*** September 2018 Mums ***

Thank you :)
I got my results this morning, 182 so definitely pregnant!! I spoke to the doctors this morning, but can’t get another appointment until 19th feb, I have to book in with them before referring me to midwife for booking in and eventually a scan. I’ll be 9 weeks by then, seems so far away! I think I’ll just see if I can get a private scan at a good price somewhere, if I book it then OH can’t argue too much haha.
Hope you’re all doing ok and not suffering too much with all the lovely symptoms. Xxx

Hi, does your Hospital have an early pregnancy assessment unit? If so call them up and explain about your previous MMC they may see you, it’s worth a phone call and if they say yes then you can see your little beauty and have some reassurance. My midwife referred me at my booking appointment because I had a previous MC myself along with PCOS so we didn’t know my dates at all as I don’t have an AF. X

I assume so....we’ve just moved to the area so I have no idea how it all works round here or even which is our closet hospital as there are a few locally. I was hoping to ask all these questions at my doctors appointment, just so frustrating that it’s so far away. I’ve got to go in tomorrow to pick up a prescription so might ask if they have any sooner appointments.
Sorry to hear about your mc, it certainly makes an already stressful time that little bit harder. Xxx

How far gone are you at the moment? Have you got an appointment for you booking in appt yet? You can call them yourself at the EPAU I think if you have any worries or concerns. X
Congratulations and welcome quickquestion. Have you got your midwife appt and scan booked? Is this your first baby? Looking forward to hearing more from you.happy and healthy 9 months x

Thank you :)
Yes I’ve had my midwife appointment and had to have an early scan to date my little blessing, I was recently diagnosed with PCOS so she wasn’t sure how far along I was as I don’t normally have an AF. I’m so excited, I didn’t think I would be able to have anymore children so those lines coming up completely shocked me, then I saw little one on the screen at the scan with a strong heartbeat and it just made it so much more real.
It’s my 5th pregnancy, I have 3 children (my little miracles) and I Miscarried in 2011.
What about yourself? Is this your first baby? Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months too xx

When.did you have your scan? I have mine mon 5th and paid for this as cant get hold of our epau. Had mmc in sept but have two other beautiful kids 12 and 10 so this will be a big age gap. Im 42 so will be classed as higher risk i think but fit and healthy so hopefully everything will progress normally. Hope youre feeling ok? X

I had my scan yesterday after booking in with the midwife on Friday. She called and booked it while I was there. Oh no, so sorry to hear that you had a MMC. I’m 24 and there’s a big 5 year age gap between my 1st and my second and 17 months between my 2nd and my 3rd. I’m sure your fit and healthy - they may just monitor you abit more which on the plus side means you will get to see your little one more too :)
I’m not feeling too bad at the moment, just constantly feeling nauseous and have a very small appetite - everything that I smell cooking makes me feel like throwing up. How are you feeling? X

Very tired and a bit constipated but fine other than that. Didnt get morm sickness with first two or begore mmc so hoping to get away with it again! Really feel for those suffering with it. Sounds horrendous. Did you get see see heartbeat and how far gone did they say you were? X
Thank you :)

I got my results this morning, 182 so definitely pregnant!! I spoke to the doctors this morning, but can’t get another appointment until 19th feb, I have to book in with them before referring me to midwife for booking in and eventually a scan. I’ll be 9 weeks by then, seems so far away! I think I’ll just see if I can get a private scan at a good price somewhere, if I book it then OH can’t argue too much haha.

Hope you’re all doing ok and not suffering too much with all the lovely symptoms. Xxx

Hi, does your Hospital have an early pregnancy assessment unit? If so call them up and explain about your previous MMC they may see you, it’s worth a phone call and if they say yes then you can see your little beauty and have some reassurance. My midwife referred me at my booking appointment because I had a previous MC myself along with PCOS so we didn’t know my dates at all as I don’t have an AF. X

I assume so....we’ve just moved to the area so I have no idea how it all works round here or even which is our closet hospital as there are a few locally. I was hoping to ask all these questions at my doctors appointment, just so frustrating that it’s so far away. I’ve got to go in tomorrow to pick up a prescription so might ask if they have any sooner appointments.

