One born every minute USA

They refused to top mine up and I wasn't pushing yet - no fair *stamps feet ;) x
They didn't top up her epidural though they gave her a spinal instead - all the same I don't think it was necessary when she was pushing!! Spinals are much easier to do and safer than an epi, much quicker and very fast working. There is no chance that would happen in the UK!!
I would have gone for a piece of that, I'm moving to USA for my next baby ;) xx
Cosmic haven't you had a section?

You'd need one hell of an insurance policy to get a vbac.
I've had one birth with an epi, one with just gas and air and a twin combined delivery where one twin was vaginal and the other c section - no bugger would insure me! x
Well you've just gone and done it all haven't you!! Go cosmic :)
Well. i have been watching and...........what a load of pants lol

Drugs all round is it. ad that woman have more as she was pushing by the time it kicked in she would of already be holding the baby.

Uk version much better
I watched the 2nd episode on 4oD and I'm not really that hooked on it tbh. I much preferred the UK one. I thought that there'd be more drama in the USA one but it all seems so clinical and unrelaxed.

Think I liked the UK one cos there was drama :lol: x
I watched the 2nd episode on 4oD and I'm not really that hooked on it tbh. I much preferred the UK one. I thought that there'd be more drama in the USA one but it all seems so clinical and unrelaxed.

Think I liked the UK one cos there was drama :lol: x

Totally agree, all the births so far have been pretty straight forward and pain free (not wishing anything on anyone) but it doesn't make great telly. The most drama is that the epidural stopped working but luckily she got a top up just in time (can't believe she stopped pushing to get this done btw).

I probably will still watch but much prefer the uk version x
I think the UK one is more individual, everyone has their different ways of dealing with labour, plus the different choices they make etc. The USA one is very samey, everyone is put on a hormone drip which of course means EVERYONE has a epi and then pretty much all the labours/births are the same.

But we ARENT all the same and we deserve to make our own choices regarding birth... i just dont think thats possible in the US, its too medicated
Im watching episode 2 on 4OD and that woman rated her pain as a 7 and "pretty mucht he worst in her life so far" and shes just lying there, and she can speak through her contractions. You dont even get a bed inthe UK at that stage!!
:doh: "after 6 hours of contractions she is STILL not fully dilated" well no, duh, 6 hours would be a DREAM for a first labour. Urgh this programme is annoying me!
I know , I was DAYS getting to ten cms as I'm sure most women are on the first . Whats the big deal ?
:doh: "after 6 hours of contractions she is STILL not fully dilated" well no, duh, 6 hours would be a DREAM for a first labour. Urgh this programme is annoying me!

I know! 6?! 6?! It took me 36 ffs!!
I just couldnt imagine a labour like that , I liked that even when I was in hospital on monitoring every few hours I was left (and encouraged to) to walk around the hospital and bounce away on a birthing ball , eat , shower basically do whatever until baby got wound up . I hate the way all the women we have seen so far are sat on a bed and then when they dont dilate they just give them drugs
its kinda how epidrual births go in this country, or it was mine anyway. bleugh, hate the things! Its wierd how mich pitocin they get through!
Anyone watch this last night? That guy who kept wanting to call everyone was doing my head in!
The baby where the shoulder got stuck was very scary - one of the reasons why I think unassisted delivery is irresponsible.
Lovely babies though, gorgeous.
Loved the lesbian couple with the twins - gorgeous, lovely mummies x

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