* OCTOBER 2019 - Testing Thread *

Not as heavy but first day normally not too heavy. Yeah I am hoping now they will do tests I don't want months of this after a year of trying and losing.
Last month epu just said nothing they can do take a test in week and if negative early miscarriage. Hopefully doctor will help this time.
Hope more than anything your af doesnt show. Xxx
Literally praying this is just your little bean getting comfy in there hun. I hope it doesn't turn to full flow.
Put your foot down hun and demand answers as to why this keep happening to you if it is a CP.
Thanks hun, but i am expecting it and i don't think i will be too upset about it. I have accepted that its probably not going to happen naturally for us and we will get our little miracle through IVF. Obviously if it does happen i will be over the moon but i will be okay :) xx
Still at doctors. They did urine test even though only been to toilet half hour before so negative. Said my tests were light so said they don't class as positive. I am happy as they phoned epas and they said do bloods as happened 2 times now. Just the normally recommendations for next month folate no smoking less drinking and trying to be healthy. Going to try and just get healthy now and maybe not try but if happens happens don't want to give up though.

Well hope everyones af stays away I want to hear some good news :friends: xxx
Still at doctors. They did urine test even though only been to toilet half hour before so negative. Said my tests were light so said they don't class as positive. I am happy as they phoned epas and they said do bloods as happened 2 times now. Just the normally recommendations for next month folate no smoking less drinking and trying to be healthy. Going to try and just get healthy now and maybe not try but if happens happens don't want to give up though.

Well hope everyones af stays away I want to hear some good news :friends: xxx
Did you show them the photo of your very obvious bfp tests.
When it comes to fertility doctors are useless, the test's they use aren't that sensitive and if you only went to the loo half hour ago of course its going to be light.
How can they class a light test as not positive. If there is a line then its positive. End of!
So glad you are going to have bloods though Jac. xx
Did you show them the photo of your very obvious bfp tests.
When it comes to fertility doctors are useless, the test's they use aren't that sensitive and if you only went to the loo half hour ago of course its going to be light.
How can they class a light test as not positive. If there is a line then its positive. End of!
So glad you are going to have bloods though Jac. xx
I took those tests in to show one 10 one 25 and she said very faint so wouldn't class then as my positive for their tests. Sometimes I feel so stupid. I only want to know why I am getting positive negative positive negative positive since mmc. Blood taken but to phone epu wed to see if they want to do 48hr test or see me. I feel they don't believe me but def wouldn't put myself through this as a joke. Would rather a negative test than this. Least I would know my body xxx
@Jac2019 that sounds so stupid of the docs to say? ‘Test is to light to be classed as it ever being a positive’??? What the heck.. there would be no line if there was no hcg in your system. Even if this isn’t/wasn’t a sticky bean there was clearly enough hcg for you to be getting lines like those on tests? Blimey docs are stupid sometimes.

So glad they’re doing bloods for you though, that will give you a proper answer at how much hcg is still in your system and if they need to investigate further. xx
@Jac2019 that sounds so stupid of the docs to say? ‘Test is to light to be classed as it ever being a positive’??? What the heck.. there would be no line if there was no hcg in your system. Even if this isn’t/wasn’t a sticky bean there was clearly enough hcg for you to be getting lines like those on tests? Blimey docs are stupid sometimes.

So glad they’re doing bloods for you though, that will give you a proper answer at how much hcg is still in your system and if they need to investigate further. xx
Thank you I wouldn't know what I would do without all you ladies. I came out phoned my OH and nearly in tears. I felt am I imagining all this but def know my body isn't right. She did say my stomach was tender in abdoman but just to keep an eye on it and if pain again ho to a and e. Xxx
I absolutely hate doctors!!! I went for migraines (never had them before)
And I kid you not my doctor sat and googled ‘headaches’ in front of me!
told my OH and he thought I was making it up until a month later they did the same thing in front of him when he went in with sore groin!

his groin problem has been going on for months! He’s not playing football because of it which is his one passion. After urine samples and bloods they sent him on his merry way. eventually he started paying £40 a session with a physio but it continued to hurt and occasionally he is getting pain in his testes now!
couple of weeks ago his doctor suggested the pain is ‘in his mind’

I went with him on Monday to his appointment with them and told them that we are trying to have a baby and he is experiencing pain in his reproductive area. She said that they weren’t fertility specialists.

