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Well ladies!
It is officially "that day" for me! Henry has decided not to come of his own accord and the process of eviction is starting today
I will be taking my wifi to hospital so will update as much as possible, then when it gets too much. Zoeox will be taking over for me. U will have to excuse all the updates and needless info. Gonna copy this when it's all over and done with to keep for Henry do want to get as much is as possible.
So, here goes my induction story:
Saturday 3rd March
7am - alarm goes off after a pretty good nights sleep. Only up twice for a wee time for a decent shower (no idea what it'll be like in the hospital), get dressed, pack last few bits in our bags and have brekkie. Gotta call delivery suite at 9am to see if they have a bed for me. Really hope I'm not kept waiting till this afternoon to go in. Just wanna get the process started. Think I'll be sick with nerves if they make me wait hours
7.15am - just weighed myself Not weighed myself for months as I decided I would enjoy my pregnancy and deal with the consequences afterwards. I lost weight before becoming pregnant and reached my target of 9st 6lb. Well, mummy has certainly enjoyed her pregnancy! I now weigh 14st 1lb that's a massive 4st 9lb!!!!! Hehe! Too late to worry about it now (which is why I never weighed before today!) all I can do is get back on the slimming world bus and shed some weight. I will be back at target, hopefully, by my birthday in October. If not, Christmas. I will not be a fat mummy after years of being a fat woman and finally getting the slimline fingure I've always wanted. Henry - take note - this is one mummy on a mission!
9am - just called delivery suite. Gotta go to Pearl Ward for 10am so glad I've not gotta wait until this afternoon to go in. At the mo, DH and I r sitting on the sofa - bricking it! Lol! Feels like we r getting ready to go on holiday. Bags all packed and ready to go. Gonna call for a cab in a min so it's booked. Decided it was cheaper than parking the car given we won't know how long we will be there. Just watching the clock which I know is the worst thing to do but I can't help it! Also enjoying the possible last few kicks from my womb invader! Really hope this doesn't take days and Henry cooperates at the last hurdle. Added my first and last bumpy pics too last is today at 41+5, first is 8+6 xx
11.30am - on the monitor now. Will be examined and pessary put in place once this is done. Then have to be monitored again then I can go get a decent lunch in the canteen! Henry is putting on a proper show, showing mummy all his best moves. Think it's an attempt to bribe me so I let him stay put! Its not gonna work!
12noon - My mw is called Ali. She's lovely Just been examined for the first time of god knows how many! She said in my notes my other mw was unable to do sweep on Monday but if she had to do one today she could. Pessary inserted, gotta be monitored for an hour then I'm free to wander
12.40pm - just had lunch. Lamb and apricot casserole, mixed veg, boiled pots, lemon sponge and custard and orange juice. Wasn't bad as hospital food goes! Henry keeps doin dances so he liked it! Lol!
2.30pm - been for a walk and had a nap. Now passing the time reading crappy mags! Lol!
3.15pm - getting tightenings but no pain to go with them. Hope this is the start of things and the process doesn't take forever. Would like to be home by Monday please Henry!
5.10pm - nothing to report. Still getting the tightenings with back twinges every now and then. Henry still on the move. Hope this doesn't take days cos I'll be so bored by the time he arrives!!
8pm - still not a lot happening. Feeling the twinges but not much. They have had to take my bloods (3rd time lucky!) as my bp is slightly raised and there was a trace of protein in my urine. Mw not worried about it as it is very low traces but bloods have been sent off to get a more accurate reading. Have been told I will just be monitored more frequently if it is as its still very early onset. Oh the joys of going 12 days over!
9.55pm - I THINK my waters may be starting to leak went to the loo and my knickers were wet. Definately does not smell like wee! Lol! Gonna check with mw when she comes round. Put a pad on to monitor any fluid. Fingers crossed this is something! Back ache near enough all the time and tightenings still going on.
10.25pm - just been checked by mw. Bloods came back normal. Bp still high on the electronic machine so she did itaually and it was lower. Still slightly high but lower than on machine. Told her about possible waters leaking and said I had a pad on so was told to let her know when I change it. She had a feel of a tightening. I said it was about 10 mins since the last one. Had another one whilst she was here which was about 5 mins apart. Had 1 more whilst typing this. Maybe it will all kick off tonight. Gonna try and get some sleep now incase it all starts! Night all!
