*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi, Good to see September is starting to fill up nicely. Congratulations to everyone. Here's hoping for a happy and healthy 9mths for us all.
I've to go to the doctors next wk for them to send referral to hospital apparently. I got HCG checked and levels were good so thought they would us that as confirmation but they want an appointment.
I've also been given progesterone gel-anyone had to use it before?
Thanks babbyboo. Will hopefully post pic if all hoes well.

Welcome Jay! Congratulations! Look forward to hearing more from you x
Thank you! Still slightly overwhelmed/in shock! Keep waking up on a morning and forgetting, then having a little burst of excitement when I remember!
Thank you! Still getting to grips with the forum but seems like a gold mine of support and information!
Thanks babbyboo. Will hopefully post pic if all hoes well.

Welcome Jay! Congratulations! Look forward to hearing more from you x
Thank you! Still slightly overwhelmed/in shock! Keep waking up on a morning and forgetting, then having a little burst of excitement when I remember!

That will stay with you for a few more days! The feeling is great! X
Congratulations! I'm 4+4 and due 23rd September if you can add me to the list please :) I think this site is an absolute godsend! It's so nice and reassuring to know I'm not the only one who is paranoid hehe I've had mild cramping over the last few days but doesn't seem as much today...and I find from 2pm onwards I already look 5 months pregnant due to horrendous bloating! Also very gassy and everything feels like it's churning inside haha. I didn't need to see the doctor, just handed a form in which the midwife collected and she rang me yesterday to book my booking in appointment for 12th Feb :) xxx
Congratulations and welcome! Have added you as well. xx
Hey, I’m new here. Tested this morning and got a positive! And then tested two more times to make sure! If all goes well it’s looking like a late September baby! Just wanted to say hi!
Congratulations and welcome! Look forward to hearing more from you. xx
I have been ridiculously busy this week so not had a chance to really keep in touch with everyone here, but just read through it at all. Hope everyone is okay today. xx
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X

Aww hehehe sore boobies!! Mine haven’t stopped hurting since I missed my period!! My nipples today are stupidly sore! Other than that I’m feeling quite yucky most days now. I’ve not been sick but I’m close to it!

Yep, my scan is Friday - I’ll be 8+1 so hopefully will hear/see a heartbeat!
You should definately see heartbeat but you wont hear it till after 10 week mark. Sorry youre feeling yucky....its all worth it x
Had some spotting today. Really hope I'm not gonna be leaving you all. Hopefully it's due to the aspirin I'm on, as I'm still having really strong nausea and vomiting.
Eeek fingers crossed this little bean sticks
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X

Aww hehehe sore boobies!! Mine haven’t stopped hurting since I missed my period!! My nipples today are stupidly sore! Other than that I’m feeling quite yucky most days now. I’ve not been sick but I’m close to it!

Yep, my scan is Friday - I’ll be 8+1 so hopefully will hear/see a heartbeat!
How exciting, that will be so lovely to see! Do you both get to take photos home too?
Had some spotting today. Really hope I'm not gonna be leaving you all. Hopefully it's due to the aspirin I'm on, as I'm still having really strong nausea and vomiting.
Eeek fingers crossed this little bean sticks
Hopefully it is just due to that and everything's perfectly fine. xx
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X

Aww hehehe sore boobies!! Mine haven’t stopped hurting since I missed my period!! My nipples today are stupidly sore! Other than that I’m feeling quite yucky most days now. I’ve not been sick but I’m close to it!

Yep, my scan is Friday - I’ll be 8+1 so hopefully will hear/see a heartbeat!
How exciting, that will be so lovely to see! Do you both get to take photos home too?

I’ve no idea but I hope so! 😬
Hope everything is ok Rainbow. I had a bit of spotting at this stage with my first and everything was ok.
I hadn’t had any symptoms yet- part from being a bit gassy �� hoping to get some soon so it can feel a bit more real! When did people start feeing different? I’m only about 5 weeks so maybe it’s going to take a while.

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