**** October Testing Thread****

I'm pretty sure the witch is going to get me, I've had my "I'm mad as f*ck stay out of my way" head on all morning, poor husband. there's about two days every month where I should be put into a Locked room with lots of food haha
I'm pretty sure the witch is going to get me, I've had my "I'm mad as f*ck stay out of my way" head on all morning, poor husband. there's about two days every month where I should be put into a Locked room with lots of food haha

Haha, you never know though you never know Shepherdess!!

Im eagerly awaiting everyone's tests now! Xxx
Dam it...no temp spike this morn but I feel warmer and I've had ovulation pains all last night and still some this morning? I had a temp dip days ago and well before lh surge? Here is my ovia temp chart. I mean I havent taken my temp at same time as normal over wknd so might be inaccurate but it should be higher by now?

My last cycle I ovulated sept 15 if I count back 14 days from day af arived which was same day as my lh surge.

Got my darkest opk lh surge on sunday 15th in the morning. Does anyone else have a prolonged temp rise after LH surge? I am starting to worry now!

I think some women don't ovulate til a day or two after the dip. If you have pains it sounds like your body is still ovulating. I'd keep dtd until the temp really goes up. If you had your lh surge yesterday morning then you are bang on cue to ovulate. You ovulate between 12 and 36/48 hours after your surge so it sounds like you are in the process. Your temp won't be higher if you are still ovulating. If you ovulated last night or early this morning it won't go up til tomorrow.

I sometimes get my dip before I ovulate.

Thanks It's just because its 5 days since my temp dip and my temp dip happened 4 days pre my darkest pos opk...so that paet confuses me :wall2:
Dam it...no temp spike this morn but I feel warmer and I've had ovulation pains all last night and still some this morning? I had a temp dip days ago and well before lh surge? Here is my ovia temp chart. I mean I havent taken my temp at same time as normal over wknd so might be inaccurate but it should be higher by now?

My last cycle I ovulated sept 15 if I count back 14 days from day af arived which was same day as my lh surge.

Got my darkest opk lh surge on sunday 15th in the morning. Does anyone else have a prolonged temp rise after LH surge? I am starting to worry now!

I think some women don't ovulate til a day or two after the dip. If you have pains it sounds like your body is still ovulating. I'd keep dtd until the temp really goes up. If you had your lh surge yesterday morning then you are bang on cue to ovulate. You ovulate between 12 and 36/48 hours after your surge so it sounds like you are in the process. Your temp won't be higher if you are still ovulating. If you ovulated last night or early this morning it won't go up til tomorrow.

I sometimes get my dip before I ovulate.

Thanks It's just because its 5 days since my temp dip and my temp dip happened 4 days pre my darkest pos opk...so that paet confuses me :wall2:

I often get confused by my charts. The fertility doctor I spoke to didn't seem to think much of temping, which surprised me. Hopefully it'll go up properly tommorrow. I think our bodies are way more complicated than they are supposed to me.
Okay thanks sunflower...That's made me feel a bit better. I just ish my body would play the game ! There is so many things in tne sequence tht I am more shocked how people with addictions and major health issues get pregnant!
Well despite trying not to put the pressure on OH couldn't quite get there tonight. Don't know about everyone else but after a few days of every other day that seems to be our crumble point. Did quite well last week and over weekend but always struggle to keep that momentum up for longer. We ve never been a couple that's at it all the time. Once a weekers more like lol. So just makes it difficult...dont want to become a stress factor for both of us. Trying to keep that fun aspect in there.

Hopefully can manage once more this week then we are well covered and I can enter 2 week wait at least feeling like we gave it a fair crack this month x
Ah another friend annonces her pregnancy tonight...I literally cant take anymore announcements. They got married 6 months ago. I am struggling to stay positive now .
Hugs Alexis....its so frustrating when people around us are just falling at the drop of a hat. My friend took great pleasure in telling me at her baby shower on Sunday that when we are ready for a baby she has no advice for ttc cos they fell on the first go. Got pissed and went to a hotel for their anniversary. I laughed but was crying inside thinking you have no idea what I'm going through.

People just don't realise how insensitive they are being. Even when it's someone you are super happy for it still feels like a kick in the guts x
Hugs Alexis....its so frustrating when people around us are just falling at the drop of a hat. My friend took great pleasure in telling me at her baby shower on Sunday that when we are ready for a baby she has no advice for ttc cos they fell on the first go. Got pissed and went to a hotel for their anniversary. I laughed but was crying inside thinking you have no idea what I'm going through.

People just don't realise how insensitive they are being. Even when it's someone you are super happy for it still feels like a kick in the guts x

Yep...I never blame people like that but I do wish people would think twice before piping up!
People can be really insensitive especially if the never went through long wait when ttc. I hope you don't have to wait much longer for your BFPs x
Yeah I find it so hard to remain positive now. When I think back to how excited I was in January thinking this would be the year I get pregnant amd its nearly 2018 and I am still in the same place but with shattered hopes and dreams. Even my Mum doesnt get it. She fell on 2nd month trying and had twins ( me and my brother) then had my wee brother 4th month trying. Sje doesnt even try and empathise she just tells me that I am being silly and it will happen soon. I wish she could understand. My only friend who gets this lives over 100 miles away and she ended up having ivf and just had a mc on baby 2 5 weeks after embryo transfer. Life is such a bitch right now. At least we have our appoitment next week I was hoping we wouldn't need it in the end. I am in the tww now I think but I knkw af will show up again but I know it's going to hurt alot when it does I can just feel it.
Well despite trying not to put the pressure on OH couldn't quite get there tonight. Don't know about everyone else but after a few days of every other day that seems to be our crumble point. Did quite well last week and over weekend but always struggle to keep that momentum up for longer. We ve never been a couple that's at it all the time. Once a weekers more like lol. So just makes it difficult...dont want to become a stress factor for both of us. Trying to keep that fun aspect in there.

