***September 2018 Testing Thread***

CD36 10DPO

Ok ladies, I woke up today after a full nights sleep still feeling super tired. I also had some nausea last night (but I’m not sure if that’s because I ate too much, oops!) I had a dream that AF had come and I was down when I woke up. FF said yesterday I could test today and so... I did! Here’s the results... not sure if it’s a squinter of a line? Not holding too much hope on it and going to get some other tests when I go shopping today...

I told myself I wouldn’t test early but I just couldn’t help it, sorry! I’ve only shared this with you ladies and not even my OH because we had a MC last cycle and it was so upsetting for us both. I don’t want to tell him anything unless I’m 100% certain either way... AF is currently due on Thursday, CD40. Eekkkk

I can see it and I think that is a clear positive :yay: congratulations!
So I just put all my data into another app and it’s telling me AF isn’t due until Friday.... Ovia is telling me it’s due on Tuesday.... hopefully the new app is correct which will mean it will be far to early to detect a bfp. I’m keeping my FX xx

Ovia has given up on me this cycle and just has question marks until my next fertile window and days until I can test. I think because my cycle has been abnormally long...

I’m keeping everything crossed for you hun! Xx

Ps what is the other app you’ve tried?
CD36 10DPO

Ok ladies, I woke up today after a full nights sleep still feeling super tired. I also had some nausea last night (but I’m not sure if that’s because I ate too much, oops!) I had a dream that AF had come and I was down when I woke up. FF said yesterday I could test today and so... I did! Here’s the results... not sure if it’s a squinter of a line? Not holding too much hope on it and going to get some other tests when I go shopping today...

I told myself I wouldn’t test early but I just couldn’t help it, sorry! I’ve only shared this with you ladies and not even my OH because we had a MC last cycle and it was so upsetting for us both. I don’t want to tell him anything unless I’m 100% certain either way... AF is currently due on Thursday, CD40. Eekkkk

I can see it and I think that is a clear positive :yay: congratulations!

Thank you Crumble! I really hope it is but I’m not putting too much reliance on it because it’s so early. Just got back from shopping and I have some other tests I can use for the next few days. I wanted to get a FRER but hubby was telling me it was stupid for me to want to test early (voice of reason or what? Haha) and I should just wait to see if AF arrives... clearly he had no idea how long this 2WW has felt for me haha...

So I just put all my data into another app and it’s telling me AF isn’t due until Friday.... Ovia is telling me it’s due on Tuesday.... hopefully the new app is correct which will mean it will be far to early to detect a bfp. I’m keeping my FX xx

Ovia has given up on me this cycle and just has question marks until my next fertile window and days until I can test. I think because my cycle has been abnormally long...

I’m keeping everything crossed for you hun! Xx

Ps what is the other app you’ve tried?

It’s called Femometer, got it from someone off here. It’s actually brilliant. You take photos of your opks and it tells you if it’s positive etc. If I haven’t conceived this month I will use this app for my next cycle.
I’m trying to be positive and not even going to tell the OH I did a test today going to wait until Wednesday if I can xx
So I just put all my data into another app and it’s telling me AF isn’t due until Friday.... Ovia is telling me it’s due on Tuesday.... hopefully the new app is correct which will mean it will be far to early to detect a bfp. I’m keeping my FX xx

Ovia has given up on me this cycle and just has question marks until my next fertile window and days until I can test. I think because my cycle has been abnormally long...

I’m keeping everything crossed for you hun! Xx

Ps what is the other app you’ve tried?

It’s called Femometer, got it from someone off here. It’s actually brilliant. You take photos of your opks and it tells you if it’s positive etc. If I haven’t conceived this month I will use this app for my next cycle.
I’m trying to be positive and not even going to tell the OH I did a test today going to wait until Wednesday if I can xx

Yes that’s a good idea. Keep your spirits high because stressing etc can mess our bodies up anyway... just consider that it was too early to test in any event.

