*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi ladies sorry I’ve not been around much - I’ve been feeling dreadful! Sickness and nausea has been killing me off these last couple of weeks, it’s horrid! I’m worst in the morning especially when brushing my teeth - that makes me puke! Hope everyone is ok x

Oh cc i was just telling Melly I throw up every time I brush my teeth it’s a night mare isn’t it? I hope it passes for you though (it hasn’t for me yet :-( ) xx

It’s so strange! It doesn’t make me gag I just feel sick instantly! I think it’s the toothpaste! I’m going to try a different one tonight! Oh boo I hope you stop soon!!

Hopefully it will stop for you then as I gag as soon as I start brushing my back teeth I’m fine with front I just can’t cope with anything in my mouth I’m same when eating I can’t push spoon or fork in as I will just throw up, I can’t even use mouthwash any more as soon as that hits back of my throat that’s it i throw up more makes brushing my teeth a right chore but I can’t go with out doing it makes me feel dirty. I think as I’m almost 28 weeks I’m stuck with it now till she’s here I just hope it disappears as soon as she’s here xx
I struggled with sickness and brushing my teeth with my first, I found it helped if I waited a while after eating before brushing. My fav reflex was so sensitive! Some days I took my toothbrush to work as I just couldn’t do it too early lol. Xxx
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I struggled with sickness and brushing my teeth with my first, I found it helped if I waited a while after eating before brushing. My fav reflex was so sensitive! Some days I took my toothbrush to work as I just couldn’t do it too early lol. Xxx

I purposely try and brush my teeth before breakfast as it will just come back up where as I just fetch up anything I drink now. I don’t like brushing my teeth before breakfast I’ve always done it afterwards but no matter how long I leave it if I’ve eaten I fetch it back up. They joys of pregnancy eh? Xx
Morning! Apart from having had a bad cold/cough the last few days I feel great...which I don't know if I like haha I still get bloating on a night time but not as much as I was last week, my boobs are a tiny bit sore to touch and I'm waking up around 2am every night and struggle to get back to sleep. I hope the lack of symptoms isn't necessary a bad thing. Off on holiday tomorrow so hoping it's all plain sailing while I'm away then I have my midwife appointment on the 12th the day after I get home :) Hope everyone is feeling ok today...by the sounds of it some of you aren't feeling too good! xx

Have a great holiday kate. Its good you dont have any ms.hopefully youll get away with it x
Sorry to hear some of you feeling rubbish. I do think tri 1 is the worst for symptoms and anxiety. There isnt long left of tri 1. Lets hope tri 2 is kinder to us all x
Ohhhh my tummy is so sore and bloated tonight ��.. reading about everyone else on here to makes you think that we are all really feeling the same. Roll on when we start to feel better. I feel your pain all the girls that brushing there teeth make them sick. It is horrible ��.. can’t wait to get to bed.. night night ladies �� x
I’m with all you ladies with brushing our teeth - it seems an everyday struggle now but I can’t not do them as I don’t like them feeling dirty.. seems none of our September babies are gonna be particularly nice to us in this trimester :( hopefully tri 2 is better for us all.
I don’t know about you ladies but I’m always tired and nausea is constant. I don’t like the smell of anything so finding it really hard to eat anything, even jam on toast or even toast with nothing but butter on makes my stomache flip these past few days. Hope all you lovely ladies are feeling better than I am this morning x
I’m with all you ladies with brushing our teeth - it seems an everyday struggle now but I can’t not do them as I don’t like them feeling dirty.. seems none of our September babies are gonna be particularly nice to us in this trimester :( hopefully tri 2 is better for us all.
I don’t know about you ladies but I’m always tired and nausea is constant. I don’t like the smell of anything so finding it really hard to eat anything, even jam on toast or even toast with nothing but butter on makes my stomache flip these past few days. Hope all you lovely ladies are feeling better than I am this morning x

