**** October Testing Thread****

Well despite trying not to put the pressure on OH couldn't quite get there tonight. Don't know about everyone else but after a few days of every other day that seems to be our crumble point. Did quite well last week and over weekend but always struggle to keep that momentum up for longer. We ve never been a couple that's at it all the time. Once a weekers more like lol. So just makes it difficult...dont want to become a stress factor for both of us. Trying to keep that fun aspect in there.

Hopefully can manage once more this week then we are well covered and I can enter 2 week wait at least feeling like we gave it a fair crack this month x

We've got that same problem, if you can call it a problem. I've decided to just try every second day in my fertile window, hopefully it will be enough to catch the egg.
Ah another friend annonces her pregnancy tonight...I literally cant take anymore announcements. They got married 6 months ago. I am struggling to stay positive now .

:hugs: so sorry hun xxx
Sorry to hear you're out babyscptcher - fingers crossed you get your BFP soon.

I tried testing again this morning (early and it was a BFN). I am so impatient...it was the first time I tried a digital clear blue test. Anyone know how they work out a faint positive to a strong positive? As the test only says "pregnant" or "not pregnant" rather than being a little bit wishy washy/faint. Are cheaper tests better for earlier testing? How soon do you all think is too soon to test? My AF is due in 5 days.
Congrats Tree Trunk for your BFP!! Honestly so happy for everyone with their BFP's this month.

Unfortunately for me I'm back in what feels like the endless two week wait, emotional, exhausted. I gave up on OPK and tracking this cycle. Just had a quick log onto my app and I'm past the fertile window now. Been DTD very very regularly. We are much more relaxed this cycle, I've not mentioned anything about ovulation or symptoms or anything to my OH and he hasn't mentioned it either. We've been doing completely fine, not stressing about it and just taking our vitamins without discussing it. Tbh it's kind of nice to have the break from it. However I still feel so emotional and exhausted.

My OH went to Dr yesterday and told a little white lie about how long we'd been trying, not sure if anyone has seen my previous post about his stupid opinions. Well he thinks that it's his sperms fault why we can't conceive (even though I think we need to wait a bit longer before we start worrying!) - he has gone and got a pot for a semen analysis and still sticking to his guns that it's his fault and if it is his fault he's going to leave me, but then changes his mind and says he won't. Ahhh it's so exhausting!!!!

Anyway, him going to the doctors proves that it's on his mind, now we're back into the stress of it all and I really wanted a month off thinking about it :( but here I am!!! Thinking and worrying and waiting!

Oh no. Sorry your OH is still talking about leaving. Does he not understand that things can be done to improve sperm quality and that there are many other options, including donor sperm? There's so much more to being a parent than donating DNA. He doesn't even know if his fertility is a problem. Not surprised you are feeling exhausted. What a rollercoaster! Glad he's getting tested. Good luck x

Exactly, he's jumping the gun and making me feel insecure without us knowing anything is wrong. There are people who have been struggling much longer than us and he does annoy me to get all down in the dumps about it when things could be much worse. In my mind there is nothing wrong until proven to be and I don't think there is! Just taking some extra time that's all x
Sorry to hear you're out babyscptcher - fingers crossed you get your BFP soon.

I tried testing again this morning (early and it was a BFN). I am so impatient...it was the first time I tried a digital clear blue test. Anyone know how they work out a faint positive to a strong positive? As the test only says "pregnant" or "not pregnant" rather than being a little bit wishy washy/faint. Are cheaper tests better for earlier testing? How soon do you all think is too soon to test? My AF is due in 5 days.

Normally I wouldn't use a clear blue digital until your period is late, the most commonly used early tests are first response early response (not rapid response) or super drug early.
I find super drug Digi is quite sensitive too.
Asda do an early test £3.50 for 2 which are early testing.
Good luck xxx let us know how you get on we all love a good line spot xxx
argh well I'm feeling like a crazy person, I'll say this hear as I can't really say it to my husband without sounding crazy but I know I'm pregnant.. I've known since 4dpo but I've tested since 7dpo to bfns every time. yesterday I got so annoyed with myself and said obviously you're not pregnant so stop testing, I had a really shit day and decided to use my remaining one step tests so that I can't do the same next month but honestly, I woke up again this morning and I'm sure I am pregnant. bfn again but I've bought a super drug test to do tomorrow when I'll be 14dpo. it's stupid as my only real symptom is some "pinching" at 4dpo and a lack of sore boobs which I'd usually get but I just know it

am I mad?

sorry to the others who are out, I'm glad we've got two bfps this month
Sorry to hear you're out babyscptcher - fingers crossed you get your BFP soon.

I tried testing again this morning (early and it was a BFN). I am so impatient...it was the first time I tried a digital clear blue test. Anyone know how they work out a faint positive to a strong positive? As the test only says "pregnant" or "not pregnant" rather than being a little bit wishy washy/faint. Are cheaper tests better for earlier testing? How soon do you all think is too soon to test? My AF is due in 5 days.