Also, that app sounds great! I might have a look at it thanks x
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Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER
Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER

I knew that they were unreliable but I thought it was simply that they didn’t show anything not false positives. I didn’t realise they did that! Ekkk... definitely not placing too much hope on it then. I’ll try to wait to test again because I haven’t got any FRER. X
Definitely a line on that test BUT those tests are notorious for false positives. If I were you I’d be going and getting a FRER

I knew that they were unreliable but I thought it was simply that they didn’t show anything not false positives. I didn’t realise they did that! Ekkk... definitely not placing too much hope on it then. I’ll try to wait to test again because I haven’t got any FRER. X

They’re just unreliable altogether tbh but I know it doesn’t stop us using them! The line is good so could well be a BFP, I would just make sure to check with a better brand. Some ladies get a real early positive and the positive is true, others have lines on the tests and are not pregnant.
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First of all congratulations Sjf!!!!! Very clear line, can't wait to see more positives for you later on this evening...

Secondly, Char, don't panic. You only had pink cm 8dpo didn't you? This is still very early doors for you and I know so many girls that got bfps following an early bfn. You've had so many symptoms. I think you're doing the right thing not telling the OH either because I was half okay about it all when I got mine last month at 9dpo until I told Jamie about it, then I was just so upset. Keep a positive mindset and let's all hope for that little line to pop up in a couple days or so <3
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This is first time posting in a testing thread!!!
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Soooo annoyed as husband started drinking every night again. It’s only cd4 and I tried to have sex but he couldn’t perform:( I told him that this can’t happen as I get closer to ovulation but he was like oh maybe ... I know he wants this but just can’t help with the drinks. I feel so lonely in this and already stressed out and feels like it’s never going to happen because of his drinking so sad:(

I am in the same boat as you
Omg do you really think so? I’ve wanted t so much I have convinced myself I’m seeing things... trying not to get too excited yet because 10DPO is still quite early to test, especially on an IC. Going to Asda shortly so will get some more tests then... if AF hasn’t appeared by Thursday then I may take my clear blue digi... OMG why do I do this to myself testing early? Being excited but also nervous... all part of the TTC game! Haha. Thanks ChattyCharl, when are you testing? Tomorrow is it? Fx for you xx

Yes I really do see it. I am so excited for you. Get some more tests and do some more throughout the week but it’s definitely a line hun <3

So I woke up at 10:45am - this is sooo late for me I never have lay ins. I came straight on the thread and see your good news so I thought sod it I’ll test now too. I’m regretting doing it because it was a bfn :( I feel so deflated. I have had so many symptoms and I wasn’t even spotting them they were just obvious. The spotting, the pink cm after BD, the pains in the stomach.... I really thought this was my month. I am googling now and i have seen stories where ladies get a bfp after a bfn - a few days after 11dpo xx

Oh chattychar again it could be early for you. For me 12dpo and now af cramps. I know my cycles so well that it’s over for now. The only good thing is that I have short cycles means testing at the end of the month. I am crossing my fingers for you and really hope that you get your bfp. If not enjoy your holiday and you never know when you are relaxed it will happen x
This is first time posting in a testing thread!!!

Welcome Coffee and good luck with your TTC journey. We are a very lovely group of ladies who are half obsessed with peeing on a stick haha! We’re here for you for whatever you need, a moan, a rant or to share happy news with. There is also plenty of ladies with fantastic words of wisdom too. Baby :dust: to you x
Soooo annoyed as husband started drinking every night again. It’s only cd4 and I tried to have sex but he couldn’t perform:( I told him that this can’t happen as I get closer to ovulation but he was like oh maybe ... I know he wants this but just can’t help with the drinks. I feel so lonely in this and already stressed out and feels like it’s never going to happen because of his drinking so sad:(

I am in the same boat as you

Hi coffee77 it’s horrible isn’t it. I made my watch the news on bbc about drinking too much and also talked about how bad it’s for his health. He hates it when I tell him not to drink though. Anyway it’s been a week and he drank less but this doesn’t mean anything to be honest as he will start again that’s just how he is. I have seriously given up hope of getting pregnant so I booked myself personal training sessions starting tomorrow. I told him I need another hobby in
my life. I need to feel good and just relax. Let’s face it with my infertility track record it probably won’t happen so I need to be ready for it when time comes to stop. At least I can look good and feel good. I know that his drinking is affecting it and there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop him.
First of all congratulations Sjf!!!!! Very clear line, can't wait to see more positives for you later on this evening...

