*** September 2018 Mums ***

I am also worried to. I had 2 miscarriages before my daughter I couldn’t get past 9 weeks then I had one after. So it is so so worrying at this stage. But what will be will be.. I actually feel like I might have a urine infection.i see the mid wife Tuesday, has anyone else had one?
Hi, can anyone help? I'm so worried. I'm 6&1/2wks and had been so exhausted for last couple of weeks (I mean going to bed at 8.30& being tired nearly all day). Then last few days I've had a bit more energy&stayed up later etc. I also haven't got up to pee during the night last two nights. I could be reading too much into this, I know (and hope) but I stupidly took a test today and the test line is lighter than control line. Anyone have any positive stories?
Thanks girls, I appreciate your support. Sounds like a lot of you have been through tough times too. I know, Kirsty, I'll be hitting 6 weeks tomorrow, and really worry during the 6-8 week period as that's when my brown discharge starts and things start coming to an end. I'm going to be knicker checking even more than I normally do, ha! People say brown discharge is normal, it's definitely not for me, it's my first sign that things are going wrong. Anyway let's hope the aspirin and 5mg of folic acid do some wonders for my body, I can but hope! Sorry to hear you might be brewing a urine infection, if you can't wait until Tuesday, I would phone the drs tomorrow and try and get an appointment. X x
Babbybo, I'm sure I've read somewhere that symptoms can come and go, so maybe you're going through a stage where they have calmed down for the moment, then people say they come back with a vengeance??? With the tests, don't torture yourself, your urine could have just been more dilated. I vowed I would do one test and one test only, they cause so much worry, I used to get so obsessed with comparing lines from previous days, I'm not doing that this time. It only feeds the anxiety. Just from past experience, I've done tests and the lines have been so strong in the past but have resulted in a miscarriage so I can't even rely on pregnancy tests to indicate things are going in the right direction, so for me they are a waste of time and money for me anyway. X x
Thanks for replying keeponhoping. I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I can totally understand that u would be anxious. I had an early loss last year and first sign was tests not getting darker. This time round I stopped taking tests as soon as they started getting darker because like u they were making more worried.
I know I need to relax and see what happens but sometimes I lose all reason & worry so much. I haven't told anyone other than my husband. Considering telling my parents as I know I'd like the support but seems selfish to tell them so early because I'm worried. I'd end up worrying them too.
Ps. I watered down same pee sample and tested with of test and it's as dark as control line. Hook effect maybe?
Oh yes, I've heard of the hook effect, so could be that. So weird how everyone's different with the pregnancy tests, cos my tests couldn't get any darker but I still miscarry. Can't believe how different I was when pregnant with my son, who will be 5 next month, miscarriage never crossed my mind with him and now it's all I think about. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so anxious and worried, it's such an awful feeling. I'm sorry I can't give you any tips on how to keep the worry at bay, I wish I could for all of us! If you want to tell your parents, I would for the support but entirely up to you. Again from experience I've not told people incase of jinxing things but honestly it makes no difference. I'd rather have the support, but again everyone is different. Hope you're ok. X x
Hello everyone. I've been lurking on this thread for a couple of weeks not wanting to post for the same reasons as keeponhopping but after seeing her post thought why not. I'm due on 27 Sep according to LMP. I have a 2 year old son and 2 mc last year (6 wks and 11wks). Trying to stay positive that this one will stick.

Wishing everyone a healthy 9 months.
Welcome kim.there are a few of us in a similar boat so we can support each other over the coming weeks. Hope you feel ok? Congratulations btw x
Hello everyone. I've been lurking on this thread for a couple of weeks not wanting to post for the same reasons as keeponhopping but after seeing her post thought why not. I'm due on 27 Sep according to LMP. I have a 2 year old son and 2 mc last year (6 wks and 11wks). Trying to stay positive that this one will stick.

Wishing everyone a healthy 9 months.
Hello and welcome! :) Have added you to the list, hopefully it will be 3rd time lucky for you. xx
Welcome Kim, seems like there's a few of us like melly said. Hope you're doing ok. Yep, Kim, I've tried everything to not jinx a pregnancy, none of it has worked, and so thought might as well see it out with the rest of you ladies. Congratulations! X x
Hi Kim and Keeponhoping, Looks like quite a few of us are hoping our little rainbow babies will come safely in september. I'm glad I've got you guys to talk to, it's going to a tough road ahead for us.

I don't believe in jinxes whatsoever, I prefer statistics and hard numbers hehe. Apparently at 7 weeks I'm already at 93% chance of a live birth - I just keep reminding myself of that (https://datayze.com/miscarriage-chart.php). The numbers strangely calm me down even though I was that 0.5% that had a loss after 24 weeks.
Thats really help rainbow to have these stats.more reassuring.thanks xx
Rainbow, I'm so sorry for your loss and really hope this is it for you.
For the last few days I've been having lower back pain, this is another bad sign for me, I bet the brown discharge will start soon, oh well nothing I can do. We should have just got that dog. X x
Thanks keeponhoping. Hopefully all will be ok for us both and everyone else here.. I totally get you on the checking the knickers part ha.. Xx
Back pain has gone again for the moment, I'm sure it will rear its ugly head again! I second that, I hope everyone gets their babies and rainbow babies. X x
Fingers crossed keeponhoping. Uve been thru so much already. Hope it all works out ok for you. I've been getting back pain too. We torture ourselves.
Thanks Babbybo, same goes for you and everyone else on this forum, we all deserve it. X x
Rainbow, I'm so sorry for your loss and really hope this is it for you.
For the last few days I've been having lower back pain, this is another bad sign for me, I bet the brown discharge will start soon, oh well nothing I can do. We should have just got that dog. X x

I really hope this wee bean sticks. Surely this will be your rainbow. Keeping everything crossed for you x
I'm not banking on it melly, but thank you for your positivity. I don't think I will ever get there. I hope you're doing ok. X x
Similar to you but trying to stay positive. Im not bleeding or cramping so chances of having mmc twice is alot less....taking one day at a time. Stay hopeful x

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