My birth story - the long version!

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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Right, I think it's time to write a more detailed birth story, while I remember things :) Hope my little boy that is currently sleeping on my lap won't mind me typing :)

As some of you probably remember, I was sent to be induced at 40 w + 1 d because I was diagnosed with a very mild version of cholestasis. I really didn't want to be induced, so I did lots of walks in the last days, had a sweep, did some acupressure and nipple stimulation, bounced on the ball and even had some sexy time (my husband was still exausted after flu, but managed to perform as was required :) ). I don't know what worked (probably a combination of all of the above), but I arrived to the hospital with mild period-like pain.

First I was hooked up to the monitor and examined. These pains were not yet contractions and I was only 1 cm dilated, so we needed to go ahead with the induction. I was given gel, and was sent for a walk. I was also told that I might need more gel, and it's likely that things will start happening only the next morning-afternoon, and the baby will most likely arrive the next day or the day after next... (yeah right!).

It was cold and rainy outside, and I didn't have an umbrella or warm shoes (I only planned to wear my shoes to get in and out of the car), so my husband and I spent about an hour walking down the hospital corridors and up and down the stairs (girls who are packing their hospital bags - an umbrella might be quite useful for such situations!). We were bored stupid, but I kinda enjoyed it at the same time - it felt strangely romantic :)

So back we go and spend a couple of hours chatting, playing with our phones... Oh how I wished later that I spent this time sleeping! Oh well.

I was convinced that nothing is going to happen any time soon. My pains eased up and I felt completely normal :roll: The mw was going to examine me late in the evening, after the visiting hours, so I sent my husband home, so he could go get some normal food and sleep (bad decision!).

When he left, I had a shower, took off my make-up, unpacked my bag and was going to have a nice quiet evening with my books and my laptop (chatting to you girls), and then have an early night. Just when I got all cosy I had some more period-like pain, and very soon realised that it's coming in waves now. I used an app on my phone to time the waves - they started coming every 3-3.5 minutes, lasted about half a minute and were getting very uncomfortable! Oh-oh, thought I :shock:

So I called my poor husband who just arrived home and was going to have some tea, and asked him to come back. NOW. I also spoke to a mw, and was told that it's probably just the gel starting to work, the pain might ease up again and not lead to anything. But I had my doubts... :roll:

By the time my husband came flying back to the hospital, I was really uncomfortable and first thing I asked him to do was to hook me up to a TENS machine (which I think helped a bit at this stage).

I asked the mw to check me sooner, and she hooked me up to the monitor again. It clearly showed contractions that started to come every 2 minutes by then. During each wave I was trying to control my breathing and played with the TENS machine buttons. The mw agreed to examine me - still 1-2 cm.
After the examination I started to bleed quite badly. Was told that it's probably my plug.

The pain was getting worse, and I was violently sick (no idea what was the reason - just pain I guess, or some reaction to the gel). The TENS machine was not enough anymore. I asked for gas and air, but was told that it should only be used later, when I'm in proper labour. I tried a warm bath, but again that was not enough now. By this time I must say I was screaming and telling my husband that I can't do this anymore, I give up etc :) I must say that he was brilliant, very supportive, breathed with me through the contractions, massaged my back, held my hand etc. Just him being there was the best thing. I could see that he was getting worried though.

After the bath we went back to the room to be hooked up to the stupid monitor machine again (oh I hated this thing!). The bands felt too tight on my tummy, I couldn't go to the loo when I wanted to (and for some reason I felt like going very often), I was feeling sick and so so tired! Sometimes I would almost space out between the contractions. I felt very miserable. MWs kept coming and telling me that I have a long night ahead, things will be only getting worse, I must be only 2 cm dilated by now and there is no point in even checking it. No, it's too early for gas and air, and as I have OC and need to be constantly monitorded (grr!), I can't use the pool either :( But maybe I would like pethadine, so I might sleep? They all looked at me like I am some drama queen - screaming and making a fuss over nothing!

At this point I was seriously worried. If this is 2 cm, how am I going to survive the next 8 cm? I was bleeding very heavily, I couldn't eat anything, I was feeling sick and could see that my husband was very worried too. So we decided to have pethadine after all (even though I was originally hoping to avoid any medication apart from G&A). The mw came back with the drug, but as I was really screaming badly by this point she decided to check me just in case.

After having a look she looked very surprised and said that I was doing brilliantly, and went from 1-2 cm to 6-7 cm already! The bleeding was probably my cervix opening that quickly, and I can be transferred to the labour word at last! I wasn't a drama queen after all - I really was in a lot of pain, you know! Obviously no time for pethadine now.

(...a short break for feeding the LO lol...)

So I was very lucky that I was examined before they would give me the drug - it would be a very wrong time to make me and the baby sleepy! Things could go really wrong then.

So we ran to the labour ward and I was given G&A at last! Oh I wish they let me have it earlier - it was brilliant! Things went so much easier after this point. G&A made me feel rather drunk, but took most of the pain away. I could understand what's going on, but couldn't concentrate very well on things, and sometimes could hardly recognise my own voice. But on the whole it really helped! Even the sickness and tiredness have disappeared.