11.55pm - new midwife called Debbie. She is lovely too not been able to sleep. Pains coming regularly. Starts off in my back and foof area and spreads upwards. Just downloaded a contraction timer to see how far apart/long they are. DH is asleep in the chair next to me. Don't wanna wake him yet cos he's only just got off to sleep and want him to be as rested as poss to keep me going! And to top it off there is a bloke snoring across the ward!! Henry now has hiccups through the contractions which r extremely uncomfortable! If this is only the beginning I don't know how I'm gonna cope with the pain. They seem to be coming every 5 mins for about 80-90 seconds.
Sunday 4th March
9.40am - Mw Ali back looking after me. Things got exciting (and painful!) about 1am and was contracting regularly, had some painkillers. They were starting off in my back, moving round to the front and up my stomach and back down and round again. Managed to sleep at 3am and got woken up at 6 by contractions and had more painkillers. They have calmed down again now, still contracting but not as regularly. Trying to sleep as much as poss before they examine me at lunch.
12.10pm - Just been examined. They can't break my waters gotta wait around for 24 hours to be assessed again and another pessary inserted tomorrow of nothing happens in the meantime. Still getting contractions, just been put on monitor to make sure Henry is coping and to monitor contractions.
2pm - AT BLOODY LAST (excuse the pun!!) just lost my plug!!!!!! was on monitor for about an hour I think, Henry's hb dipped a bit so I was moved from side to side. Consultant took a look and wasn't too worried as it seemed to be when he moved and it lost contact. His hb rose and fell with contractions as to be expected. Gotta be monitored again at 4 just to make sure all is ok with him. I'm over the moon I've lost my plug though! One more step down! Come on Henry! xxxx
7pm - lost more of my bloody show. Was on monitor at 4pm for an hour, Henry played up for a bit, so the consultant drew a line on his tracing then he played ball. He obviously wanted to start the race again! Lol! Getting cramping and contractions again, been regularly irregular all afternoon. Gonna make sure I have an early night tonight and get plenty of sleep. DH had a camp bed to sleep on cos he doesn't wanna go home and leave me! Henry is in this for the long haul, even though mummy and daddy wanted a short haul journey. Little pickle
Monday 5th March
8am - managed to get some sleep. Woke up about once an hour with painful contractions. Been on monitor this morning and little man is still doin well. Still losing plug but no real signs of anything. Will be examined at 12noon when I'm hoping because my plug has gone they r able to break my waters. If not, I'll have another 24 hour pessary put in getting extremely fed up now. Hope Henry has today in mind for his birthday!
1.20pm - still waiting to be examined. Getting extremely bored and fed up now. Henry has moved down a lot more and was told this morning he has his head right down. Getting a few contractions but nothing regular
3pm - still waiting to be examined. There is a shortage of midwives in delivery suite so I can't go over yet. But! On a tmi front! Managed to have my first bowel movement since early hours of Sunday morning
5.20pm - just been told I should be going to delivery suite shortly after 8pm when the night staff start shift. The whole of the ante-natal, delivery, labour and mlu are short staffed Mw has just said they can't leave me much longer as its not safe to do so. I asked if we should take all of our things with us and she said yes as once you go to delivery suite you don't leave until you have your baby in your arms Contractions have started again after a little walk, seem to be around 1 in every 10-15 mins at the mo.
9.50pm - Got moved to delivery at 8.30pm. Was put on monitor for half hour to check Henry is still coping. He is very happy still! Lol! Had consultant come to check me. She said I was 3-4cms they r gonna break my waters but have to do it in theatre as his head is still high and there is risk of cord prolapse. It feels lower when feeling my belly but internally his head isn't low enough. Gotta go to theatre to have it done so they can apply pressure to the top of bump to force his head down and if the cord comes out first they will have to do a c-section. They r hopeful this won't need to be done but just want to be safe. Gotta wait for anaethesiologist to get out of theatre to do my cannula as the mw couldn't get my vein. That should be about an hour/hour and a half. I should then be able to come back to delivery ward and labour naturally if the pressure works and locks his head down. PLEASE DON'T MENTION ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK AS WE AREN'T TELLING ANYONE ELSE COS THEY WILL PANIC! (my mum in particular!)
Tuesday 6th March
12am - got out of theatre. They tried to do an epi incase of cord prolapse as it would've meant emergency c-section but DH could still have been there. That wasn't successful as I was unable to stay still (they tried 3 times and I flinched each time). Ended up with no pain relief for the repture. They had to do a catheter with no pain relief as well. Ouch! Had a mw holding his neck and two other people applying fundal pressure at the top of my bump. The consultant broke my water and there was a lot! It had a light brown tinge to it which they said was old meuconium and common with overdue babies. Henry's head descended and the cord was still inside so was moved to labour ward to progress.
2am - examined as 4cm. Contractions still not regular so they started the pitocin drip.
