*** September 2018 Mums ***

Was supposed to have my 1st midwife appointment today, was really looking forward to it as it starts the ball rolling.
But then i get a disappointing phonecall from the midwife to say receptionist only booked me in for a 20 min slot and sge needed a hr at least so its been rearranged for another week. Another week to wait lol
Thats frustrating baby cakes! The first appt is mainly info gathering, taking blood, checking weight and testing urine. The exciting stuff happens a few weeks in. Its annoying though as the 1st appt makes it all feel real finally. The next week will fly by x
Felt quite nauseous in work today. Bought a bottle of ginger ale to sip on as that usually subsides the nausea but it didn’t help, it just gave me heartburn :wall2:
Co-workers guessed as soon as I walked into the door, just have to hope they can keep it hush hush until the first scan.
My boobs hurt so much today too, I’m finding it difficult to lay down. I usually sleep on my front but that’s too uncomfortable so I’ve had to start using my old maternity pillow already!:shock:
Hi Done a clear blue digital tonight and im so happy to join all you September mummys eeekkk😊
Congratulations! I'm 4+4 and due 23rd September if you can add me to the list please :) I think this site is an absolute godsend! It's so nice and reassuring to know I'm not the only one who is paranoid hehe I've had mild cramping over the last few days but doesn't seem as much today...and I find from 2pm onwards I already look 5 months pregnant due to horrendous bloating! Also very gassy and everything feels like it's churning inside haha. I didn't need to see the doctor, just handed a form in which the midwife collected and she rang me yesterday to book my booking in appointment for 12th Feb :) xxx
Oh ladies, I pray none of you get a really bad cold like me.
Currently laid up in bed suffering and bloody can’t take anything!
One of the downsides to pregnancy.

At least I have the day to myself whilst Hubby and little one at work/Nursery all day

Welcome to all the newbies xx
Hi, congratulations and welcome to the new mums-to-be!

I went to see the GP yesterday about the vomiting and she started me on antisickness meds and signed me off work for 4 weeks. I've been referred for consultant lead care because of my stillbirth but I declined an early scan because I don't think it will particularly reassure me, and leaving the house sounds horrible right now haha

Any other 'vomiters' in the group?
Oh ladies, I pray none of you get a really bad cold like me.
Currently laid up in bed suffering and bloody can’t take anything!
One of the downsides to pregnancy.

At least I have the day to myself whilst Hubby and little one at work/Nursery all day

Welcome to all the newbies xx

You can have paracetamol Hun, I had a chest infection and bad cold in October/November
Went to doctors and he said we can still have the throat losengers like halls soothers and lockets, he gave me dissolvable paracetamol and I put them in hot water with honey and a sliced lemon and it helps make sure you keep warm and drink plenty of fluids xx
Felt quite nauseous in work today. Bought a bottle of ginger ale to sip on as that usually subsides the nausea but it didn’t help, it just gave me heartburn :wall2:
Co-workers guessed as soon as I walked into the door, just have to hope they can keep it hush hush until the first scan.
My boobs hurt so much today too, I’m finding it difficult to lay down. I usually sleep on my front but that’s too uncomfortable so I’ve had to start using my old maternity pillow already!:shock:

Hope you are ferling a bit better today lalaroo? Someome in the other thread said sucking on ice lollies helped x
Hi, congratulations and welcome to the new mums-to-be!

I went to see the GP yesterday about the vomiting and she started me on antisickness meds and signed me off work for 4 weeks. I've been referred for consultant lead care because of my stillbirth but I declined an early scan because I don't think it will particularly reassure me, and leaving the house sounds horrible right now haha

Any other 'vomiters' in the group?

Not yet rainbow.....but might just be early days as not 6 weekend till saturday. Hope meds help. Take it easy and rest up whilst youre off work x
Oh ladies, I pray none of you get a really bad cold like me.
Currently laid up in bed suffering and bloody can’t take anything!
One of the downsides to pregnancy.

At least I have the day to myself whilst Hubby and little one at work/Nursery all day

Welcome to all the newbies xx

Oh mel you do sound poorly! Hope your cold doesnt hanf around too long! I had it over xmas and felt dreadful....surprised i actually conceived feeling that unwell!
Could anyone shed any light on what happens next?! Being our first time we’re a little like the blind leading the blind! We have booked a doctors appointment for tomorrow -I’m worried he’ll give me a pat on the back and just send me on my way!
Not sure whether this is the norm, but I saw my GP two weeks ago for just a few minutes really and was told the midwife would be in touch to arrange a booking appointment, and they would get me a date for the scan as well.

So far the latter has been done, but still waiting for the booking appointment date so hopefully you might have more luck!

I’ll let you know what happens tomorrow then!

Any news herewego? Did they contact you with some dates?
Sorry been catchinh up on the updates and replying separately! Hope everyone else is doing ok? X
Hey ladies! I had my first midwife app today for booking in. It went well but took ages as she was training someone too!
Also just had a call from the hospital - they’ve booked me in next Friday for a scan - wasn’t expecting it so early as I’ll only be 8 weeks! But super excited now! Praying everything is ok!!
Also ladies Aldi have their baby event on at the moment so lots of cheep bits if needed x
Thats great they will scan you at 8 weeks...so exciting! Thanks for heads up on aldi x
Felt quite nauseous in work today. Bought a bottle of ginger ale to sip on as that usually subsides the nausea but it didn’t help, it just gave me heartburn :wall2:
Co-workers guessed as soon as I walked into the door, just have to hope they can keep it hush hush until the first scan.
My boobs hurt so much today too, I’m finding it difficult to lay down. I usually sleep on my front but that’s too uncomfortable so I’ve had to start using my old maternity pillow already!:shock:

Hope you are ferling a bit better today lalaroo? Someome in the other thread said sucking on ice lollies helped x

No nausea today but I’m so bloated that I look nearly 4 months pregnant already. Praying that it goes away as we’re entertaining friends on Saturday evening and I don’t think I own any clothes that would hide my stomach :eh:

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