I said we weren’t there about wether or not he’s fertile. We’re there questioning why he’s in pain and why they aren’t taking him seriously!!!

so now he will have an ultrasound (probably 6 weeks away)

but took him overall about 10 doctors appointments and in the end me going in and having words with them before they listened.

sorry so long winded but honestly GPs are fucking useless! Get paid all that money to sit there and judge people who are struggling one way or another. And do very little to actually help!

Your lines are undeniable jac. You should never be made to feel like this is nothing when it is very much something. xxx
I absolutely hate doctors!!! I went for migraines (never had them before)
And I kid you not my doctor sat and googled ‘headaches’ in front of me!
told my OH and he thought I was making it up until a month later they did the same thing in front of him when he went in with sore groin!

his groin problem has been going on for months! He’s not playing football because of it which is his one passion. After urine samples and bloods they sent him on his merry way. eventually he started paying £40 a session with a physio but it continued to hurt and occasionally he is getting pain in his testes now!
couple of weeks ago his doctor suggested the pain is ‘in his mind’

I went with him on Monday to his appointment with them and told them that we are trying to have a baby and he is experiencing pain in his reproductive area. She said that they weren’t fertility specialists.

I said we weren’t there about wether or not he’s fertile. We’re there questioning why he’s in pain and why they aren’t taking him seriously!!!

so now he will have an ultrasound (probably 6 weeks away)

but took him overall about 10 doctors appointments and in the end me going in and having words with them before they listened.

sorry so long winded but honestly GPs are fucking useless! Get paid all that money to sit there and judge people who are struggling one way or another. And do very little to actually help!

Your lines are undeniable jac. You should never be made to feel like this is nothing when it is very much something. xxx

AMEN to this @Littleperson
I also don't like the doctors for this reason also!!!
Jac, your tests were 100% positive. What are they actually thinking, saying stuff like that! I also hate going to my doctors. Never see the same one. A male doctor told me last year I should start trying for a baby because I was getting older. I was 29!
Yes GPs are terrible. Feel like you have to suggest and demand further tests to get any help, when they are the ones who are meant to be the doctor? Doctor google is way more help sometimes!!

Like a couple of cycles back when I was bleeding for 2 weeks (AF didn’t stop) and I had no clue what was going on.. I had the worst doctors appointment.. so uncaring. Still pissed off when she did a pregnancy test for me and asked me if I wanted to keep the negative test.. even though I had already sat and told her how we had been ttc 6 and half years, the whole failed ivfs, the miscarriage.. and she wanted to know if I wanted a negative test to take home? Makes me so angry how useless and uncaring they are and they get paid for it.
Yes GPs are terrible. Feel like you have to suggest and demand further tests to get any help, when they are the ones who are meant to be the doctor? Doctor google is way more help sometimes!!

Like a couple of cycles back when I was bleeding for 2 weeks (AF didn’t stop) and I had no clue what was going on.. I had the worst doctors appointment.. so uncaring. Still pissed off when she did a pregnancy test for me and asked me if I wanted to keep the negative test.. even though I had already sat and told her how we had been ttc 6 and half years, the whole failed ivfs, the miscarriage.. and she wanted to know if I wanted a negative test to take home? Makes me so angry how useless and uncaring they are and they get paid for it.
Millie is that a joke.
Omg what an insensitive, unprofessional doctor.
God i would have told them where to shove that negative test if that was me! x
Millie is that a joke.
Omg what an insensitive, unprofessional doctor.
God i would have told them where to shove that negative test if that was me! x

I think I must’ve pulled a confused and upset face cause she quickly said something like oh no you yeah don’t want that and quickly threw it away. Silly doctors.

I’ve called today and they’ve said my scan was fine and no further action required. Doesn’t really help that it took them like 2 months after the bleeding to do the scan but I guess maybe it’s a good thing if all looks okay now. Still confused about the long bleed but hopefully it won’t happen again. If it does though I’ll be making sure they move a little quicker on getting me scanned? Maybe faster to go to A+E lol

Was going to rebook my smear while I was on the phone but think I’ll just wait and see if AF shows up first. I should stop being so hopeful lol. Going to be so disappointed if it isn’t our cycle.
I think it looks a positive @Natalie8964 I would think you would ovulate in next day or 2.