4am - re-examined as 4cm still. Absolutely shattered by this point and just wanted to have a section and it be over with. They turned the pitocin off as my contractions were still not regular to allow me to get some sleep.
6am - pitocin re-started. Examined as 4cm (still!). Consultant said Henry was likely to be a big baby as he took up a lot of room and they were worried he may not fit through my pelvis as he had not descended anymore and was still quite high up.
9am - examined as 4-5cm. Consultant said Henry had started turning from head down to transverse with his head turning to the right. He explained he thought a section would be best for both of us. By this point, I just wanted it over and done with so agreed. I knew he wouldn't fit through and couldn't see the point in continuing. Called DH who had popped out for fresh air and told him they were doing a section in about an hour.
9.30am - gowned up and ready to hit the theatre. Got given a spinal as I couldn't face another epi being done. Was definatley the right decision for me. No pain and didn't find it that uncomfortable.
10.06am - Henry James Smith was born weighing in at 9lb 5oz and measured 58 long with a head circumference of 36cm! Needed forceps to dig him out so has a very minor bruise on his head
10.55am - Henry latches on for his first feed and is there for half an hour having a good munch! Lol. Very weird sensation but the most natural feeling in the world.
11.30am - on post-natal ward now to recover. Started to ring the family to announce his arrival.
3pm - DH's parents arrive to visit their first grandchild
5pm - my mum and brother arrive to meet Henry.
8.20pm - currently sat here with Henry snuggled up next to me staring at him in awe between typing sentences! He is the most amazing contented baby I have ever met. So far, he has cried a total of 3 times. When he was born, when another baby on the ward cried and when daddy put him in his fishtank! Lol! He is feeding really well and seems to like to play with his food once he has had enough! Lol!
It is an experience I never thought I would have, especially for it to last as long and so many things to happen. Henry is so worth all the waiting and pain I went through. I can't believe the rush of love I feel for him when I look at him. He is the cutest baby I have ever seen (although every mum thinks that!)
So, there u r ladies. Sorry for all the unnecessary info but for some reason I want to remember the whole experience. I hope this thread didn't scare anyone, and I apologise if it did. But it is true, I forget the whole thing the first time u hold ur son/daughter in it arms. Make the most of it, for these r extra special moments you will never get back.
Attached are som piccies of my utterly gorgeous son, Henry James Smith
It is officially "that day" for me! Henry has decided not to come of his own accord and the process of eviction is starting today
I will be taking my wifi to hospital so will update as much as possible, then when it gets too much. Zoeox will be taking over for me. U will have to excuse all the updates and needless info. Gonna copy this when it's all over and done with to keep for Henry do want to get as much is as possible.
So, here goes my induction story:
Saturday 3rd March
7am - alarm goes off after a pretty good nights sleep. Only up twice for a wee time for a decent shower (no idea what it'll be like in the hospital), get dressed, pack last few bits in our bags and have brekkie. Gotta call delivery suite at 9am to see if they have a bed for me. Really hope I'm not kept waiting till this afternoon to go in. Just wanna get the process started. Think I'll be sick with nerves if they make me wait hours
7.15am - just weighed myself Not weighed myself for months as I decided I would enjoy my pregnancy and deal with the consequences afterwards. I lost weight before becoming pregnant and reached my target of 9st 6lb. Well, mummy has certainly enjoyed her pregnancy! I now weigh 14st 1lb that's a massive 4st 9lb!!!!! Hehe! Too late to worry about it now (which is why I never weighed before today!) all I can do is get back on the slimming world bus and shed some weight. I will be back at target, hopefully, by my birthday in October. If not, Christmas. I will not be a fat mummy after years of being a fat woman and finally getting the slimline fingure I've always wanted. Henry - take note - this is one mummy on a mission!
9am - just called delivery suite. Gotta go to Pearl Ward for 10am so glad I've not gotta wait until this afternoon to go in. At the mo, DH and I r sitting on the sofa - bricking it! Lol! Feels like we r getting ready to go on holiday. Bags all packed and ready to go. Gonna call for a cab in a min so it's booked. Decided it was cheaper than parking the car given we won't know how long we will be there. Just watching the clock which I know is the worst thing to do but I can't help it! Also enjoying the possible last few kicks from my womb invader! Really hope this doesn't take days and Henry cooperates at the last hurdle. Added my first and last bumpy pics too last is today at 41+5, first is 8+6 xx
11.30am - on the monitor now. Will be examined and pessary put in place once this is done. Then have to be monitored again then I can go get a decent lunch in the canteen! Henry is putting on a proper show, showing mummy all his best moves. Think it's an attempt to bribe me so I let him stay put! Its not gonna work!