Hopefully can manage once more this week then we are well covered and I can enter 2 week wait at least feeling like we gave it a fair crack this month x

I really know how that is. If you ever get desperate, AI is a good back up. It was getting sooo stressful for us every month as DH was feeling the pressure. Now there's zero stress and we can time it well. Definitely good not to let the stress take over and keep the fun. Good luck! xx
Alexis sorry to gatecrash your thread just wanted to say took me over a year ttc so there is still hope. Know exactly how you feel tho!! Really hope happens soon for you xx
Congrats Tree Trunk for your BFP!! Honestly so happy for everyone with their BFP's this month.

Unfortunately for me I'm back in what feels like the endless two week wait, emotional, exhausted. I gave up on OPK and tracking this cycle. Just had a quick log onto my app and I'm past the fertile window now. Been DTD very very regularly. We are much more relaxed this cycle, I've not mentioned anything about ovulation or symptoms or anything to my OH and he hasn't mentioned it either. We've been doing completely fine, not stressing about it and just taking our vitamins without discussing it. Tbh it's kind of nice to have the break from it. However I still feel so emotional and exhausted.

My OH went to Dr yesterday and told a little white lie about how long we'd been trying, not sure if anyone has seen my previous post about his stupid opinions. Well he thinks that it's his sperms fault why we can't conceive (even though I think we need to wait a bit longer before we start worrying!) - he has gone and got a pot for a semen analysis and still sticking to his guns that it's his fault and if it is his fault he's going to leave me, but then changes his mind and says he won't. Ahhh it's so exhausting!!!!

Anyway, him going to the doctors proves that it's on his mind, now we're back into the stress of it all and I really wanted a month off thinking about it :( but here I am!!! Thinking and worrying and waiting!
Congrats Tree Trunk for your BFP!! Honestly so happy for everyone with their BFP's this month.

Unfortunately for me I'm back in what feels like the endless two week wait, emotional, exhausted. I gave up on OPK and tracking this cycle. Just had a quick log onto my app and I'm past the fertile window now. Been DTD very very regularly. We are much more relaxed this cycle, I've not mentioned anything about ovulation or symptoms or anything to my OH and he hasn't mentioned it either. We've been doing completely fine, not stressing about it and just taking our vitamins without discussing it. Tbh it's kind of nice to have the break from it. However I still feel so emotional and exhausted.

My OH went to Dr yesterday and told a little white lie about how long we'd been trying, not sure if anyone has seen my previous post about his stupid opinions. Well he thinks that it's his sperms fault why we can't conceive (even though I think we need to wait a bit longer before we start worrying!) - he has gone and got a pot for a semen analysis and still sticking to his guns that it's his fault and if it is his fault he's going to leave me, but then changes his mind and says he won't. Ahhh it's so exhausting!!!!

Anyway, him going to the doctors proves that it's on his mind, now we're back into the stress of it all and I really wanted a month off thinking about it :( but here I am!!! Thinking and worrying and waiting!

Oh no. Sorry your OH is still talking about leaving. Does he not understand that things can be done to improve sperm quality and that there are many other options, including donor sperm? There's so much more to being a parent than donating DNA. He doesn't even know if his fertility is a problem. Not surprised you are feeling exhausted. What a rollercoaster! Glad he's getting tested. Good luck x
Good luck alexis! Sounds like you've done everything u can!

Sorry babybrain80 :( xx

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Yeah I find it so hard to remain positive now. When I think back to how excited I was in January thinking this would be the year I get pregnant amd its nearly 2018 and I am still in the same place but with shattered hopes and dreams. Even my Mum doesnt get it. She fell on 2nd month trying and had twins ( me and my brother) then had my wee brother 4th month trying. Sje doesnt even try and empathise she just tells me that I am being silly and it will happen soon. I wish she could understand. My only friend who gets this lives over 100 miles away and she ended up having ivf and just had a mc on baby 2 5 weeks after embryo transfer. Life is such a bitch right now. At least we have our appoitment next week I was hoping we wouldn't need it in the end. I am in the tww now I think but I knkw af will show up again but I know it's going to hurt alot when it does I can just feel it.

I think you will catch soon, I know its soul destroying every month when AF arrives but its not the end. You have to try and stay positive, your in the 2ww now so you could get a BFP in under 3 weeks!
I am out. the witch got me bang on time last night. Onto month 6 which is horrible to think about. Everyone keeps asking if I am pregnant yet as we got married in July and it was common knowledge that we wanted another baby after we were married. Came off the pill at the end of May but to be honest it only seems like the last 2-3 months where my body has actually settled back into its rhythm again so maybe it wont be much longer now. I am going to spend this week drowning my sorrows in chocolate and wine and then back dtd and dieting next week. Wouldn't be so bad if my periods weren't so horrible.

Good luck to all of those who are still in their TWW.
I'm sorry to see so many hit by the witch this month :(
Hopefully next month is the one?

Congrats summerwine and treetrunks on your bfp xx

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