:( bad luck?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Off apparently my bad luck has no end...
I am at 14 days after d&c for a blighted ovum. Yesterday we had sex, the condom broke....
I am so so worried, the doctor said to wait at least 1 cycle until TTC...
With my bad luck I will end up pregnant and mc again as the li ing of the uterus will not be ready for a new baby so soon. Or worst loose the pregnancy later due to cervix incompetence or sth....
My worries seem to have no end really....
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hi!! i wudnt worry hun i know a few people who got pg straight after a mc and had a successful pg, so IF thats happened and ur pg u cud have a completely healthy preg, after my mc my gp said the only reason they usually recommend one full cycle is for dates and for ur mental state etc, whats meant for ya wont pass u mrs, good luck!!! xxx
Is that true after d&c too? I thought is only true after a natural mc. Thank you anyway, I hopeit will be ok but can't sto worrying.
i had a d and c hun and thats what they said, tbh if u r theres not much u can do only hope for the best :) i haemorrhaged tho so was advised to wait longer to let my blood heal xx
After reading a little on the Internet now I am so scared. :( everyone says that you suppose to wait 1 month at least. I don't know what to do. I was thinking to get the next days pill but that dosent seem right for various reasons...I suppose I can only wait and see and hope for the best. I can't really go through one more mc. I really can't.
Maybe I stay away from google. It's freaking me out.
My doctor will so think I am an idiot that we can't even use a condom without messing everything.

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