Our little dream :) Had a mc???

hey ladies i barely post in here do i! i cant wait to join you all :-( im the only one left behind!

hope everyone is ok

Oh sweetie,

Sorry you feel that way.

I was never even part of this thread, I just wondered in and started posting LOL

Your time is coming lovely

it really is exciting and weird to see how far we have come! I remember when this thread was just me, dysco and hope, there is noway I would have gotten through my mmc without them :hugs:

lynette :hugs: we are all routing of u and ur sticky bean xxxx
Ditto kangas post, lynette each one of is rooting for you so much! :hug: xxx
I know you are I love you girlies what would I ever do without you all eh? Xxxxx

:whistle: Fapatalking :whistle:
Good morning :)

Nursery is up :) well not finished yet as we still need some work on the walls as some painting but all the furniture is up.
We decided to put the closet in our bedroom instead of the baby's room for various reasons: the room is small and it would have been very crowded with the closet there and also being in our bedroom gives me access to fold clothes etc even when the bean is sleeping.
I will post some pictures in my journal when everything is done :)

We had an incident yesterday with my oh and the puppy....
Coco was keep jumping On him and she bloody knows to not jump and she usually Dosent so no idea what go into her.... So my oh sent her in the hallway for some time out. All good but the puppy being in such playful mood didn't obey... So he got her from the collar and Got her out of the room. But while doing that, the collar broke ( it was broken before and repaired) resulting on the puppy projecting on the fireplace...
God it started crying it broke my heart. I started crying too and my oh all it could do is to cuddle me and saying he is so sorry.
The puppy was completely ok, there are no sharp edges on the fireplace for her to get hurt, it was only so scared resulting to her crying like she was in pain for a whole endless minute before he cuddled her and she stopped. Exactly like a baby lol.
I was so crying that I couldn't get in the hallway to see how bad it is I was imaging her with a broken leg and bleeding the way she was crying.
It took my oh like 15 min to convince me that the puppy is not even scratched and I eventually stopped crying...

All I have to say is bloody pregnant hormones :roll:
I mean I discipline the puppy all day long and I am quite "harsh" with it but I just couldn't face her crying....

Omg so much ranting lol!!!!

Now someone to give me a dinner idea please!
Excited!!!!! Just got delivered a huge package full of baby clothes from mum :)
Good morning :)

Nursery is up :) well not finished yet as we still need some work on the walls as some painting but all the furniture is up.
We decided to put the closet in our bedroom instead of the baby's room for various reasons: the room is small and it would have been very crowded with the closet there and also being in our bedroom gives me access to fold clothes etc even when the bean is sleeping.
I will post some pictures in my journal when everything is done :)

We had an incident yesterday with my oh and the puppy....
Coco was keep jumping On him and she bloody knows to not jump and she usually Dosent so no idea what go into her.... So my oh sent her in the hallway for some time out. All good but the puppy being in such playful mood didn't obey... So he got her from the collar and Got her out of the room. But while doing that, the collar broke ( it was broken before and repaired) resulting on the puppy projecting on the fireplace...
God it started crying it broke my heart. I started crying too and my oh all it could do is to cuddle me and saying he is so sorry.
The puppy was completely ok, there are no sharp edges on the fireplace for her to get hurt, it was only so scared resulting to her crying like she was in pain for a whole endless minute before he cuddled her and she stopped. Exactly like a baby lol.
I was so crying that I couldn't get in the hallway to see how bad it is I was imaging her with a broken leg and bleeding the way she was crying.
It took my oh like 15 min to convince me that the puppy is not even scratched and I eventually stopped crying...

All I have to say is bloody pregnant hormones :roll:
I mean I discipline the puppy all day long and I am quite "harsh" with it but I just couldn't face her crying....

Omg so much ranting lol!!!!

Now someone to give me a dinner idea please!

he threw the dog on the fireplace? or dragged her by her neck, the collar snapped and she fell?

sounds rough for a dog to be handled that way :-(
Nah she was just holding her from the collar leading her in the hallway and she pulled back and the collar snapped. So she felt on the fireplace. But he wasn't rough with her at all. He wasn't dragging her just the puppy when she realized that she is going on the time out place started pulling...
nawww lol! naughty puppy haha cant belive she cried like a baby! my MILS dog scrreams like you are killing him if you try clipping his nails!
Milk sweet pie :D I hope I manage to keep myself from eating 1/2 the pan lol...

That looks lovely hun! What exactly is milk pie though??

I don't exactly know the name In English :( its kind of a custard maybe?
It's made with milk, semolina, orange peel, sugar, eggs, butter and vanilla.it's served warmish or room temperature with some cinnamon and sugar on top.
Good morning :)
We had a rough weekend with some tummy bug and now my oh managed to get a new cold yet again so it will not be long since I get that one too...
Lots of work lately, being on all kind of presentations and congresses etc and feel properly tired by it all...it Dosent ofc help that my constant tiredness is back...
One good news is that we are probably getting that range rover. it's a second hand but new ones here cost 3x what they cost in rest of Europe because of the taxes :roll:
Anyway scan day today, hopefully that bean Dosent measure again on the big side of normal....
after this appointment I have at some point a hospital appointment with the head department of the maternity to discuss if we go for a c section or not.
Meantime my gynecologist will be on vacation and she will be back when I will be 35 weeks :faint: and that stresses me a little but hopefully it will be ok....
After scab we atelier going to pick the cad seat for the baby. Also a second hand but never been in an accident.
Anyway I have a feeling that the bean will be out if it in 6-7 months as it seems it will be a chubby kid....( I can only see it coming people saying she is chubby because I am fat....)
Right that's all. After the car seat we need a breast pump, a crib, a sterilizer and we are finally done....
Well still need to buy loads of pads for me and other things that will go in my hospital bag :faint:
I can't believe that soon I will have to start thinking of making my hospital bags to be ready :roll:
Anyway how are you all doing?
More sad news from my family... My uncle that has pancreatic cancer is at the hospital having only days or hours to live. My cousins 27 and 17 there are both there crying their eyes out...
I don't really think my family can get loads more...
Let's only hope that after that only happy events are going to happen...
Feeling almost like cheating of having that baby girl while everyone grieves do much...
Anyway weather is stupidly bad for July it's being raining constantly since last week...
Oh and I had a moment of oh shit we will be parents yesterday :roll::faint: weird feeling really, I must be crazy but I almost feel sad for that?
Dosent help that my oh keeps going around saying things like that's the last time we do that before the baby comes... FGS we are not dying we are having a baby :wall:
Right that turned up in a big moan lol... Ignore the pregnant hormonal bitch please...
Sorry to hear about your uncle hun,

This isn't the husband of your aunt that passed away is it? :shock:

sorry to hear your bad news hun xxxxx

I hope you and your family are ok, dont feel like having baby is cheating in some way! For every door that shuts another one opens x
Carnat he is my moms other sister husband ( not the one that died) so we have 2 families one without mum and one soon to be without dad...it's awful...
one of my baby cousins that her mom died 3 months ago just had admission exams for university.
I pray to Gods that she can enter the university that she wants :pray: though that poor girl didn't manage to study almost at all being to the hospital and full of worries every day the past year...

We just need some good news in this family...
Maybe I should go ahead and name my bean actually hope or sth lol or joy to bring us good luck...

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