Sorry to hear about your mc, it certainly makes an already stressful time that little bit harder. Xxx

How far gone are you at the moment? Have you got an appointment for you booking in appt yet? You can call them yourself at the EPAU I think if you have any worries or concerns. X

I’m around 6 weeks. I won’t get my booking apt until I’ve seen the doctor, three weeks just seems so long to wait. I feel a bit lost not having any contact with anyone, especially being so new to the area and not knowing how things work, where the closest epau is and if I can self refer or need doctors referral. Our doctors receptionists aren’t too helpful either so I’ll ive got is google!! Xxx
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Well had my first midwife appointment today. She says all seems ok. Iv been feeling awful.. feeling sick every day.. everything smells terrible.. sore boobs.. constipation thrush on my tougue... .. rant over sorry girls... but I don’t need to see her again till 16 weeks. But I get a scan at 12.. waiting 6 more weeks feels like such a long time xx she seems to think it’s a good sign being this ill.
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Jay i have found drinking more water and doing gentle exercise helps to give me a bit of energy. I love coffee but only have a small cup of instant in the mornings now! Are you able to nap during the day at all? X
I would love to nap but unfortuently I work full time! Exercise is a good tip - and yes more fluid would probably help (I’ve been so sick the past few days I’ve struggled to drink a lot!) thanks for the advice - hope you are feeling well
Jay i have found drinking more water and doing gentle exercise helps to give me a bit of energy. I love coffee but only have a small cup of instant in the mornings now! Are you able to nap during the day at all? X
I would love to nap but unfortuently I work full time! Exercise is a good tip - and yes more fluid would probably help (I’ve been so sick the past few days I’ve struggled to drink a lot!) thanks for the advice - hope you are feeling well

Ice lollies are also suppoaed to help with sickness but could get extra fluids inside you too if youre struggling to drink. With exercise its not recommended you take up anything to strenuous if yourr not used to it. But walking for 20-30 if possible each day can help boost energy levels. You dont even have to necessarily go outside for a walk....just walking more around house can help or doing a short walk at lunchtime or when you have a break. Hope tiredness eases for you i struggle off and on with tiredness but count myself lucky this is one of only symptoms i have at the moment. X
Well had my first midwife appointment today. She says all seems ok. Iv been feeling awful.. feeling sick every day.. everything smells terrible.. sore boobs.. constipation thrush on my tougue... .. rant over sorry girls... but I don’t need to see her again till 16 weeks. But I get a scan at 12.. waiting 6 more weeks feels like such a long time xx she seems to think it’s a good sign being this ill.

Its good midwife thinks its a good sign. It does seem like a long wait....i think tri 1 does drag for women! I guess its all worth it in the end. Hope you feel better soon x
Ice lollies are also suppoaed to help with sickness but could get extra fluids inside you too if youre struggling to drink. With exercise its not recommended you take up anything to strenuous if yourr not used to it. But walking for 20-30 if possible each day can help boost energy levels. You dont even have to necessarily go outside for a walk....just walking more around house can help or doing a short walk at lunchtime or when you have a break. Hope tiredness eases for you i struggle off and on with tiredness but count myself lucky this is one of only symptoms i have at the moment. X
Thanks Melly... lollies sound like a great idea too! I think just getting up to do something is the hardest part- bet if I just do it I’ll feel loads better! My poor Oh has done all the dog walks for the past week!
Hello to all the new mummies.
I had an early scan today at 7+1. All looks good. So relieved and delighted I couldn't help but cry. We saw heartbeat too. Hopefully now I can stop worrying so much (tho prob not). Hope yous are all keeping ok.
When are yous intending on telling work?
Hello to all the new mummies.
I had an early scan today at 7+1. All looks good. So relieved and delighted I couldn't help but cry. We saw heartbeat too. Hopefully now I can stop worrying so much (tho prob not). Hope yous are all keeping ok.
When are yous intending on telling work?

Thats fab babbyboo. Risk of mc really reduces once heartbeat detected. Im not telling work till after 12 wk scan but think depending on your job, some might have to tell work earlier in case a risk assessment is needed.when do you plan to tell?.x
Aww that’s lovely having a early scan it does make you feel better seeing everything is what it should be.. I told work early just incase so now I am in risk assessment x
Hello to all the new mummies.
I had an early scan today at 7+1. All looks good. So relieved and delighted I couldn't help but cry. We saw heartbeat too. Hopefully now I can stop worrying so much (tho prob not). Hope yous are all keeping ok.
When are yous intending on telling work?
Oh how lovely! I am 6+4 and debating whether to go for an early scan! I had to tell work as soon as I knew just due to the type of job I have- thankfully they’ve been great and are keeping it quiet for me until I’m ready for other people to know! I bet hearing the heart beat was amazing!
I’m very lucky that I’m not working at the moment. I was made redundant a month after my youngest was born, which was gutting but it gave us the push we needed for OH to look for a new job where he was home more. We ended up moving 90 mole away from home and it’s all worked out fab so far.
When I was working, I ended up telling my managers quite early on because of the nature of the job and how closely we all worked together. There’s no right or wrong time to sell them, just go with what you think is best :)

