Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Thank you dysco, hopefully I will find some to order I know how busy you are. I will think about bras in a couple of months. I have no idea how to estimate the size I will need once the baby is here :roll:

My oh cold got me so I didn't get any sleep being with stuffed nose a headache and a sore throat....
Being pregnant sucks for me but being pregnant and poorly is really not fun lol....

Going to pick a second hand Moses basket today that we will use in the living room so a little excited about that...
Btw a Moses basket (second hand ) with a stand and a mobile to go with it is costing 100 pounds here :roll: and we even have to buy a new mattress to go with it as the one that comes with it has been used for 7 months and I am not comfortable with that.
I think I will put a waterproof sheet in that used mattress and use it as a changing mat for the living room...

Did I mention that this baby will financially destroy us lol :wall:
well check out prices with me hun, might be cheaper to buy stuff here and ship it :) things will be calmer for me after the wedding too, I hope!!!!
Thank you :love:
I am in a really bad mood... Managed almost no sleep, I am full of cold and I can barely breath....and coco decided the past 2 days to start barking like an idiot when she wakes up in her cage....
In a positive note my mum shopped the baby clothes abs was showing them to me on the Skype, there are the most gorgeous little things ever. She went at Pierre Gardine and bought everything from there :roll: I mean baby clothes are expensive enough as they are without being from a fancy brand... Who the hell dresses a newborn with brand clothes :roll:
Anyway she claims that hey weren't more expensive than other clothes and she really liked them...
My bean will be the best dressed in Norway as you can't even find such cute clothes here...
Thankfully she was clever enough to not buy outfits as I hate seeing small babies in all grown up look like clothes...She also got us all kind of blankets, wash clothes, bibs and really everything that the baby needs...
We also picked the Moses basket yesterday (a second hand one) I will post a picture in my journal I think.
Good morning girls :)

That's a horrible weather we have here, feels more like fall to winter really rather than summer :(
That's also the 4 day that I have that shitty excuse my language cold :(. I look absolutely awful with red eyes, red nose and bleeding lips.... Sneezing and a runny nose all day and night :(oh and my gums got so sore that I wish I could chew them :roll:
My oh on the other hand that gave me the cold was only poorly for like a day and not even close to what I have to deal here... We do really have a crap immune system while pregnant :(
I even had some nasal decongestant spray as I couldn't breath anymore ( quite safe but they advice to not too just in case you overdo it...)
anyway this weekend we have no plans at all as we will probably still be inside being poorly...
Oh oh you know that we don't have tv, well we do have tv but pay no subscription for it so we can't see any channels. Anyway my oh won a subscription for 1 year so we are getting tv lol... We are both not a huge fan of tv other than downloading specific movies or serials and watching them but I suppose it can be handy for the endless hours breastfeeding...
Anyway we could choose what channels we want an we picked mostly documentary channels.
Look at me here getting so excited for tv lol and I don't even watch tv :shock:
I wonder of we will actually watch anything lol...

Lots of packages arrived yesterday from amazon and Norwegian post. Now we have a baby scale, an angelcare monitor, a play mat, a diaper organizer, stickers for the nursery walls, a moby wrap and a top and tail bowl.
Also next week my parents will sent me the first package withe the baby things that they got us. They are all gorgeous from what I could see at Skype so I can't wait to actually hold them. in plus here are all washed and ironed :roll: so is really more than I could ask for :love:
Still more packages to arrive from Greece the following moths with curtains, bumpers and mosquito net nursery set and lots of meds and special formulas and creams etc from my auntie that's a pediatrician just in case we need them. My grandma also working on knitting some baby soft shoes and sweaters.

Our bean is already so spoiled by everyone....

Too bad that we are almost out of money this month :roll: ( that was 2 doctor salaries in like 10 days????) not impressed at all.... So we will have to wait tight for the next pay check to come to buy baby furniture for the nursery ( that's if I can find sth that I really like... the options here are dead ugly making me wonder if Scandinavians really have bad taste or they are just minimalist...)
Ofc we have savings but I think our parenting instincts already kicks in and we are both not happy to spent that money just on case sth happens to us and the bean needs money :roll:

Omg look at me talking so much here lol. Well done if you actually read all that lol....

So what's your plans for the weekend?

Though I probably know half or it: dysco if going around like a headless chicken stressing for the wedding, kanga is going around like a headless chicken stressing about Roos arrival lol....

Popping in your journals soon to see how you all doing as I am not so sure anyone still reads here :hug:
hi lovely, what a long post that I promise I'll read better later, but do you need a mosquito net in Norway???
urgh I do hate flys, hope your cold disappears soon and you can start to feel better, me & DH have been reading up on living in Norway and it does seem very expensive although I guess that's the price to pay for clean air and idyllic living I wish I'd been able to bring J up over there its a dream for now anyways hope you have a nice weekend xxx

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Hey DP. Yes it's extremely expensive here but don't forget the salaries are the highest in Europe too.
We struggle a little now because we were repairing the house when the bean happened plus all the expenses for the bean.
The truth is though that a 20 year old here can afford to buy its own house and has its own car with a low salary job and a loan (everyone has a bank loan here)
Most of the families they afford to have 3 kids, a big house, 2 cars, a trailer, and an RV or camper.
I will tell you first the bad things here. Regarding every day life and shopping the stores are open from 9-5 and the malls from 10-7, Saturdays are open until 4 and Sunday is everything closed including the supermarkets and the pharmacies, absolutely everything. You can't really find all brands that you are use to for clothes or food but usually you can find a decent similar replacement. Clothes, furniture etc you will not find the same variability that you are use to and sometimes i consider them with quite bad taste or who knows maybe Scandinavians are just minimalistic...
Rules... Ahem there are one million rules regarding the every day life and unwritten rules of behavior that sometimes feel excessive but it's nth major I suppose after you get used to it for a while...
The weather it really depends of where you live in Norway. the majority of people live on south Norway where the weather is similar with scotland. West gets almost no snow and east is Warner but with lots of snow. It gets dark at around 3 o'clock during the winter and sun comes out at around 10 o clock ( for a couple of months) during summer there are only a couple of h of semi darkness or no darkness at all depending of how high you life but tou can solve than with good blinds...

