***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER

I knew that they were unreliable but I thought it was simply that they didn’t show anything not false positives. I didn’t realise they did that! Ekkk... definitely not placing too much hope on it then. I’ll try to wait to test again because I haven’t got any FRER. X

I’ve used one steps many a time lol, both when I’ve been pregnant and not pregnant, I find with them you are more likely to get a false negative then a false positive, because they are so cheap they hardly put any dye in them at all takes ages for lines to go from a squinter to an obvious line, tbh when I’ve not been pregnant and used them I got nothing on them, not even an evap, but then I’ve seen others saying they got evaps, yours looked that a true positive to me :) mine was similar at 10dpo and now I’m nearly 8 weeks and just seen my baby on the screen this morning :dance:

Wishing everyone lots of luck and babydust xx
Aw no I’m so gutted for you. I really thought it was your lucky cycle as you had so many promising signs. Try your new app alongside your others and keep temping to cover all bases. And hey, think on the bright side, you’ll be able to enjoy alcoholic cocktails on your holiday now :-) xx

I can’t get my head around it because of all the signs. I’m going to start on the opks again as soon as AF leaves.
I just got home from my mums and burst into tears to Daniel (my OH) i know I’m being so silly because some of you ladies have been trying for a lot longer than me but I was adamant it was my lucky cycle.
The only good thing about AF arriving so soon is that I can still be part of this thread as I will be testing again at the end of the month. Xx
Oh Char I don't know what to say! You're a little positive ray of sunshine! Always so upbeat. Please don't stay feeling down. It's flown by when I think back to my period 2 weeks ago... it's horrible and heart breaking but it's just a speed bump and next month really will be the one <3 massive hugs to you... just try and relax and as soon as this af has gone you will be back to feeling excited again! It won't be long sweetie :hug: we need your positive vibe!!

You can end September's thread with a :bfp:
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Oh Char I don't know what to say! You're a little positive ray of sunshine! Always so upbeat. Please don't stay feeling down. It's flown by when I think back to my period 2 weeks ago... it's horrible and heart breaking but it's just a speed bump and next month really will be the one <3 massive hugs to you... just try and relax and as soon as this af has gone you will be back to feeling excited again! It won't be long sweetie :hug: we need your positive vibe!!

You can end September's thread with a :bfp:

Helen your words are so kind, thank you so much <3
Your so right AF does come and go so quickly so the sooner it’s been and gone I can get back to being exited again.
Can’t wait to see all the :bfp: come rolling in from you all xxx
We can do this chattychar let&#8217;s hope that it&#8217;s our turn next monthx
Af symptoms are same as pregnancy symptoms. It tricks you that&#8217;s why it&#8217;s soooo hard to see that negative test.
It's always a huge blow when AF arrives, but it's quickly back to working out when ov is, so keeps us going :hug: x
Wow, after being offline for a couple of days already 2 bfps!!!
Congrats SJF anr Theosmama!!:bfp:
September is going to be awesome! I can feel it in my ovaries!:lol:
Speaking of mittelschmerz, I just felt it today! How long do you ovulate after?x
On my gosh! Congratulations sjf, so pleased for you :) I use those tests and up until last month the only time I'd ever seen a line was when it was a super early 9dpo positive test. Yours is much stronger than mine was. I'm looking forward to seeing that positive digi!

Urm CD 7 for me today nothing exciting to report... AF and totally gone, yay! Gonna attempt SMEP this month. Still on count down to begin opks lol. Really fighting the urge to pee on them now, but it would be a waste as I'm no where near ready for ov xx

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Wow, after being offline for a couple of days already 2 bfps!!!
Congrats SJF anr Theosmama!!:bfp:
September is going to be awesome! I can feel it in my ovaries!:lol:
Speaking of mittelschmerz, I just felt it today! How long do you ovulate after?x
When I have those pains it normally means I'm hours from ovulating. I generally have a dull ache when I get my first positive opk. Then by my second positive I get full on pinching/stabbing pains in one ovary. Then by the next day I have a negative opk and the pain has stopped. Xx