I was on G&A for not too long, probably about half an hour, when I started feeling uncomfortable in my bum during the contractions - the mw noticed it and said that it must be the baby moving down. I also started feeling like pushing, so asked if I could start pushing some time soon (I was very used to getting a 'no' to all my questions by this time, so I didn't have much hope). Was surprised to hear that I can start pushing if I feel like it :) Hooray! This is exactly how I felt :)

With a first push my waters burst and went all over the room, including my husband's cup of tea lol (sorry TMI) (I also was given some tea, but felt a bit busy to actually drink it atm lol).

Then I started to actually push the LO out. It was surprisingly easy - as soon as I allowed my body to start pushing, I could hardly stop it if I wanted. It was like sneezing - would just happen on its own! Yes, it was painful, but also strangely satisfying at the same time.

In 20 minutes I could feel my LO's head with my finger, and then even see it starting to stick out from inside me :shock: At some point his BP started dropping as he was a bit squashed, but came back up again soon. Anyway, with a couple more pushes the head was born, and with one more push he was all out :) He was put straight onto my tummy, and it was so weird and so amazing!! It felt absolutely surreal.

As my labour was induced, I was adviced to get the injection to get my placenta out (I didn't want the injection to start with). At that point I couldn't care less anymore, so it was done and the placenta came out within a minute.
I started feeding him while a more senior doctor came to examine me. I had only 1 internal tear, which is good as internal tears do not sting when you go for a wee. I was told that the doctor will try to stitch me up there and then with G&A and some local anaesthetics. If I couldn't cope with it, I would be taken to the theatre and stitched up under an epidural. I didn't like the second option, so started getting myself drunk on G&A again, and it was all done very soon.

We were then left with the baby to have some family time :) Later we were all sent to a shower (I was having a shower, and my oh was standing nearby looking after me and the lo), and then I was transferred to a post-natal ward. I saw some of the MWs that I met a few hours before, and they couldn't believe how fast I have progressed and how well I coped :) My husband kept telling me that I am a superstar and did amazingly well :) It was very nice to hear these things, as only a couple of hours ago I felt like a complete failure.

My oh went home to have a few hours of sleep, and I stayed with my son :) I fed him a couple of times during the night, updated the forum and slept very well myself :) The next day we all went home :)

Well this is about it. I am very proud of my oh, who proved to be such a great birth partner. In the end he saw everything - the head coming out, me being stitched up and god knows what else. He didn't seem bothered or disguisted, only worried about me, so I don't care! He even cut the cord after all (the thought made us both cringe before).

Even though my labour was induced, which was a shame, I got the labour I wanted - with only TENS machine and G&A. I did end up giving birth on my back, but again I didn't care - I felt comfortable like that, and couldn't be bothered to move anyway.

80% of the things that I packed into my hospital back I never needed. I could not eat any of the nice foods I prepared, I didn't have a chance to read my books, to wear any of my extra clothes (I was very hot, so was naked during the labour, and I didn't care), use make up, use the face spray (what a waste of money lol). I even brought my birthing ball and a yoga mat with me lol! I only used the ball for some 5 minutes.

So here is our son :) We called him George Alexei (I am Russian, so we chose a Russian middle name for him). He is so cute and smells unbelievably good (kinda fruity lol).


Thank you girls for your support during the last 9 months - you were brilliant, and helped me so much! Best of luck to those who are still expecting the arrival of thier babies :)

I am not saying goodbye - will be still stalking Tri3 and will move to the next sections as well :)
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Wow that's a brilliant story! He really is such a cutie! You should be very proud of yourself x as well as George and the OH x
Lovely story hunny- think I'm gonna have induction Sunday, hope it goes as quick as yours!
George is gorgeous, huge congrats! Enjoy finally being a mummy xxx
What a fab story!!! He is perfection!!! Congrats again honey u done so well!!

:rofl: @ ur poor OHs tea!!! How funny!!

So glad you had the birth you longed for in the end even though it didn't start how you planned!xxx
Wonderful birth story hun, you did brilliantly and George is gorgeous :) xx
aww massive congratulations he is gorgeous xxx
Great story, congratulations! Hes lovely x
Awwww, congratulations again hun. What a wonderful story that was. Well done you :) He's gorgeous! xxx
Great birth story, well done you! Funny how all the crap we worry about and take with us for the 'perfect' labour don't matter in the end! Your waters breaking made me laugh too! Big congrats again, he's a cutie xx
thanks everyone :)

mum2b410 best of luck to you! The gel was not that bad really - I just wish I knew that I was so far ahead so fast, it would save me lots of nerves and I would be much less scared.

it's funny but now I remember giving birth as a strangely pleasant experience, and would not mind doing it again one day :) so don't worry hun - it's def worth it!
Thanks, really appreciate u sharing your story.....I don't think things will be as quick for me as I don't think my cervix has done anything....but I live in hope! xx
Like mum2b I really appreciate you sharing this story as I'm due to be induced next week... hopefully it'll be quick like yours but we'll see :p but you really have done so well babes and its such a lovely birth story and your OH sounds like mine - lovely :p :D and your little boy is gorgeous. Massive congrats to you and your hubby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well done and congratulations! He is a little cutie :)
What a cute little man and congratulations.
Loved your story. What a gorgeous wee man :) Congrats!! X

Wow I love your story! Well done! I know what you mean about only remembering the good bits - I'm the same now a few weeks have passed! Xx
What an amazing birth story! :love: Reading it has made me so excited about doing it all again!! George is absolutely gorgeous!

And my husband was exactly the same with seeing everything and cutting the cord :lol:

Congratulations! :yay:

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