Those all may fell horrible but I have to tell you the good things too.

Norwegians are very polite and kind people usually eager to help you with information or whatever you need. Hospitality here is a little different from wharf I am use to in Mediterranean countries but no different than in uk.

The country is close to be free from every day crimes etc and it's considered absolutely safe to leave our kids outside to play, roam the roads, ride their bikes to school without any fears. There is no problem if you forget to lock the front door or you car and the mail gets delivered in unlocked boxes at the end of the road with no problems.
You can buy things from the Internet that get delivered and you pay later at some point and if you need gas and you forgot your wallet there is no tragedy you can always pay later....

The air here is clean and same comes for nature, beautiful landscapes, without any sign of garbage, lots of rivers and lakes and you probably just need to get no further than like 10 km from your house to find all those.

There is high quality education and lots of opportunities for kids and financial support.

The health system is not perfect but I don't know any countries that have that anyway lol...

Ahem I think that's all :)
Sounds just about perfect to me ;)

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Good morning everyone :)

Almost scan day and the bean decided its a good time to stop moving / change position whatever.
I didn't feel many movements yesterday...
Also had a stupid nightmare that my baby was stillborn at 30 weeks :roll:
How awful to dream sth like that....
40 weeks can't come fast enough really...
Anyway, let's see a pipe bursted and flooded the whole basement :faint: then while filling the fish tank with water coco pulled the and the living room carpet got soaked on water ( thankfully only a portion of it as it's a wall to wall carpet and it's a pain to clean and dry )

After all that I must say we don't do so good with water those days????

So we now need a hell lot of money to repair things at the basement, apparently we need a new drain outside of the house that got clogged because of branches, dirt etc but as its underground the need to dig all over around the house to get to it.... On top of that its not really covered by the insurance company as its considered a normal thing to happen after some years :roll: :roll:
The previous owners told my oh when he bought this house that they did that the year before so obviously they didn't or sth got terribly wrong probably down there...
So yeah we will have to spent the rest of the time until LO is here with people digging and repairing whatever outside the house and the basement :(

Ok I moaned enough lol, have a nice day everyone :love:
not a good start to the day for you hun! :yay: for nearly scan day though, come on bean, keep on moving :)


I am super busy and so worried about everything that has to get done. OH was in a completely unreasonably bad mood last night so i went to bed in a hump grrr but made him do our first dance practise this morning so that made us laugh! Left my keys at my mums which is a royal pain in the bum cos its my office keys but i'll have to live with getting people to let me in and out my office for a couple of days. Only 3 days of work this week then off for nearly weeks :) can't wait!!!
Such a pain with the keys... I know all about that... Been there, did that....

As for your oh... Mine would have done much worst than that... Dreading our wedding day lol as it will be an orthodox wedding and it's full of traditions that he will have to follow and I am pretty sure he will be very very unhappy lol...

Just think in one week everything will be done and you will be in your way to honeymoon....

Drank a black tea this morning with apple, cinnamon and raisins ( I usually drink 0 coffee or tea but just wanted to see if I can get this bean moving...) well now it's kicking me with legs and head lol...
I think I pissed it off waking it with that black caffeine loaded tea lol....
At least I can now relax a tiny bit that at least it's ok, hopefully a good size too tomorrow at the scan...
Scan day today :( fx the bean is ok and the right weight, my urine is clear with no protein and no glucose in it...( I doubt I will avoid gestational diabetes because of my weight but let's only hope...)
I should probably get more blood tests done soon?
Wowser hun - another scan day LOL!

You are so lucky!

I know you are still worried but you do seem a little calmer about ths scan?

Hopefully you wont end up with GT, I know weight is a factor but it doesn't mean you will definately end up with it so keep positive

I am not hugely worries as I can feel the bean moving and I know it's alive at least. I still worry a little as my bump seems smaller than the other girls have at 25 weeks but it may as well hiding in all that fat.
I just hope all the measurements are ok...
About the GD I really hope I don't get it. I lived low carb before and I don't really mind doing it all again for the bean (though I am a carb monster during this pregnancy????)

Carnat every appointment is a scan for me too included so I will have as many more as my appointments are...
Good morning :)

Got all emotional earlier reading dyscos comment a kangas thread saying that soon the first of us will get her bean finally :love:
I wouldn't be here without all of your support really :hugs:
Anyway, crap weather with rain and lots of blowing... You would say winter is coming :roll:
No big plans for today, but on Saturday we will probably go to a near town at Ikea to buy the beans furniture.
Meantime we need some more spackling and painting at the baby's room...
What's your plans? Have a nice day everyone :)
I've finished work :). Got loads to do but just might relish a lie in this morning :) xx
Yay to finishing work Dysco - I am sure you want get much time to relax so grab any moments when you can :lol:

Hope, I think comparing bumps to other people isn't going to help? I am the opposite to you and feel humungous as I look so big to other people :roll:

I got almost zero sleep last night so I am in a foul mood and feel quite poorly today....

hey ladies i barely post in here do i! i cant wait to join you all :-( im the only one left behind!

hope everyone is ok

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