*NOVEMBER 2019 - Testing Thread*

Haha, actually made me laugh the fact I made you spill your coffee. Oppssiee!
Yeah my OH is the same. It really is nice to go through all of this with ladies in the same situation. People in my real life just don’t get it and tell me to ‘relax’ the next person that tells me to do that I will probably head butt haha.
I really hope this ubiquinol is making our eggs really healthy.
I have a question ladies - so we picked our chosen ivf clinic from the list just over a month ago but we didn’t get our bloods done until abojt 10 days due to having them in a certain day in my cycle. Do you think I should call the hospital and just ask where we at with the process and when I am expecting the next step? I don’t want to annoy them but at the same time I don’t want them to forget about us like they did with our last follow up appointment? Xx
Hahaha you will head butt them hahahaha :rotfl:

I really hope the ubiquinol helps to. Feel it is doing something..
I would phone but I am impatient. I think they would understand you aren't sure of protocol so least if longer they might help give more what happens and in turn might help put you at ease even slightly? Xxx
Hello ladies. I thought I’d join u as well if that’s okay :smile: My period is due 24th nov according to my called Flo. I’m in the :2ww:... it feels like I’m waiting for years to test rather than weeks!
Welcome hun. Good luck.
How long have you been TTC for? x
Hey ladies I have followed but not posted due to the amount of issues I have had this year but my Monday morning test said 2-3 weeks. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for sticky one but my boobs are killing and I’m super tired so hoping things are going right . Good luck everyone! Xx
@itsjustme99 welcome and good luck hope it is not a long stay in ttc journey. Xxx

@chattychar1990 yayyyyyyy great news to hear... You must be happy you got the positive, soon going to ovulate and back into the 2ww....massive good luck xxx

@Prettypee awwww massive congratulations great to hear you got your bfp. Hope all goes well and have a happy and healthy months xxx
@itsjustme99 welcome and good luck hope it is not a long stay in ttc journey. Xxx

@chattychar1990 yayyyyyyy great news to hear... You must be happy you got the positive, soon going to ovulate and back into the 2ww....massive good luck xxx

@Prettypee awwww massive congratulations great to hear you got your bfp. Hope all goes well and have a happy and healthy months xxx

Think of me later, I’ll be slipping and sliding all over the bedroom :rotfl: xx
Top one is from this morning 8.30am
Second one is from this evening 8pm

do you think I had a surge in between the two? Or maybe still waiting on the positive?!

here’s my chart so far too! Won’t know from that yet though xx

C3F8ECA4-323A-49D3-BCD0-9E5A1BD30285.jpeg 0C9A435F-2BD8-45BA-A1B1-C062B2846B7F.png
Hello ladies

Thought I'd check in

Congrats to those with bfps! How exciting.

AF was due today but no sign.....not holding my breath though! Will test in the morning but not expecting anything as a test 2 days ago was negative.

Hope you're all doing well x
Hi ladies me again! So I tested again this morning as I couldn't wait (AF due Friday) and I've had this!!!! Can't believe my eyes. I feel so nauseas but that's probably nerves too lol! Do you think I'm maybe slightly further along than I thought I was to get this result today if I'm not due for a few more days? Xx

Hi ladies me again! So I tested again this morning as I couldn't wait (AF due Friday) and I've had this!!!! Can't believe my eyes. I feel so nauseas but that's probably nerves too lol! Do you think I'm maybe slightly further along than I thought I was to get this result today if I'm not due for a few more days? Xx

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Congratulations xx
AF 1 day late now

Safe to say I'm out this month ladies xx

Congrats to those with bfps

Hi ladies me again! So I tested again this morning as I couldn't wait (AF due Friday) and I've had this!!!! Can't believe my eyes. I feel so nauseas but that's probably nerves too lol! Do you think I'm maybe slightly further along than I thought I was to get this result today if I'm not due for a few more days? Xx

View attachment 89019
Congratulations, lovely news xxx
Yeah I would say you got your surge during the 2 tests xx
Thanks! I woke up to watery cm and my temp is up a wee bit! Going to keep watching it rise! How soon can you ovulate after the surge do you think?
I honestly don’t know what’s going on with me! If I have ovulated it should mean I’m back onto a 28 day cycle after two 35 day cycles! I thought I ovulated at this time last month but I hadn’t and didn’t until a week later! Hope it’s not another 3 week wait for me xx
@Littleperson I think your surge would have been yesterday but test next few days incase. Last time I was pregnant tested around same time and my surge was 9.30/10 and gone by night. Think I ovulated that night. Good luck.

@nixipop awww massive congratulations first bfp on the front page. No I think you would have right dates going by positive opks as you said around 10/11dpo which is 1-2weeks pregnant... Have a happy and healthy 9months.

@Olivia118 so sorry to hear you think you are out if so hope af comes fast so can move on to next month and not be left worrying.

@chattychar1990 hahaha hope you never slid away last night :rotfl: xxx
Thanks! I woke up to watery cm and my temp is up a wee bit! Going to keep watching it rise! How soon can you ovulate after the surge do you think?
I honestly don’t know what’s going on with me! If I have ovulated it should mean I’m back onto a 28 day cycle after two 35 day cycles! I thought I ovulated at this time last month but I hadn’t and didn’t until a week later! Hope it’s not another 3 week wait for me xx
@Littleperson - you can ovulate up to 24 hours after your surge. I would keep DTD every other day if you can just incase you have a repeat of last month. xx

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