One of my famous TMI threads haha UPDATE

not majorly painful, but defo getting worse. i can talk, walk, breathe through them at moment, x
Have you noticed your ticker is wrong Lexi? It says you are 40 weeks + 8! I think the tickers seem to play up when you go past the 40 week point! Someone needs to let them know that women often go over due!!! lol

Oooh also, hope you're ok and best of luck chick :hugs:
lol i know i saw that on my ticker this morning i was like slow down haha! xx
Omg I hope this is it. Sounds like early labour. Fingers crossed Girly. Xxx
Eeeeeh, how exciting. I hope baby is on the way!
Yay!!! Goodluck lexi!! I love a good labour watch!! Come on little princess :D x x
lol i know, i just hope its not one of those labours that lasts days. at least im contracting regularly, thats got to be a good sign!x
Keep active! I found walking really brought on my contractions. I kept sitting down through the pain and was like oh no stand up I need him out! Lol
Nice timing to avoid the sweep tomorrow!!

Should u not ring hospital since they are 5mins apart?
Nice timing to avoid the sweep tomorrow!!

Should u not ring hospital since they are 5mins apart?

Good point pink punch. I was told by my mw that when contractions were 5 mins apart that was the point to call them.

I know you want to stay at home for as long as possible flexi, but i'd defo give the hospital a call and explain what is happening to you ;)
yeah i was told to ring when 5 minutes apart too ring labour ward how exciting!! xx
Horrayy Flexi - can't wait to hear how your doing now? sounds like contractions are moving fast, hope they keep coming nice and regular X
hey! just basically had a bath, leg shave, armpit shave, moisteurised and everything haha and got dressed, and since ive done that theyve gone to 6 mins apart!! wrong bloody direction! lol they are still 40 secs long. i think ill ring then, just to be on safe side and let them know that im contracting, gonna do that now, and then ill update :) x
hey! just basically had a bath, leg shave, armpit shave, moisteurised and everything haha and got dressed, and since ive done that theyve gone to 6 mins apart!! wrong bloody direction! lol they are still 40 secs long. i think ill ring then, just to be on safe side and let them know that im contracting, gonna do that now, and then ill update :) x

Yay can't wait! I'm going to be glued to the forum today now lol

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