I suffered terrible with smells even my fella smelt bad to me even after he brushed his teeth and had a shower I pulled away from him and it did hurt his feelings but the smell of him made me want to be sick I felt a right bitch, luckily the smells died down in second tri but I’m in 3rd now and still suffer with sickness and brushing teeth good job this little lady is worth it xx
Sorry to hear you’re all struggling with feeling so rough. I hope tri 2 is very kind to you all to make up for it!
I seem to have pretty much no symptoms the last few days, which always worries me as this is the way it went when I had my mmc. I did another IC last night as I’ve got a few left, a thick dark line came up instantly so that reassured me that things are at least progressing. I’ve never looked forward to a doctors appointment as much as I am now, roll on Monday!!
Hope you’re all having lovey, restful weekends! I’ve got my mum, Grandad and younger brother and sister (10 and 14 and have no verbal filter so will say exactly what they think if they have any suspicions!) are on their way to visit us, so I’m grateful that the bloat seems to have calmed down for today!! Xxx
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and doesnt feel too rough. Good luck to all having appointments or scans next week. X
Neighbours were very kind to me last night, waking me up at 1 then not letting me get back to sleep until about 3. It usually bothers me but I'm absolutely seething, simply because when I'm awake I feel nauseous ALL THE TIME, so felt awful this morning. Teeth brushing usually isn't too bad but had my heaving this morning, bleugh.

I'm managing to "enjoy" marmite on toast... Girls gave me a blackcurrant ice lolly yesterday and it tasted like the bet thing I've ever eaten bahaha.

Smells also a big one for me QQ, we have three cats and I physically can't go downstairs because of food & litter, bleugh.

Hope the weekend is good to you all! Xx
Had my scan today and little one was moving about like mad. Although they said it was measuring at 10 weeks 5 days, so that was a bit of a surprise. But it was lovely to see, really glad I went for it. :love:
Had my scan today and little one was moving about like mad. Although they said it was measuring at 10 weeks 5 days, so that was a bit of a surprise. But it was lovely to see, really glad I went for it. :love:

Oh wonderful <3 I'm so happy for you! That is a bit of a jump, haha. Less time in tri 1 for you then hopefully. How do you feel now? Xx
Hi ladies, hope you&#8217;re all well!

I&#8217;m loving ice lollies at the moment! They make me feel so much better so have just stocked up! I also had a craving for dominos pizza which I never ever have - but my god it was the best pizza I ever had hahaha!!

That&#8217;s great news Elven! You must be so happy!!

Good luck for Monday Melly and to everyone else having scans this coming week xx
Had my scan today and little one was moving about like mad. Although they said it was measuring at 10 weeks 5 days, so that was a bit of a surprise. But it was lovely to see, really glad I went for it. :love:

Oh wonderful <3 I'm so happy for you! That is a bit of a jump, haha. Less time in tri 1 for you then hopefully. How do you feel now? Xx
It feels like a huge jump! Really happy to know there's actually something there though haha! I was convinced my body had made it all up and they would be asking what on earth I was on about.
Hi ladies, hope you’re all well!

I’m loving ice lollies at the moment! They make me feel so much better so have just stocked up! I also had a craving for dominos pizza which I never ever have - but my god it was the best pizza I ever had hahaha!!

That’s great news Elven! You must be so happy!!

Good luck for Monday Melly and to everyone else having scans this coming week xx
At least you can't go wrong with ice lollies, no guilt about eating lots of those either!

Thank you, I am. x
Thanks girls. Fab new elven re your scan! Cc...glad ice lollies working x
Just wondering if anyone NOT having frequent urination? Im drinking loads more fluids and go to loo regularly during day but only up once overnight, despite having 2 pints of water about an hour before bed! X
Just wondering if anyone NOT having frequent urination? Im drinking loads more fluids and go to loo regularly during day but only up once overnight, despite having 2 pints of water about an hour before bed! X
I'm not, but I'm sure I read you are more likely to get dehydrated during pregnancy because of your higher body temperature, so possibly something to do with that?
Thanks elven. I hope so. Im more thirsty so im drinking more. I just thought id be up more than once overnight. I suppose i should make the most of it! Hope youre ok. Cant believe youre 10+5. Any bump yet? x

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