*NOVEMBER 2019 - Testing Thread*

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I am still here, i survived the slippery ride haha!
Counting today as my ovulation day so tomorrow i will officially be in the 2ww. Yayyyy!!
Hahah you survived the slippery slide :clap:

Yayyyyyyy happy you got it and back into the 2ww. Good luck. Keep all and everything crossed for you :2ww: :clover: :clover: xxx
9dpo for me. Think I will end up caving and testing tomorrow.. I know still early and not really had any symptoms except the increase of cm/ewcm after ovulation. It is more the tender breasts. I never get that since 20s and only other time was my first pregnancy. Probably nothing but it's either that or me taking ubiquinol. Due anytime AF from Friday onwards. Unsure exact day since my cycle changed a little xxx
Thanks gals! I’m going to jump my OH at every available opportunity!!!
He has his scan today for that pain he’s been getting that I spoke about in the last thread! Really hope he’s still in a sexy frame of mind later!

Really hope this is all our month xxx
Ohhhh hope it goes okay. Let us know how he is.. Hope you are okay too as worrying for both of you.. Least you know you have dtd last few days so they are all up there waiting. So hope you get you bfp this month along with everyone still to test xxx
Hahah you survived the slippery slide :clap:

Yayyyyyyy happy you got it and back into the 2ww. Good luck. Keep all and everything crossed for you :2ww: :clover: :clover: xxx
I am going to take an OPK in a little while just to check that it is showing negative now but i am assuming that it will be. Good luck to you too Jac, i know you will be biting the bullet and testing tomorrow you naughty woman :busted:
Ohhhh hope it goes okay. Let us know how he is.. Hope you are okay too as worrying for both of you.. Least you know you have dtd last few days so they are all up there waiting. So hope you get you bfp this month along with everyone still to test xxx
Thanks jac! It’s a weird thing because we are almost hoping they do find something just so they can give him answers and help him! Just hope it’s nothing serious! Could still very well be muscular and heal itself but there’s not really a way they can confirm that without checking everything else first!
We don’t really think the problem will be affecting his fertility either way which is good!

you using a frer tomorrow or one step? Xx
So ladies after moaning about not hearing from the hospital on our next step i had a letter went i got in from work yesterday.
The letter said there are some test results outstanding and i have to go for some more blood tests. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? (excuse my french)
Now i have to go back for more bloods, and be proded in the arms and hands. Why didn't they just do the 'outstanding' tests when i went last time. i am so pissed off with this because i have to wait until cycle day 2-5 AGAIN. Meaning i am again waiting! All i feel like i do in my life since starting this journey is bloody wait!!!!
I am going to call the hospital today and have a moan and ask why these tests weren't written down last time i went to get bloods.
That's my rant of the day sorry for being negative ladies but i an pretty miffed!! xx
Hope it does show negative Char then you know it is the 2ww wish so much for this month for you. More than ever. Hahaha busted I know I know I say every month don't do it. To be fair this is the first month been more laid back trying not to think about it. Just how tender I have become even last night trying to lie on my front.. Probably nothing.