Secondly, Char, don't panic. You only had pink cm 8dpo didn't you? This is still very early doors for you and I know so many girls that got bfps following an early bfn. You've had so many symptoms. I think you're doing the right thing not telling the OH either because I was half okay about it all when I got mine last month at 9dpo until I told Jamie about it, then I was just so upset. Keep a positive mindset and let's all hope for that little line to pop up in a couple days or so <3

Helen, thank you so much.
I’m absolutely gutted - AF has arrived. Out of nowhere :( I am not due for another 2 days or acording to Ovia.
It’s a painful one, my stomach is in bits and my legs are really hurting.
I am so sad, I really thought this was the cycle. But i just need to think the sooner this AF is done the sooner I can start a new cycle xx

Helen, thank you so much.
I’m absolutely gutted - AF has arrived. Out of nowhere :( I am not due for another 2 days or acording to Ovia.
It’s a painful one, my stomach is in bits and my legs are really hurting.
I am so sad, I really thought this was the cycle. But i just need to think the sooner this AF is done the sooner I can start a new cycle xx

Aw no I’m so gutted for you. I really thought it was your lucky cycle as you had so many promising signs. Try your new app alongside your others and keep temping to cover all bases. And hey, think on the bright side, you’ll be able to enjoy alcoholic cocktails on your holiday now :-) xx
First of all congratulations Sjf!!!!! Very clear line, can't wait to see more positives for you later on this evening...

Secondly, Char, don't panic. You only had pink cm 8dpo didn't you? This is still very early doors for you and I know so many girls that got bfps following an early bfn. You've had so many symptoms. I think you're doing the right thing not telling the OH either because I was half okay about it all when I got mine last month at 9dpo until I told Jamie about it, then I was just so upset. Keep a positive mindset and let's all hope for that little line to pop up in a couple days or so <3

Helen, thank you so much.
I’m absolutely gutted - AF has arrived. Out of nowhere :( I am not due for another 2 days or acording to Ovia.
It’s a painful one, my stomach is in bits and my legs are really hurting.
I am so sad, I really thought this was the cycle. But i just need to think the sooner this AF is done the sooner I can start a new cycle xx

Oh no chattychar maybe you ovulated earlier than you thought. Do you do ovulation tests? I get my peak exactly 14 days before af.
Literally just turned my phone back on and have not read anything but just wanted to quickly say congratulations to sjf0709
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First of all congratulations Sjf!!!!! Very clear line, can't wait to see more positives for you later on this evening...

Secondly, Char, don't panic. You only had pink cm 8dpo didn't you? This is still very early doors for you and I know so many girls that got bfps following an early bfn. You've had so many symptoms. I think you're doing the right thing not telling the OH either because I was half okay about it all when I got mine last month at 9dpo until I told Jamie about it, then I was just so upset. Keep a positive mindset and let's all hope for that little line to pop up in a couple days or so <3

Helen, thank you so much.
I&#8217;m absolutely gutted - AF has arrived. Out of nowhere :( I am not due for another 2 days or acording to Ovia.
It&#8217;s a painful one, my stomach is in bits and my legs are really hurting.
I am so sad, I really thought this was the cycle. But i just need to think the sooner this AF is done the sooner I can start a new cycle xx

Gutted for you, this is exactly the same as my last cycle, AF came 2 days early and my body was hurting, particularly my legs!

Sjf - looks very promising for you, fingers crossed for your next tests :dust:

CD9 for me, OPK this morning was feint. I don't think I have ov yet despite positive OPK on CD7. Had a fair bit of clear sticky CM today. Is this the normal CM you get after AF?
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