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Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER

I knew that they were unreliable but I thought it was simply that they didn’t show anything not false positives. I didn’t realise they did that! Ekkk... definitely not placing too much hope on it then. I’ll try to wait to test again because I haven’t got any FRER. X

I’ve used one steps many a time lol, both when I’ve been pregnant and not pregnant, I find with them you are more likely to get a false negative then a false positive, because they are so cheap they hardly put any dye in them at all takes ages for lines to go from a squinter to an obvious line, tbh when I’ve not been pregnant and used them I got nothing on them, not even an evap, but then I’ve seen others saying they got evaps, yours looked that a true positive to me :) mine was similar at 10dpo and now I’m nearly 8 weeks and just seen my baby on the screen this morning :dance:

Wishing everyone lots of luck and babydust xx
Aw how wonderful you’ve seen your baby today! Congrats!

I’ve been getting stomach cramps this afternoon and I now feel a bit sick. I did yesterday too later on (feel sick). Surely it’s too early to be getting symptoms? I’m worried because when I got pregnant last cycle I felt sick and the next day I miscarried...

It’s reassuring you’ve only had false negatives and not a false positive with one step tests... I’ll keep track of my progression lines (if I get any!) xx
On my gosh! Congratulations sjf, so pleased for you :) I use those tests and up until last month the only time I'd ever seen a line was when it was a super early 9dpo positive test. Yours is much stronger than mine was. I'm looking forward to seeing that positive digi!

Urm CD 7 for me today nothing exciting to report... AF and totally gone, yay! Gonna attempt SMEP this month. Still on count down to begin opks lol. Really fighting the urge to pee on them now, but it would be a waste as I'm no where near ready for ov xx

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Thank you! I just hope it’s not a false positive and it’s a sticky one this time around!

Not long until you can get those OPK sticks out and start testing xx
Another bfp :) amazing!

So I think I'm 4 or 5 dpo and my nipples (sorry!) are still killing me. They look like blueberries I swear to God. I think I normally get sore nips for a day or so normally half way in my cycle but these are so sore and it's been 4 days now. If I knock them or lay in them @(&(£:£:&;@;@/@@!
Congrats sjf! I’d not be able to stope POAS now but I know it’s bests to wait probably!

We do torture ourselves.

Sorry to hear you got AF chattycharl. Really did sound that you had so many symptoms. Love your positivity though and think you have a holiday soon (hope I’ve got that right!) something to look forward to and relax over all this. Our bodies do trick us and If it helps last month when I was 4 days late I had gone from im defo not this month (I just knew I wasn’t and I was right) to convinced I must be by day 4 of no AF and it must be my hormone just werent built up enough, but when AF arrived in the middle of the afternoon at work - I had to take myself outside and cry. (And ring my husband and cry). X
I’m really mad at myself. Seriously on the symptom spotter due to events today. I love food and we were at a bbq - I felt hungry but as soon as I saw the food I just felt sick. I picked at it but just couldn’t stomach it. It’s meat - I can’t stand the idea of eating meat right now! I’ve also had some serious waves of nausea. I managed breakfast - scrambled egg but after I felt sick as a dog. Just had some mac n cheese as that is all I wanted- carbs (and I know I shouldn’t have them!)! Also I just do not fancy alcohol today!!! Not that I’m drinking really anyway but I have had a glass of wine this week. I could just be under the weather today I guess but I’m wondering if you could be put off food like this so early, I’m approx only 8dpo. My opks have gone lighter again btw but defo not barely there as they were before ovulation!
My husband is sick of me lol.

Congrats SJF yay for 2nd :bfp:
Welcome coffee77

Still had so much CM last night haven't had as much today but I'm dehydrated today ( I had 3 alcoholic drinks last night so it's not a hangover) so trying to drink plenty today.
Still no sore boobs which is weird I'm 6DPO today so to not have sore boobs or cramps is very weird from my other cycles
30th for me please! First time on testing on this forum
. Let's hope for positive vibes !!! Good luck to all the ladies this month xxxx

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