Thank you ladies. I'm sorry you have all been through so much crap at doctors. You have all made me feel better as came out feeling so stupid even though I didn't think they were negative. I nearly wasn't even getting bloods until another doctor told my doctor to phone epu and see what they thought. So had to wait outside whole she phoned them. Felt very embarrassed. I agree with you all and doctors have never been great with me. There is only one doctor I trust and she is off this week. She doesn't work everyday either so hard to get but a brilliant doctor. Xxx
I think it looks a positive @Natalie8964 I would think you would ovulate in next day or 2.

Thank you ladies. I'm sorry you have all been through so much crap at doctors. You have all made me feel better as came out feeling so stupid even though I didn't think they were negative. I nearly wasn't even getting bloods until another doctor told my doctor to phone epu and see what they thought. So had to wait outside whole she phoned them. Felt very embarrassed. I agree with you all and doctors have never been great with me. There is only one doctor I trust and she is off this week. She doesn't work everyday either so hard to get but a brilliant doctor. Xxx
Thanks Jac! It's even darker now. I'll do one in the morning too.

I'm so sorry you're going through all this. They put me through a rough time too with my mmc. Still had hcg after 2 months and when I visited my gp for help they said 'what do you want me to do?' And more worryingly, the EPAU said 'I dont know what to do with you'

Sometimes you just know your body and have to go with your gut! I truly hope you find peace in this but I'd love for it to be a positive outcome for you lovely. We are always here if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to! X
The day I get darker one I do 3 as my surge is fast but def BD today or tomorrow if possible.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I have felt so much better since talking with all you amazing ladies. You are so supportive.. My OH is but doesn't understand alot of what I mean like even hcg levels so feel bad ranting to him as he looks so lost at what I say haha...

Hope this is your month now. Hope all ladies get their bfp. So supportive and really appreciate each and everyone of you. Hopefully get answers but will test again each day to see if getting lighter as AF I thought starting then nothing much again.

Fingers crossed for you in the :2ww: xxx
The day I get darker one I do 3 as my surge is fast but def BD today or tomorrow if possible.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I have felt so much better since talking with all you amazing ladies. You are so supportive.. My OH is but doesn't understand alot of what I mean like even hcg levels so feel bad ranting to him as he looks so lost at what I say haha...

Hope this is your month now. Hope all ladies get their bfp. So supportive and really appreciate each and everyone of you. Hopefully get answers but will test again each day to see if getting lighter as AF I thought starting then nothing much again.

Fingers crossed for you in the :2ww: xxx
Thank you so much. I'm trying to think positively and that even if it's not this month, it could be next month or whenever the timing is just right. These ladies are wonderful. I always keep my eye out for updates from the nicest ones! It's so lovely to see those who have struggled finally have their dream realised! X
Do we think this is a positive ladies? X

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I'd say that's positive or very very close! Mine never got darker than that, and I marked it as positive on my chart and it ended up being right.

I also hate most doctors. This past summer, I was in the hospital for 5 days for liver failure and my blood counts were low. Two days after they released me, I had to go back to the ER because of severe stomach pain, but after all the tests, they still weren't 100% sure why I was so sick.

Turns out they misdiagnosed me.. I had gallstones and my gallbladder was so infected that it was basically poisoning me. They removed it, and I had to spend another 6 days in the hospital.
Definite positive @Natalie8964 - get in the bedroom :bd: :bum: :holly: :rotfl:

Still no AF for me. Last time I had a LP of 14dpo was back in April.
If the witch still isn’t here by tomorrow I will go and buy a test.
I really don’t think I am pregnant though. I don’t feel like I am, not that I even know what it feels like LOL but you know what I mean?! X
Definite positive @Natalie8964 - get in the bedroom :bd: :bum: :holly: :rotfl:

Still no AF for me. Last time I had a LP of 14dpo was back in April.
If the witch still isn’t here by tomorrow I will go and buy a test.
I really don’t think I am pregnant though. I don’t feel like I am, not that I even know what it feels like LOL but you know what I mean?! X
Char this is amazing, I really hope the witch stays away xx

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