congrats to you too! It’s because I had a MC last cycle that I’m so wary and don’t want to celebrate too early. It’s reassuring though that yours was similar to mine and you’ve got other positives today too! I’ve got another branded one, I was going to wait until Tuesday but I can see me ending up trying it tomorrow alongside a one step one too. It’s amazing when you see it in words saying ‘pregnant’ isn’t it? As I’m only officially due on Thursday I’m going to take the CB digi then or maybe whilst I’m away and surprise my hubby with it on our 4th wedding anniversary on Friday...

So made up for you that you’ve got your BFP :-) wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months hun x
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I'm so happy for you ladies and I can't believe we already have 2 :bfp: I'm so looking forward to getting to follow your pregnancy and for more :bfp: to come this.month
Next testers are Coffee77 and claire2602 of Claire hasn't tested already finger crossed ladies :dust:

Can I change to the 7th please? One APP says I should start my period the 3rd another app has me starting the 4th....so I'm gonna wait until the 7th....its my lucky number lol. This way I'm passed both days...
It's my day off today and I've just been catching up, congratulations Theosmama and SJF on your BFPs!! Such a good start to the month!
CD10 and my OPKs are getting darker again, so defo think my positive on CD7 didn't result in ov. I feel ok, no aches and pains, so that's also made me sure ov hasn't happened yet. Hope my positive and ov comes before I go away with work on Friday, or wait until I am back on Sunday! X


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CD10 and my OPKs are getting darker again, so defo think my positive on CD7 didn't result in ov. I feel ok, no aches and pains, so that's also made me sure ov hasn't happened yet. Hope my positive and ov comes before I go away with work on Friday, or wait until I am back on Sunday! X

It is more probably that you will ovulate between day 10 and 14 , so I will take this as your ovulation time tbh x
CD10 and my OPKs are getting darker again, so defo think my positive on CD7 didn't result in ov. I feel ok, no aches and pains, so that's also made me sure ov hasn't happened yet. Hope my positive and ov comes before I go away with work on Friday, or wait until I am back on Sunday! X

It is more probably that you will ovulate between day 10 and 14 , so I will take this as your ovulation time tbh x

Yeah I defo agree, hopefully ov will happen over next couple of days, will keep testing with OPKs x
CD10 and my OPKs are getting darker again, so defo think my positive on CD7 didn't result in ov. I feel ok, no aches and pains, so that's also made me sure ov hasn't happened yet. Hope my positive and ov comes before I go away with work on Friday, or wait until I am back on Sunday! X

It is more probably that you will ovulate between day 10 and 14 , so I will take this as your ovulation time tbh x

Yeah I defo agree, hopefully ov will happen over next couple of days, will keep testing with OPKs x

And keep :bd::ttc:
We can do this chattychar let’s hope that it’s our turn next monthx

We in this together, again Maximus <3

Sorry to hear you got AF chattycharl. Really did sound that you had so many symptoms. Love your positivity though and think you have a holiday soon (hope I’ve got that right!) something to look forward to and relax over all this. Our bodies do trick us and If it helps last month when I was 4 days late I had gone from im defo not this month (I just knew I wasn’t and I was right) to convinced I must be by day 4 of no AF and it must be my hormone just werent built up enough, but when AF arrived in the middle of the afternoon at work - I had to take myself outside and cry. (And ring my husband and cry). X

Mandy such lovely words, thank you for taking the time to write to me. I do go on holiday wednesday so at least i can have a few cocktails with the OH. Yesterday was such a terrible day for me, the tears would not stop coming but today is a new day and i'm feeling more positive.

Oww Char that’s so awful. I’m so sorry!

Onwards and upwards to your next cycle. Enjoy that holiday and have plenty of alcoholic drinks whilst you can!! Xxx

Thank you Theosmama, i will definitely be drinking them cocktails on Wednesday, i feel more positive today :) x
Vintage - Can you put down to test again on the 28th please :) That's the day my next AF will be due.
I am so happy i can still stay in this thread with all you lovely ladies <3 x
Vintage - Can you put down to test again on the 28th please :) That's the day my next AF will be due.
I am so happy i can still stay in this thread with all you lovely ladies <3 x

I am so sorry for your AF, I am all crossed for you for next cycle....and happy you are still on this thread with us <3 :hug:
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I am so sorry for your AF, I am all crossed for you for next cycle....and happy you are still on this thread with us <3 :hug:

Thank you Crumble <3
AF coming 2 days early definitely did me a favour otherwise i would have been pushed to an October testing thread all on my own haha xx
I am so sorry for your AF, I am all crossed for you for next cycle....and happy you are still on this thread with us <3 :hug:

Thank you Crumble <3
AF coming 2 days early definitely did me a favour otherwise i would have been pushed to an October testing thread all on my own haha xx

You know, at least we have each other and this is a happy place for me, I am happy we met and we are having this journey together <3
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Congratulations ladies with the bfp’s!

I don’t know what possessed me last night but I did an opk and it came up blazing positive, but I’m 10dpo? I did a hcg test this morning cuz I read opk’s can pick up pregnancy and that was a bfn! So I did some googling and read that women can have a second lh surge before af so now I’m just as confused as ever! Wish I still knew nothing about ttc and just hoped for the best still sometimes lol, I’ll post a pick of the opk and add it on when I’ve took one

It’s abit bashed up cuz it’s spent the night in the bathroom bin lol


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