12noon - My mw is called Ali. She's lovely Just been examined for the first time of god knows how many! She said in my notes my other mw was unable to do sweep on Monday but if she had to do one today she could. Pessary inserted, gotta be monitored for an hour then I'm free to wander
12.40pm - just had lunch. Lamb and apricot casserole, mixed veg, boiled pots, lemon sponge and custard and orange juice. Wasn't bad as hospital food goes! Henry keeps doin dances so he liked it! Lol!
2.30pm - been for a walk and had a nap. Now passing the time reading crappy mags! Lol!
3.15pm - getting tightenings but no pain to go with them. Hope this is the start of things and the process doesn't take forever. Would like to be home by Monday please Henry!
5.10pm - nothing to report. Still getting the tightenings with back twinges every now and then. Henry still on the move. Hope this doesn't take days cos I'll be so bored by the time he arrives!!
8pm - still not a lot happening. Feeling the twinges but not much. They have had to take my bloods (3rd time lucky!) as my bp is slightly raised and there was a trace of protein in my urine. Mw not worried about it as it is very low traces but bloods have been sent off to get a more accurate reading. Have been told I will just be monitored more frequently if it is as its still very early onset. Oh the joys of going 12 days over!
9.55pm - I THINK my waters may be starting to leak went to the loo and my knickers were wet. Definately does not smell like wee! Lol! Gonna check with mw when she comes round. Put a pad on to monitor any fluid. Fingers crossed this is something! Back ache near enough all the time and tightenings still going on.
10.25pm - just been checked by mw. Bloods came back normal. Bp still high on the electronic machine so she did itaually and it was lower. Still slightly high but lower than on machine. Told her about possible waters leaking and said I had a pad on so was told to let her know when I change it. She had a feel of a tightening. I said it was about 10 mins since the last one. Had another one whilst she was here which was about 5 mins apart. Had 1 more whilst typing this. Maybe it will all kick off tonight. Gonna try and get some sleep now incase it all starts! Night all!
11.55pm - new midwife called Debbie. She is lovely too not been able to sleep. Pains coming regularly. Starts off in my back and foof area and spreads upwards. Just downloaded a contraction timer to see how far apart/long they are. DH is asleep in the chair next to me. Don't wanna wake him yet cos he's only just got off to sleep and want him to be as rested as poss to keep me going! And to top it off there is a bloke snoring across the ward!! Henry now has hiccups through the contractions which r extremely uncomfortable! If this is only the beginning I don't know how I'm gonna cope with the pain. They seem to be coming every 5 mins for about 80-90 seconds.
Sunday 4th March
9.40am - Mw Ali back looking after me. Things got exciting (and painful!) about 1am and was contracting regularly, had some painkillers. They were starting off in my back, moving round to the front and up my stomach and back down and round again. Managed to sleep at 3am and got woken up at 6 by contractions and had more painkillers. They have calmed down again now, still contracting but not as regularly. Trying to sleep as much as poss before they examine me at lunch.
12.10pm - Just been examined. They can't break my waters gotta wait around for 24 hours to be assessed again and another pessary inserted tomorrow of nothing happens in the meantime. Still getting contractions, just been put on monitor to make sure Henry is coping and to monitor contractions.
2pm - AT BLOODY LAST (excuse the pun!!) just lost my plug!!!!!! was on monitor for about an hour I think, Henry's hb dipped a bit so I was moved from side to side. Consultant took a look and wasn't too worried as it seemed to be when he moved and it lost contact. His hb rose and fell with contractions as to be expected. Gotta be monitored again at 4 just to make sure all is ok with him. I'm over the moon I've lost my plug though! One more step down! Come on Henry! xxxx
7pm - lost more of my bloody show. Was on monitor at 4pm for an hour, Henry played up for a bit, so the consultant drew a line on his tracing then he played ball. He obviously wanted to start the race again! Lol! Getting cramping and contractions again, been regularly irregular all afternoon. Gonna make sure I have an early night tonight and get plenty of sleep. DH had a camp bed to sleep on cos he doesn't wanna go home and leave me! Henry is in this for the long haul, even though mummy and daddy wanted a short haul journey. Little pickle
Monday 5th March
8am - managed to get some sleep. Woke up about once an hour with painful contractions. Been on monitor this morning and little man is still doin well. Still losing plug but no real signs of anything. Will be examined at 12noon when I'm hoping because my plug has gone they r able to break my waters. If not, I'll have another 24 hour pessary put in getting extremely fed up now. Hope Henry has today in mind for his birthday!
