*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ah bunny that must have been scary, glad it was only little and you are ok. Poor girl bet she got a shock seeing you so pregnant. Did you notice the 'openness' when you sat down on the ball too? I started bouncing and was like 'oh my!'

If we are 1 or 2cm it just means there is less to do on d-day ~ some people walk around a bit dilated for weeks x
Oh no Bunny! Glad you weren't hurt!
I am also getting such bad pains. I didn't have any of this first time round so it's like being a ftm for me too lol! I was literally symptom free until my waters broke, but this time I seem to have lots of niggling pain and currently massive shooting pains again :( xx
Kelly I agree every pregnancy is so different it doesn't really help if you have done it before. I knew on the Saturday with Belle something was happening, and ended up in hospital that night bleeding, but there was nothing specific to say it was all starting... I just knew!

Until that day I had no other symptoms either, think our bodies play up more second time around! Hope your pains lead to something, am sure they are all heading in the right direction xx
In a none selfish way it makes me happy to know even tho you have done this before you feel the same - excited for us all to experience this together!

Yeah Tessa feel the openness even more so on the ball - how long did you do? How massive is my bump haha!

I don't know what's came over me tonight but I have never felt so calm, had a bath with a face mask, hypnobirthing music and candles. Came up to bed put my fan on, more candles & music with a raspberry leaf tea and I feel so calm. I've never ever felt this relaxed in my life. I'm so ready for little one xxxx
Me taking myself not so seriously with my Amazing face mask xxx


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Eurhh I'm feeling so crap, restless legs, heartburn, bad back n hips just want me little Prince/princess to get out of my body now!!!

Sorry ladies had to get that out. I still can't believe how far we have all cum n the end is very much in sight.

Enjoy the pampering bunny.

Sounds like your having a lovely evening bunny :) and having fun taking selfies :-p

I have been laying on my bed for a while. I just got up and was in literally SO much pain that I nearly fell over. After 6 or 7 steps it eased but Is still very painful so sat down.

Michelle, we are definitely suffering :(
Not long now xx
Oh Bunny it sounds like you might be on your way too! Glad the accident was ok.

Kelly might be the start for you too.

I feel like everyone is getting some symptoms apart from me, boohoo! Lol.

My cousin text, her waters went at this morning and has been in hospital, only period pains so far so may have to be induced tomorrow morning if things don't kick off naturally. Babies everywhere!

Anyone heard from H? x
Gilly I think we need some more gorgeous turtle and mouse pics to inspire our labours to kick off
Oh good thoufgt purple candy ~ yes please gilly!! I thought the same about h ~ hopefully she is ok xx
Hope things start naturally aswell and she doesn't have to be induced. I'd be so gutted if I had to be induced :(
Sorry ladies, I'm fine was just at my parents until 8pm and been feeling bit rough as Ruby has given me her cold so not had chance to catch up yet. Will do it now :)
Thanks for the excited replies to my news ladies, makes me even more excited haha! Baby is 3/5 engaged in the correct position now so I am pleased he is not back to back like Ruby was although as we know babies like to change it up until last minute so just hope he behaves himself! Was my last appointment with midwife today unless I go overdue which she said is highly unlikely due to all my labour signs. She scheduled me in for an appointment with GP in 2 weeks but doesn't think I have any chance of making it that far either so she doubts I would even need a discussion on induction. Baby extremely quiet today compared to normal which is exactly what happened with Ruby 2 days before labour started and midwife actually commented on it to me today saying all my cramping, nausea, contractions, pressure etc plus his lack of movements makes her think it may be this weekend but we shall see! Was funny as I had a contraction whilst she was trying to measure me and she had to wait for it to stop before she could carry on as apparently contractions make you measure bigger lol. Been getting a lot of painless contractions today at one point there were every 12 mins but very odd that they were painless as I always get pain with BH! I have demanded OH has sex with me tonight to get my cervix softened up hahaha, he reluctantly agreed! ;) Maybe I will just have sex on the birthing ball whilst drinking RLT, maybe the trick to all these old wives tales is to do them all at once?! Will keep you posted ;) lol!

After my appointment this morning I went into town and bought some nice comfy new clothes for hospital bag as getting annoyed at myself as I keep wearing the clothes in my bag. Happy to say it is now nicely packed and ready in preparation and I will not be wearing the new clothes until I go to hospital lol.

Bunny your friends baby is a cutie, that was a nice message to wake up to :) Pain and pressure although unpleasant is a really good sign hun, hope things kick off for you soon :) Car crashes are scary at best of times never mind when you are pregnant, glad to hear you are ok hun! Period pains are definitely a sign hun, had them for 2 weeks on and off before I had Ruby and having them again this week with little man :)

Michelle, I saw the pics of your little boy meeting your friends baby on facebook - soooo cute! Does it make you more excited for him to meet his sibling? :) 12 days is insanely close! Can't believe we are all so close to having new little people in our lives! Crazy! I hope your pain goes soon hun x

Summer, I can see why traveling to London would stress you out, it is a bloody traffic nightmare! Sounds like a nice day is planned though and if you won't see your friend for quite a while it may be worth the stress. Tough choice though. Enjoy the christening too :)

Gilly, that sounds like a lovely weekend, enjoy it! Hope you get the formula situation sorted, what a nightmare!

Awww Kelly, babies love coming at the most inconvenient times, just plan to do something really exciting and she will appear lol. Unless I have baby in next 15 mins he won't arrive tonight sadly lol. Hope the pain eases up for you hun, sounds like you are really suffering this week bless ya x

Tessa, yay for the tea and primrose oil causing tightenings etc, hopefully it will help kick things off for you :D I know what you mean about feeling "open" apparently you are perm 1cm dilated after having your first baby though so will never have to start from 0 again so might explain it?

Doll_eyes, pleased you can try a water birth hun, brilliant news. Also great news about being fully engaged! Not long now!

Purple, I'm sorry hun, would love to stay due date buddies so try and go into labour a bit early as I don't want to wait too long haha. :P
Woop! 3/5 engaged yay :)
I had quietness yesterday but active again today H! Glad your bag is ready as it sounds like you may need it soon. Won't you be gutted now though if it doesn't happen this weekend like she said? Fingers crossed for you! I'm looking forward to waking up in the morning to your exciting news :) x
Of course haha! With Ruby my midwife said she would be born within x amount of days and she wasn't so will definitely be gutted lol x
Morning ladies, so many of us suffering now defo means we gettin close!!

I'm no to bad again this morn heartburn n restless legs seems to b at night n the pain has eased. Harry will b off with grandma n Grandad later fir a bit so will rest as much as I cam now.

Yea h I do feel excited about him meetin his little bro or Sue now altho he was overwhelmed by it all bless him.

Hope this weekend is it fir you h.


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