Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Good morning :)

Woke up this morning with an email from my mom saying congrats last year this day you got engaged lol...

So here I am one year engaged and with a bean in the way...

I think we decided that we will get married after the bean is born and can be our flower girl then...
Having a baby without being married here is sth very common but in Greece is like a blasphemy :wall: so I am waiting for the vicious Greek family now to tell me all about that soon and how important it is to get married before the bean is here....

The truth is nth will change if we get married before???
My love towards him will not change?
And we have to admit it even a townhall wedding right now it's not my best for me when I can barely stand on my feet for 30 min...
Never mind shopping maternity nice clothes suitable for a wedding when you can't even find casual maternity big sizes here.
That and I really want to get back in my small size clothes before I get married?

I think my family will flip out lol...

Anyway :) it's incredibly hot in Norway today :roll: the sun is shinning more than I want to lol...

Have a nice day everyone :love:
Have a fab day hun!
happy engagement anniversary :love: We'll be on our honeymoon for the anniversary of our engagement :)
Just ignore the family that think its blasphemous. You know the love you have for OH and LO is strong and won't change! If last year had gone to plan we'd have had our LO before getting married. For years I wasn't fussed either way about marriage or having kids in or out of marriage. I'm not sure why it became important to me now, I think its just that i want to be able to publicly celebrate our relationship. It won't change anything, we;ve lived together for years, buying our house was a huge financial committment far greater than marriage :)
My sister and my brother (and 2 of OH's bro's) have all have children out of wedlock....

Here it doesn't matter!

OH and I have no intention of getting married, there is no need for us to really!

yeah it really isn't a big deal here, although marriage is becoming more popular again for some reason!
Good morning :)

We had some wonderful hot days here!!!!
I spent lots of time in the yard planting flowers and watering the grass etc and even got a sunburn as I didn't have sun cream!!! I would never imagine that we will have hot weather to need one anyway lol and the stores were closed...

I felt the bean everyday moving and the movements seem to get stronger. Ofc with that came the paranoia too as for example yesterday i only noticed a couple of movements and today I didn't feel her at all yet and I am standing here wondering is she is doing ok in there or not...

I suppose there is no win situation for me in this pregnancy...I kind of accepted the idea now that I will be paranoid, crazy pregnant woman until bean is here and beyond....

How are you all doing?
Jesus its 4.30 :(
I suppose I didn't get used to yet to be sunlight almost all night....and even if we have black out blinds and thick curtains ( that they don't even block everything out...) nobody can stop the birds etc from starting their day before they even finish it...
As a result here I am moaning at this ungodly h....
Anyway busy day today, first going downtown to sort some papers then going to the supermarket. Then to pick the mail and finally we can fix the pc this afternoon :) and then I have loads of work to do...
Oh also in laws coming to visit this Saturday and that means cleaning the whole house and fixing the yard and cooking :( and stressing about all that....
To top all that I dont think I felt the baby move much the past 2 days (not sure if I felt it at all...) and that stresses me...
My logic says that it's early, I have anterior placenta and probably the bean just changed position but someone please to stop all those crazy thoughts from my mind that sth bad happened....

Oh also I think today when I go to the supermarket I will pick some diapers and wet wipes too :roll: scary thought lol...
Not planing on stocking big time on them though, maybe 4-5 packs?
That's all, have a nice day everyone :love:
And god I am so hungry lol... Can I have breakfast at this h?? :wall:
Hope you feel ok after your early morning, I was too sleepy when OH got up at 5 to do anything. My sleep seems to be back to normal now, relish it while i can :)
Wow a busy day and few days ahead for u Hope! I was up early yesterday, well by early I mean 6am!! Not been up at that time unable to sleep for ages! Although it did help as I had so much time during they day to get loads done.

Yay for feeling more movements, and yes it really is the start of yet a new worry :) I worry if Roo doesn't move on command even if I have felt him recently lol plus like I've said with the anterior placenta sometimes I see movements I don't actually feel :shock: still not used to those! Lol xx
hardy ever post in here now do i!! naughty me! how are all my lovely ladies xx
:wave: hi lynette, we're keeping this thread going til you join us huney! Xxx
Hey lunette :) once you join us I rename the thread and we Can Move it to somewhere else :) I don't want to leave our angel babies back :(
You will join us very soon :hug:
Lynette will be joining us soon enough ladies - I am sure of it!! I reckon NTNP will work wonders

Yep, I was just thinking about that actually lol. It was like that first time for her wasnt it?

On a different note, how is the ahem boob grow going for you girls??? I am still in the same size bras????????
I am still wearing the same size but they are getting a little bit tight on my back, even on the loosest clasp?

Also the cups aren't covering as much as they should so I reckon I need to get measured pronto!

I went up two sizes too, really early on from 40DD to 42F :shock: and they are meant to get bigger after LO arrives! Don't know how I will cope lol xx
I was a DD :( ( well after I got so fat before I was a B :roll:) and I got an E just to be more comfortable but I could fit in the DD too. No change at all until now????
I really have to do a rough estimation what I will need when the milk will come in as I need to order from uk maybe some bigger bras as here you can't find bigger chest circumference numbers or sth bigger than F :roll:
I'm still in a 34c, although that cannot be right as I have put on about a stone :shock:

I'll go to M&S on Wednesday when I am back at work and get measured!

Hun it will be no prob to send you nursing bras, I can send a couple of sizes xxx

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