1.20pm - still waiting to be examined. Getting extremely bored and fed up now. Henry has moved down a lot more and was told this morning he has his head right down. Getting a few contractions but nothing regular
3pm - still waiting to be examined. There is a shortage of midwives in delivery suite so I can't go over yet. But! On a tmi front! Managed to have my first bowel movement since early hours of Sunday morning
5.20pm - just been told I should be going to delivery suite shortly after 8pm when the night staff start shift. The whole of the ante-natal, delivery, labour and mlu are short staffed Mw has just said they can't leave me much longer as its not safe to do so. I asked if we should take all of our things with us and she said yes as once you go to delivery suite you don't leave until you have your baby in your arms Contractions have started again after a little walk, seem to be around 1 in every 10-15 mins at the mo.
9.50pm - Got moved to delivery at 8.30pm. Was put on monitor for half hour to check Henry is still coping. He is very happy still! Lol! Had consultant come to check me. She said I was 3-4cms they r gonna break my waters but have to do it in theatre as his head is still high and there is risk of cord prolapse. It feels lower when feeling my belly but internally his head isn't low enough. Gotta go to theatre to have it done so they can apply pressure to the top of bump to force his head down and if the cord comes out first they will have to do a c-section. They r hopeful this won't need to be done but just want to be safe. Gotta wait for anaethesiologist to get out of theatre to do my cannula as the mw couldn't get my vein. That should be about an hour/hour and a half. I should then be able to come back to delivery ward and labour naturally if the pressure works and locks his head down. PLEASE DON'T MENTION ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK AS WE AREN'T TELLING ANYONE ELSE COS THEY WILL PANIC! (my mum in particular!)
Tuesday 6th March
12am - got out of theatre. They tried to do an epi incase of cord prolapse as it would've meant emergency c-section but DH could still have been there. That wasn't successful as I was unable to stay still (they tried 3 times and I flinched each time). Ended up with no pain relief for the repture. They had to do a catheter with no pain relief as well. Ouch! Had a mw holding his neck and two other people applying fundal pressure at the top of my bump. The consultant broke my water and there was a lot! It had a light brown tinge to it which they said was old meuconium and common with overdue babies. Henry's head descended and the cord was still inside so was moved to labour ward to progress.
2am - examined as 4cm. Contractions still not regular so they started the pitocin drip.
4am - re-examined as 4cm still. Absolutely shattered by this point and just wanted to have a section and it be over with. They turned the pitocin off as my contractions were still not regular to allow me to get some sleep.
6am - pitocin re-started. Examined as 4cm (still!). Consultant said Henry was likely to be a big baby as he took up a lot of room and they were worried he may not fit through my pelvis as he had not descended anymore and was still quite high up.
9am - examined as 4-5cm. Consultant said Henry had started turning from head down to transverse with his head turning to the right. He explained he thought a section would be best for both of us. By this point, I just wanted it over and done with so agreed. I knew he wouldn't fit through and couldn't see the point in continuing. Called DH who had popped out for fresh air and told him they were doing a section in about an hour.
9.30am - gowned up and ready to hit the theatre. Got given a spinal as I couldn't face another epi being done. Was definatley the right decision for me. No pain and didn't find it that uncomfortable.
10.06am - Henry James Smith was born weighing in at 9lb 5oz and measured 58 long with a head circumference of 36cm! Needed forceps to dig him out so has a very minor bruise on his head
10.55am - Henry latches on for his first feed and is there for half an hour having a good munch! Lol. Very weird sensation but the most natural feeling in the world.
11.30am - on post-natal ward now to recover. Started to ring the family to announce his arrival.
3pm - DH's parents arrive to visit their first grandchild
5pm - my mum and brother arrive to meet Henry.
8.20pm - currently sat here with Henry snuggled up next to me staring at him in awe between typing sentences! He is the most amazing contented baby I have ever met. So far, he has cried a total of 3 times. When he was born, when another baby on the ward cried and when daddy put him in his fishtank! Lol! He is feeding really well and seems to like to play with his food once he has had enough! Lol!
It is an experience I never thought I would have, especially for it to last as long and so many things to happen. Henry is so worth all the waiting and pain I went through. I can't believe the rush of love I feel for him when I look at him. He is the cutest baby I have ever seen (although every mum thinks that!)
So, there u r ladies. Sorry for all the unnecessary info but for some reason I want to remember the whole experience. I hope this thread didn't scare anyone, and I apologise if it did. But it is true, I forget the whole thing the first time u hold ur son/daughter in it arms. Make the most of it, for these r extra special moments you will never get back.
Attached are som piccies of my utterly gorgeous son, Henry James Smith
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