When would you all say is the best time to book an early scan? I’m 6+3 (I think!) and so desperately want a scan, but don’t want to go too early and risk not seeing anything. Xxx
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Jenni i was told to wait until the 8 week mark so they can definately see heartbeat. Ive got mine booked for next monday where i'll be 7+5. Going at 6 wks there is a high chance they might not see it which can cause anxiety! Been there and done it! Xx
Jenni i was told to wait until the 8 week mark so they can definately see heartbeat. Ive got mine booked for next monday where i'll be 7+5. Going at 6 wks there is a high chance they might not see it which can cause anxiety! Been there and done it! Xx

I was thinking 8 weeks, I imagine it will be at least that before I can get in anywhere. The more I think about how much I really want a scan, I keep thinking about the last time I went for one at 8 weeks, I was told the baby stopped growing around 6 weeks. Makes it real you difficult to know what to do for the best. I’m confident that this time is different as I’m sill feeling so many symptoms, and had a fab line on a test yesterday (last one I plan on doing!!) but I still can’t help the worrying. I’m hoping that I book a scan, everything is as sit should be and then I can relax until the 12 week scan.
Sorry, I’m just rambling as it all comes in tk my head. We haven’t told anyone yet and OH doesn’t like talking about the mc much, so it helps to have somewhere to write it all down. Xxx
Jenni i was told to wait until the 8 week mark so they can definately see heartbeat. Ive got mine booked for next monday where i'll be 7+5. Going at 6 wks there is a high chance they might not see it which can cause anxiety! Been there and done it! Xx

I was thinking 8 weeks, I imagine it will be at least that before I can get in anywhere. The more I think about how much I really want a scan, I keep thinking about the last time I went for one at 8 weeks, I was told the baby stopped growing around 6 weeks. Makes it real you difficult to know what to do for the best. I’m confident that this time is different as I’m sill feeling so many symptoms, and had a fab line on a test yesterday (last one I plan on doing!!) but I still can’t help the worrying. I’m hoping that I book a scan, everything is as sit should be and then I can relax until the 12 week scan.
Sorry, I’m just rambling as it all comes in tk my head. We haven’t told anyone yet and OH doesn’t like talking about the mc much, so it helps to have somewhere to write it all down. Xxx

As you are going private you will probably fimd you can get one book.quite quickly. I had one at 10 weeks to be told heart stopped at 8 weeks.its so hard and i feel anxious about monday so hoping its a different outcome so i can relax....albeit a little! X
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Morning ladies, trying to make the effort to get on here more regularly as I definitely need to vent about pregnancy stuff. I feel a lot of the worries you guys do, I'm sorry about your previous losses <3. I've not even booked in to see the midwife yet, she only does booking appointments on Mondays, I don't have transport and have two kiddos in tow - I don't particularly want the MW to focus on my weight in front of two young girls yknow? I've been beyond lucky to have two pregnancies with minimal symptoms but this one is hitting me hard, nipples feel like they're on fire, aches and pains and strong nausea (no sickness yet, whey) but bleugh. I just worry because it is SO different, but could easily put down to my age this time round possibly? It's been almost 5 years since my last one, ha. I hope you guys have a good day Xx
Sorry to jear youre not feeling great Diamond.i think tri 1 is worse for symptoms so hopefully theyll be short lived for you. Is there anyone you can leave your two girls with for the hour when you do see midwife? Before my mmc in sept the midwife at my booking appt didnt focus on weight. She weighed me, mentioned healthy eating and then moved on. You might feel better once youve booked in to see midwife xx
Hope everyone is alright. xx :) I have been so ridiculously busy and tired, that I haven't got time to actually come on here. Hopefully things will calm down at some point!

I'm still waiting for my booking appointment, the one I had was cancelled. 10 weeks tomorrow so was hoping to actually see someone by now but no luck so far. I do have an early scan on Saturday, so at least that's something to look forward to.

Can't believe the first trimester is over in 3 weeks though. Feels like it's all taking ages, yet that seems so close. Eek.
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