*** September 2018 Mums ***

I hadn’t had any symptoms yet- part from being a bit gassy �� hoping to get some soon so it can feel a bit more real! When did people start feeing different? I’m only about 5 weeks so maybe it’s going to take a while.
I started having cramps at 4w 2d, and the sore breasts and extreme tiredness came a few days later. It's still early days though, the symptoms will show up soon enough. xx
I started having cramps at 4w 2d, and the sore breasts and extreme tiredness came a few days later. It's still early days though, the symptoms will show up soon enough. xx
Oh I have been exhausted lately!
I hadn’t had any symptoms yet- part from being a bit gassy �� hoping to get some soon so it can feel a bit more real! When did people start feeing different? I’m only about 5 weeks so maybe it’s going to take a while.

I'm the same Jay! Desperately seeking symptoms!
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X

Aww hehehe sore boobies!! Mine haven’t stopped hurting since I missed my period!! My nipples today are stupidly sore! Other than that I’m feeling quite yucky most days now. I’ve not been sick but I’m close to it!

Yep, my scan is Friday - I’ll be 8+1 so hopefully will hear/see a heartbeat!
How exciting, that will be so lovely to see! Do you both get to take photos home too?

Yes you het a couple of photos but it really just looks like a wee bean at this stage. You see the yolk and sac too. All being well i will pop up a pic tom night. Its not till 6.40pm x
Had some spotting today. Really hope I'm not gonna be leaving you all. Hopefully it's due to the aspirin I'm on, as I'm still having really strong nausea and vomiting.
Eeek fingers crossed this little bean sticks

How are you this morning rainbow? Has the spotting settled? It can be very common to spot in early pregnancy. Maybe ring midwife or epau if it carries on to put your mind at rest xx
Thanks elven. Im ok. Think im starting to finally get tender boobs! Any symptom is a relief as it makes me feel like things are progressing. Have my scan monday evening. Anyone got scans coming up?

CC....is yours next week too? X

Aww hehehe sore boobies!! Mine haven’t stopped hurting since I missed my period!! My nipples today are stupidly sore! Other than that I’m feeling quite yucky most days now. I’ve not been sick but I’m close to it!

Yep, my scan is Friday - I’ll be 8+1 so hopefully will hear/see a heartbeat!
How exciting, that will be so lovely to see! Do you both get to take photos home too?

I’ve no idea but I hope so! 😬

They usually give you a couple of photos. If in doubt ask. Some trusts ask for a small paymenr (around £5) but not always x
Hi all mummy’s to be. It’s nice reading everyone else’s pregnancy progress. Hope all is ok rainbow ��
I hadn’t had any symptoms yet- part from being a bit gassy �� hoping to get some soon so it can feel a bit more real! When did people start feeing different? I’m only about 5 weeks so maybe it’s going to take a while.
I started having cramps at 4w 2d, and the sore breasts and extreme tiredness came a few days later. It's still early days though, the symptoms will show up soon enough. xx

My symptoms only just started this wkd. Tiredness and sore boobies and some bloating in evening. Enjoy lack of symptoms whilst it lasts x
Morning lovely September Mums .... bad news from me I’m afraid.

Went for my Early scan yesterday at 8+2 and gestational sac is measuring 7+2 but no baby inside!
Unfortunately it didn’t grow from the offset but the sac has been.

Have to go to EPU tomorrow for another scan and then decide whether to wait to miscarry or have medical management.

Been told no blood around the sac so it could be a while before I start to miscarry.

I’m distraught as this really was a little miracle :( xx
Oh MelC I'm so so sorry to hear that. I know nothing will make it easier but I'm thinking about you&hope you get through this ok. Look after yourself. So devastating!
Gutted for you Mel :-(
Please look after yourself The world can be really cruel. I hope you have people around you to help you through this when your ready there’s girls on here who you can talk to too sending you lots of love xxx
Mel this is devasting. Its truly awful when something like this happens. Please look after yourself. I had MM with my mmc in sept so feel free to message me if you have any questions xx
Morning lovely September Mums .... bad news from me I’m afraid.

Went for my Early scan yesterday at 8+2 and gestational sac is measuring 7+2 but no baby inside!
Unfortunately it didn’t grow from the offset but the sac has been.

Have to go to EPU tomorrow for another scan and then decide whether to wait to miscarry or have medical management.

Been told no blood around the sac so it could be a while before I start to miscarry.

I’m distraught as this really was a little miracle :( xx
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. How absolutely heartbreaking. xx
Thanks ladies!

It’s so tough as I’m feeling so very sick still. I still have all the symptoms :( xx
Thanks ladies!

It’s so tough as I’m feeling so very sick still. I still have all the symptoms :( xx
That is by far the most evil thing about miscarriages, how you can have all the symptoms and feel pregnant, yet end up like this. I hope you are as okay as can be right now, please look after yourself. xx
MIL is here this weekend so to be honest it’s not been easy.

She didn’t know we were expecting but Hubby told her yesterday when we got back from the scan.
She’s hasn’t once mentioned anything to me, let along ask how I am or even given me a hug.

Wish she’d just bloody leave and leave us to it! xx
MIL is here this weekend so to be honest it’s not been easy.

She didn’t know we were expecting but Hubby told her yesterday when we got back from the scan.
She’s hasn’t once mentioned anything to me, let along ask how I am or even given me a hug.

Wish she’d just bloody leave and leave us to it! xx

She obviously doesnt know what to say. A big hug can go along way or like you say....giving you some space. Take a few deep breaths....shell be gone soon. Sending you a :hug: x
I'm so sorry mel, that's awful news, I'm so upset for you. Look after yourself hun x x

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