Ohh I know you don't want anything wrong but least then you would know what it is. I have one step midstream tests, 10miu so just use them got 11 from last month left. Don't want to spend anymore money now with Christmas coming on being and poas addict :shhh: :help: haha xxx
So ladies after moaning about not hearing from the hospital on our next step i had a letter went i got in from work yesterday.
The letter said there are some test results outstanding and i have to go for some more blood tests. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? (excuse my french)
Now i have to go back for more bloods, and be proded in the arms and hands. Why didn't they just do the 'outstanding' tests when i went last time. i am so pissed off with this because i have to wait until cycle day 2-5 AGAIN. Meaning i am again waiting! All i feel like i do in my life since starting this journey is bloody wait!!!!
I am going to call the hospital today and have a moan and ask why these tests weren't written down last time i went to get bloods.
That's my rant of the day sorry for being negative ladies but i an pretty miffed!! xx
Aww I’m sorry char! This is so frustrating!!! My friend recently went through the process (3rd time lucky) and told me she thinks she would have had her baby 18 months sooner if it wasn’t for how slow the nhs are! So unfair! Try to think of the positives, it is moving forward just slowly. You do have this opportunity and it’s free for now. So difficult I know! God im inpatient in my 2ww never mind that! I feel for you xxx
So ladies after moaning about not hearing from the hospital on our next step i had a letter went i got in from work yesterday.
The letter said there are some test results outstanding and i have to go for some more blood tests. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? (excuse my french)
Now i have to go back for more bloods, and be proded in the arms and hands. Why didn't they just do the 'outstanding' tests when i went last time. i am so pissed off with this because i have to wait until cycle day 2-5 AGAIN. Meaning i am again waiting! All i feel like i do in my life since starting this journey is bloody wait!!!!
I am going to call the hospital today and have a moan and ask why these tests weren't written down last time i went to get bloods.
That's my rant of the day sorry for being negative ladies but i an pretty miffed!! xx
Awwww Char big hugs... French excused I would be saying worse. That is shocking... It is a difficult enough time for anyone going through this journey without them making it more difficult. I really hope you get a natural bfp even more now after all the pain you have been through... Gutted for you hun sending big big hugs :hugs: xxx
Hope it does show negative Char then you know it is the 2ww wish so much for this month for you. More than ever. Hahaha busted I know I know I say every month don't do it. To be fair this is the first month been more laid back trying not to think about it. Just how tender I have become even last night trying to lie on my front.. Probably nothing.

Ohh I know you don't want anything wrong but least then you would know what it is. I have one step midstream tests, 10miu so just use them got 11 from last month left. Don't want to spend anymore money now with Christmas coming on being and poas addict :shhh: :help: haha xxx
I’m the same jac got my 10 one steps waiting! Going to try to not get excited when I see those very slight lines on them! Hoping to see something very obvious that I can’t question! I hope you see it too xxx
@Littleperson & @Jac2019 - Thank you both so much <3
I know i can always rely on you both to give me support. It really is frustrating but i got to be positive and be thankful that i am going to be funded for this round and hopefully the one after if it isn't successful the 1st time round.
I am telling you, the ladies that are pregnant and moan about feeling sick, etc really don't know how lucky they are. I would take having my head down the toilet all day every day than being in this situation!! xx
Just been to the loo! Got ewcm!!! I don’t often get that! Suuuurely I’ve ovulated!
It is so annoying when you don't know where you stand and so annoying temping doesn't tell you until after you have bloody ovulated.
I think you will get a clearer picture tomorrow morning, depending on what your temp does but make sure you jump your OH tonight. If you have any pre-seed, do what i did and slip and slide your way round the bedroom, if not swing from the light bulb and curtain pole :rotfl: xx
@Littleperson I have been one of the lucky ones as always stark white with one step unless pregnant or CP. Never even a hint of a line, why I still buy them but even though the midstream ones are abit more expensive than strips still get about 10 for the price of a frer. Feel less guilty then and only an extra day or 2 to get answer as still very sensitive.

@chattychar1990 I know I moaned the first time was pregnant as wasn't sick but nausea every single day all day and now a year later wish I hadn't moaned. You have every right to, though let it all out to us and it is great your staying positive. Xxx
9dpo for me. Think I will end up caving and testing tomorrow.. I know still early and not really had any symptoms except the increase of cm/ewcm after ovulation. It is more the tender breasts. I never get that since 20s and only other time was my first pregnancy. Probably nothing but it's either that or me taking ubiquinol. Due anytime AF from Friday onwards. Unsure exact day since my cycle changed a little xxx
Ooohhh good luck!!! Xxx
Sorry @chattychar1990, how frustrating

I had a similar experience while waiting for ivf. Poor hubby had to go for a second SA cause they lost the first and of course all my bloods were out of date by the time the first appointment with ivf clinic happened and like you say it’s annoying because now you’ve got to wait til a certain cycle day to get them :(


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