One born every minute USA

Yup , if that was my OH I'd have made him eat his phone :) So scary wasnt it ? Imagine that happening :(
I didnt think that baby was going to cry - it seemed like hours going by (in reality was probably about a minute). x
I watched this for the first time last night i was shocked by the lack of movement not just by the women in labour, the midwifes didnt seem to do alot either!

Much prefer uk version.
I dont think anyone was suggesting the prospect of a unaided delivery, simply pointing out that the actual labour does not need to be heavily monitored as the progression from first stage to second (the pushing stage) is obvious without internal examinations. I certainly didnt have an internal for the team to notice i needed to start pushing.

Shoulder dystocia is a very serious problem in labour, but is greatly amplifed and far more likely if the woman is unable to move around. In this country if a lady is stuck, she would be flipped onto all fours where the pelvis is naturally more open and hopefully the shoulder would become unstuck... its pretty terrifying though when it happens and one of the main reasons they suggest you move around as much as possible during labour. When they are not rigging you up to drips, machines and sticking needles in your spine that is...
reminds me of waiting to hear Maisie cry whilst they worked on her giving her oxygen
In this country if a lady is stuck, she would be flipped onto all fours where the pelvis is naturally more open and hopefully the shoulder would become unstuck...

Not always the case :( Some midwives here are as stupid as the ones in america.
Yeh, I watched it on 4oD last Friday. That guy wanting to call everyone! Geez you'd have thought that was her 1st blooming baby :lol: He had ADD or something didn't he?

Definitely scary with the lady whose baby's shoulder got stuck!

The lesbian couple were lovely, and so was the Mum. The twins were a great weight & size too! If I remember rightly, wasn't one light skin colour and the other dark cos they used two different sperm donors? How cool that the body has been able to grow two babies at the same time which have different fathers! I find that stuff fascinating.

However I still don't like the programme as much as the UK one, but I must admit, this was one of the better ones. x
are twins by different fathers still twins?! or half brothers? :confused: my brain hurts!
I think they are twins as much as they were born to the same mother on the same day but like you I'm not sure ;)
Bigbump - I know they were not wanting an unassisted delivery, I didn't say they were, I was simply saying that this is a case where delivery may have been difficult. I am well aware that your views differ to mine which is fine but you don't need to jump on every comment I make.
I'll leave it there I think :flower: x
might have to go and watch this now to see what all the trouble is about!

Doubt it'll change my views over home birth though =D Pretty set on that idea if I'm honest. Scared of hospitals and definately scared of needles!

i think 'jumping on my every comment; is a bit far fetched, i just post what i am feeling when i read a thread, if your comments seem to come up more than most you should take it as a compliment, not an attack.
i think 'jumping on my every comment; is a bit far fetched, i just post what i am feeling when i read a thread, if your comments seem to come up more than most you should take it as a compliment, not an attack.

Fair enough, we'll beg to differ as I don't take it as a compliment but never mind.
sorry about that, i am afraid it wont stop me commenting on things i see as important or worthy of comment either, if that upsets you then i apologise.
I watched this this morning, I do agree that US midwives do things very differently! I was also surprised by the narrator (is it Jamie Lee Curtis? I missed the opening credits!) when she sounded horrified that labour ad been going on 15 hours but still no baby?! After 15 hours I still had another 21 to go lol, thought that was quite normal?! I know JLC is only reading a script, I was just surprised when it was said!
its completely normal! Your body has to literally open up your pelvis and expel something of around half a metre in length with a diametre of 15cms!!! Its understandable that it might take a while... its for the best really

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