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*Update 4 first post* Baby Galen pics :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Finally a few of our little bundle of joy :)

Galen, a few hours old :)


Galen and a tired but very happy Daddy


Big yawn


And some more of him can be seen here :)

Birth story nearly written, only taken me 3 days :roll: :lol:


He's finally here! A baby boy, Galen Rohan Marks, 9lb15ozs (one oz of 10lb :shock: ) and 54cms long! A true biff!!!! It was epic :lol: :roll:

He is gorgeous, I am exhusted, actual official labour was from 6.30pm last night (Friday) (the rest didn't count :shock: ) and he arrived at 5.36 am this morning screaming loudly and looking to feed :) Which he has done and is now sleeping.

We are thrilled, and going to have a nap. Will post more later sometime.

Thank you everyone for your messages :hug: :hug: :hug:


*Update 2 - 1.30pm* Am tired. Had a walk, did stuff. Napped for an hour only since last update. Contractions happening (stronger) but just not really progressing as yet. Lots more show/plug. Looks to me like LO is going to take their time. MW is due out sometime soon, so far she is happy with things though. Says it can go like this :roll: I seem to be coping ok all things considered.

OH may post future updates as I can't sit for long without contractions getting in the way :lol: Thanks for your support ladies :hug: :hug: Just wish I had something more to be able to tell you :roll: :wall: Hopefully next time!

*Update 1 - 8am May 9* Contractions (first stage) most of the night, up to 3 minutes apart and lasting about 50-60 seconds. Lots more show. Not much sleep, just dozed between contractions :roll: :lol: I'm somewhat tired but Bump seems in no hurry to appear. Thank goodness for the TENS machine, its been a real relief. Am going back to see if I can snooze for a bit before calling MW. Looks like this might be a bit of a long one :roll:

Brief run down of events as its been going on since yesterday evening :lol: Just didn't worry to post as was not sure quite what was what :roll: Not wanting to get ahead of myself :oops:

Last night felt 'different'. Had back ache, dull period like pains, bit sick feeling, sniffly and had an early night. Bump decided to have a bit of a wriggle and I then started having stronger period like pains every 10-15 minutes or so for a couple of hours. In the end I fell asleep.

Woke at 1.30am, went for a wee (still back ache and period like pains etc) and had what I can only guess was my show. Pinkish red bloody mucus when I wiped. Stayed awake a while reading, had some more stronger pains on and off, went back to sleep.

Bit more show around 7am. More pains then they stopped around 9am :evil:

Spoke to MW at lunchtime. Said it all sounded promising and asked how many times I'd had my bowels open. 4 times in 16 hours it turns out. She said to just keep pottering around, see how I go, take a walk up the hill and see if that got things going. Could be hours, a day, a few days she said :) No worries thought I, so stomped off up the hill with hubby and dog. Blimey :shock: That seems to have done it :rotfl:

Had back ache and period like pains all afternoon. Feeling like I need to poo also (and have done so twice more this evening :lol: ) Napped also and Bump had a good wriggle and seems to be much lower down now. And had another walk this evening around 5pm and since then pains (I can't yet call 'em contractions just in case they are not :lol: :roll: ) have been coming thick and fast and are pretty painful now. Every 5 minutes or so and lasting 30-40 seconds each on average. Really feel them in my lower back and right down *there*. I'm walking/breathing them off and about to jump in the shower and stick the TENS machine on. I could be here a while :roll:

Hubby is getting all the stuff in place, I shall call maternity unit in a bit and wait for MW to call me and then see how I go. It might all carry on, it might all stop again, just waiting and seeing.

So anyways, thats me :D
good luck, hope all goes well in the next few hours.

Awwwwwww how exciting!
hope everything goes ok for you and good luck! keep us posted hun!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
YAY! I am SO excited for you Sherry! I can't wait to hear all about your home water birth experience! I am relying on you to tell me all about it!!!

Come on mini-Sherlock!!! wooooo

good luck hun, am thinking of you :)
You've been doing all the right things - walking, resting, chilling, reading, doing what you want really. It all sounds very positive to me. Last time I lost my show on the Thursday night, lost some of my waters on Friday night, went into full blown labour on the Saturday and my little man was born on the Sunday.

Oooh not long to go now! Can't wait to see little Sherlock! My fingers are so tightly crossed for your homebirth :hug:
Aww wow.. Good luck Sherry!

I convinced myself it was all false when I first started having contractions too. :lol:

I hope it all goes well for you and your holding your beautiful baby soon :hug:
:shock: sherry you sound so calm :cheer: :hug:

best of luck for tonight, this sounds like it though :cheer: i'll be popping in every now and again for updates!!! how exciting!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :hug:
Yay. Sounds like labour to me. Just means another night of no sleep for me cause i'm to busy checking on here to see if baby has arrived
aw wow - good luck hun!
Do you know what you are having?
OOO best of luck Sherlock, yah the forum Mummy is having her baby at last, just wanted to wish you a fantasiic birth you deserve after all the help u give us :)

xxx :hug:
Good luck sherlock, hoping to wake tomorrow to read you have had your LO :cheer:
Sounds like this is it to me! :D

All I will say is stay upright as much as possible as it really does help keep things going!

Good luck and I shall check back in the morning for news unless I get a text in the meantime ;) x
I feel so excitied for you!! Can't wait to see a pic of bubs and read the birth story...But please promise us that you will stay a forum mommy Sherry! We neeeed you :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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