Normally I wouldn't use a clear blue digital until your period is late, the most commonly used early tests are first response early response (not rapid response) or super drug early.
I find super drug Digi is quite sensitive too.
Asda do an early test £3.50 for 2 which are early testing.
Good luck xxx let us know how you get on we all love a good line spot xxx

Thanks for the heads up about not recommending clear blue digital until your period is due. I didn't do much research beforehand and thought it would be a good early detection test. After your comment and reading reviews online it seems to make sense that it probably isn't the best option for early testing. They aren't cheap either! I will pop into Asda on my drive home and get some early cheap tests to keep me going until I use the other CB test (when AF is due) Thanks for all the ideas and luck :hug: :cheer: I will let you know how I get on. Good luck to anyone else still testing this month :) xxx
argh well I'm feeling like a crazy person, I'll say this hear as I can't really say it to my husband without sounding crazy but I know I'm pregnant.. I've known since 4dpo but I've tested since 7dpo to bfns every time. yesterday I got so annoyed with myself and said obviously you're not pregnant so stop testing, I had a really shit day and decided to use my remaining one step tests so that I can't do the same next month but honestly, I woke up again this morning and I'm sure I am pregnant. bfn again but I've bought a super drug test to do tomorrow when I'll be 14dpo. it's stupid as my only real symptom is some "pinching" at 4dpo and a lack of sore boobs which I'd usually get but I just know it

am I mad?

sorry to the others who are out, I'm glad we've got two bfps this month

You are not mad at all! Actually if anyone is mad, it is me! I convinced myself I am pregnant at 1DPO and this is our first month of trying :rotfl: :looped:
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Well I felt so confident I felt pregnant I bought digis and got BFPs, we know our own bodies.
Unfortunately up to 70% of pregnancies dont stick apparently so we might feel pregnant or even get early bfps only to find it wasn't a 'sticky bean' and get AF xxx
Well I felt so confident I felt pregnant I bought digis and got BFPs, we know our own bodies.
Unfortunately up to 70% of pregnancies dont stick apparently so we might feel pregnant or even get early bfps only to find it wasn't a 'sticky bean' and get AF xxx

Ah I see - that's great you felt so confident you were pregnant & got your BFP on a digi :) I did feel confindent to start with as I felt pregnant and have had some symptoms, however, now I don't know if I am imagining it :oooo: Yes it is unfortunate not all pregnancies stick. Hoping all you BFP ladies have 'sticky beans' xxx :dust:
Well I felt so confident I felt pregnant I bought digis and got BFPs, we know our own bodies.
Unfortunately up to 70% of pregnancies dont stick apparently so we might feel pregnant or even get early bfps only to find it wasn't a 'sticky bean' and get AF xxx

And for this reason I will try and avoid early testing x
:)I wasnt trying to brag, what I was trying to say was trusting your body/ instincts isn't such a bad thing. Having some faith in yourself does not always lead to disappointment.
You gotta believe in something when TTC or it gets miserable. I've been there too over the last couple of years.
I think alot of pms symptoms can be similar to pregnancy symptoms though and nature is cruel like that, hopefully this isn't another chemical for me this time fingers crossed xxx
I'm beginning to think that the cycle where I have NO symptoms will be when I start to get excited.
Definitely feeling like I'm out this month! The pre AF spots are here right on time! Just hoping my fertility clinic appointment appears soon and work at losing the stone I've put on since we got married lol
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Yesterday and today I've felt really bloated with right sided pain! Pretty sure it's ovulation but opks not positive yet! Cd 20 so I'm not 100% sure of their accuracy! Anyway bd tonight! Really hope this is my month x
Well managed to BD tonight yay! So covered pretty well I think for last 10 days as more or less done every other day think will have night off tomorrow then squeeze one more BD in for luck on Thurs then I'm pretty much out for this month and will be well into 2ww. Hubbys birthday on the 7th Nov so I'm gonna try not to test until then assuming AF doesn't arrive. Not really sure when's she's due coz cycles been changing so much in length....im.CD17 today so AF could arrive anytime from back end of next well into the week after. Hope it's not another torture long cycle but really hoping we have done enough to get our BFP x
I am in the dreaded tww. My boobs/nips are killing me which is the normal so I feel out before I wad even in ! A friend wad asking us tonight when we were out when we were having babies. I just said...we are trying for a baby but nothing! She then didnt know what to say and was awkward silence. Typical!
Good Morning ladies! please can you mark me down as a BFP! tested this morning with a super drug test after days of bfns on cheapie tests and while tbh I knew I was pregnant and didn't even need to test I was very happy to see two lines! eeeeekk!

good luck to those still to test ☺
Good Morning ladies! please can you mark me down as a BFP! tested this morning with a super drug test after days of bfns on cheapie tests and while tbh I knew I was pregnant and didn't even need to test I was very happy to see two lines! eeeeekk!

good luck to those still to test ☺

Congratulations!! That is awesome! x

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