***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Hey ladies
I’m back after a weekend in clacton with my nephew. I haven’t been symptom spotting or even keeping track on my Ovia app but I know that my boobs are absolutely killing.
I am the same as maximus 6DPO - would I be having any symptoms? Or hasn’t implantation happened yet?
How is every doing? Hoping September is the month for us all ladies xx
Just did an OPK (for the fun of it) and there is a second faint line. Should I still be seeing a line if I have already ovulated and being 6DPO.
It’s makig me doubt if I even ovulated when I thought I did. This TTC is so confusing. Now I’m back from my weekend away it’s like automatically my brain has took me back to this crazy TTC world x
I think there’s levels of LH at many different stages in your cycle. If you’re temping (and I think you are) then you should to be able to confirm ovulation.

Ovulation pain is so bad this morning for me, had positive opk yesterday so expect a temp. spike in the morning. Not sure why I’m so late this month but I’ll just have to wait and see if any spermies survived long enough to get the job done!
I am currently 6dpo with lots of symptoms. Especially right ovary pain and rain breast burning type feeling. Also very very tired but I know it’s all in my head as implantation hasn’t even happened yet and these are due to hormones after ovulation. I am getting my hopes up another cycle :( I also feel sooo down about everything and fed up of this TTC journey. How do I keep positive??? Also how do I stop living my life with all this counting. I want to forget about where I am at in my cycle and just enjoy the moment ...

I know how you feel... last Thursday/Friday I was feeling really down and tbh even though the apps and temping is good for tracking to help you get pregnant quicker, it does make you obsess and sometimes that’s a bad thing. I’ve tried to keep busy over the weekend and spent less time symptom spotting and obsessing which has really helped me. Maybe try to keep busy? I’ve had to weigh up how good it is using apps and this forum to help me and how much I want to get pregnant. Last month I got pregnant when we only BD twice the whole month and not in my fertile window (or so I thought!) and it was such a lovely surprise to get pregnant! It was nice not to be temping, doing OPKs and obsessing but then having a MC made us realise how much we do want a baby so this month I’ve been obsessing. I just hope we do get pregnant again sooner rather than later because I don’t think I could cope doing this for 6+ months, I really feel for those who have done or are still doing x
I wish I could go with the flow and relax too. When you want something so bad it’s not possible to relax or stop thinking about. I think I need to get to a stage where I am not bothered if I get pregnant or not. That’s how I was when I got my bfp but miscarried. I always think most people get pregnant when they least expect it. I really meditate or something lol I can’t wait to find out if it’s bfp or not than can move on again
Hey crumble, how you doing hun? I fully hope we all get our BFP this month, I think they are well deserved. Its such an emotional roller-coaster. Big hugs and lots of dust and luck to you and everyone else xxx

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I am still in a mix of emotion but trying to go forward and in the TTC again but I am afraid it is going to happen again, so I am a bit scared.
I am working a lot, that is why I am not on here very often but I am trying to read all but often I don't have time to reply to all of you xx
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Just thought I'd let everyone know I'm taking a break from TTC for 3 months to lose some weight. Good luck everyone!
Hi sunflower good luck with your weight loss. I need to do the same. I find it really difficult to diet while TTC as TTC is stressful and I eat when when that happens. Will you be using protection for 3 months and not try at all ?
Hi sunflower good luck with your weight loss. I need to do the same. I find it really difficult to diet while TTC as TTC is stressful and I eat when when that happens. Will you be using protection for 3 months and not try at all ?

Not try at all. When I miscarried I was on a low carb diet and I'm worried it messed up my hormones, which it seems to do. I'm going ketagenic low carb levels so should be able to lose 2 stone in just over 3 months. I am hoping that it is the weight that is stopping me get pregnant.
I do think eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps towards getting BFP, for me anyway. Obviously there are those that are super fit and athletic and still struggle to conceive. But personally, I have weight to lose too, and both times I've fallen naturally it's when I've been 100% following slimming world and when I started the couch to 5k challenge. But then when I got my BFP I gave up running coz I thought the strain wouldn't be good for baby. If, or when I get my next BFP I won't be giving up running as it never made a difference, still ended up losing the pregnancy.

Anyway, good luck with your weightloss journey sunflower. Hopefully, you'll get your BFP while occupied with the weightloss journey. That's usually how it happens isn't it? Lol. I'm jealous your going low carb, I could never give those up. Their my enemy lol

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I wish I could go with the flow and relax too. When you want something so bad it’s not possible to relax or stop thinking about. I think I need to get to a stage where I am not bothered if I get pregnant or not. That’s how I was when I got my bfp but miscarried. I always think most people get pregnant when they least expect it. I really meditate or something lol I can’t wait to find out if it’s bfp or not than can move on again

Yes it was definitely a lot easier not knowing and getting an unexpected BFP. We have got to try to find the fine line between obsession and normality I think. If you find it then let me know haha
Good luck sunflower. I’m trying to lose weight too... I’ve made my own mini gym at home so I’ve no excuses and hoping it will be a welcome distraction from symptom spotting haha. I always turn to food when I feel sad and I need to get out of emotional eating because it’s not good for me and it’s not helping us get our BFP X
I wish I could go with the flow and relax too. When you want something so bad it’s not possible to relax or stop thinking about. I think I need to get to a stage where I am not bothered if I get pregnant or not. That’s how I was when I got my bfp but miscarried. I always think most people get pregnant when they least expect it. I really meditate or something lol I can’t wait to find out if it’s bfp or not than can move on again

Yes it was definitely a lot easier not knowing and getting an unexpected BFP. We have got to try to find the fine line between obsession and normality I think. If you find it then let me know haha
Can you let me know also if you find out how to ttc without obsessing over it! Lol.

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Positive opk this afternoon.......however, DTD Saturday and yesterday so actually going to give DH a night off and leap on him again tomorrow. Last few cycles we have always managed to DTD day of the positive opk but NOT the day after as I’ve worn the poor chap out and we’ve not been lucky so this time I’m gonna go for before and after opk day.
Since when did it all become so calculated? Oh yeah, I know, about 7 months, 3 weeks ago (according to my ticker!)
Lol piglet, it's like it becomes a military operation?! I'm only on cycle number 2. But already planning our next move (literally!) figured we'd give SMEP a go this month.

Well I'm CD 1 and my god the witch is making herself known! I don't know if it's because its the first AF since the mc or if she just wants to be particularly mean this cycle. But seriously, the cramps! They're in my front and back, and my legs are killing! I'm irritable beyond belief too. I'm having to take regular painkillers it's that painful!

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Cramps suck! I dose up on painkillers then try to do something physical like swim or jog. Not sure if the exercise makes the cramps less painful or just distracts me by making other muscles hurt instead but it helps me through.

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