*NOVEMBER 2019 - Testing Thread*

Hey Ladies. I’ve just had some bleeding (pink in colour) while wiping. I think it’s possibly implantation bleeding. I’m only 5-6 dpo so not very sure. It’s my 1st time actively TTC where we are both serious.
Wow this tww is a wild ride!! :|
Welcome lee!!!! Fingers crossed for you that it’s implantation! Xx
Wow, so many lines to catch up on haha!

Ohhh I hope they all get darker for you ladies.

I'm now 2 days late and still no sign of AF. Last month I was 7 days late. What could be the reason for longer cycles? I've have 35 days cycles for over 10 years.

Feeling really fed up this evening :(
YES @Jac2019

I'm so happy to see this, I have everything crossed for you that, that line gets darker!!!!
I hope so too. Didn't really have symptoms but guess that is what happened last time... Here's hoping if it gets darker then you follow same way as we have had so much similar with CPs xxx
I hope so too. Didn't really have symptoms but guess that is what happened last time... Here's hoping if it gets darker then you follow same way as we have had so much similar with CPs xxx

Thanks Jac, would be lovely to go through pregnancy with all of you ladies. When you next planning on testing?

I'm waiting to ovulate but hopefully should be this weekend xx
Thanks Jac, would be lovely to go through pregnancy with all of you ladies. When you next planning on testing?

I'm waiting to ovulate but hopefully should be this weekend xx
I hope so too... Its a journey with all of you now and here's hoping we all get them this month or next...
I don't want to test tomorrow now as stressed myself all these months with is it darker or not. Maybe Friday. I calculated and as ovulated later think not actually due until Sunday or Monday xxx
Wow, so many lines to catch up on haha!

Ohhh I hope they all get darker for you ladies.

I'm now 2 days late and still no sign of AF. Last month I was 7 days late. What could be the reason for longer cycles? I've have 35 days cycles for over 10 years.

Feeling really fed up this evening :(
Awww I am so sorry you are late. I'm not sure what causes longer cycles but hopefully one of the ladies on here might help with that..

Try keep positive although I know how hard it is. Big hugs xxx
Ugh I don’t think that was ovulation guys! My temp is down slightly today! So frustrating because I had a couple of rises so thought today would be another one and it would confirm that I did ovulate!

@Jac2019 - OMG what a good line.
I really really hope this is the start of your rainbow baby darling <3
You deserve this so much after what you have been through the last couple of cycles.
Sending you all the dust :dust: in the world.
So happy for you xxxx
Ugh I don’t think that was ovulation guys! My temp is down slightly today! So frustrating because I had a couple of rises so thought today would be another one and it would confirm that I did ovulate!

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How annoying for you @Littleperson.
Doesnt look like you have ovulated yet but hopefully tomorrow will give a better insight.
Just keep on DTD so you are going to be covered xx
Awww @Littleperson I hate when unsure what is happening, hope you get your answers soon, are you still taking opks incase surge happens within the next few days? Xxx

Thanks @chattychar1990, I am actually so calm this time I don't even want to test but OH wanted me to see this morning if just a one off. It is slightly darker but many days until af going by longer ovulation cycle this month. Glad to see you never slipped away from us :rotfl: :rotfl: xxx

So wasn't going to test this morning but OH thought to double check. Least now when I test again with fmu I have a guide..Top was last night and bottom this morning. 10dpo today so will maybe leave it now until weekend or if can Mon when due. Long way to go. Xxx

Awww @Littleperson I hate when unsure what is happening, hope you get your answers soon, are you still taking opks incase surge happens within the next few days? Xxx

Thanks @chattychar1990, I am actually so calm this time I don't even want to test but OH wanted me to see this morning if just a one off. It is slightly darker but many days until af going by longer ovulation cycle this month. Glad to see you never slipped away from us :rotfl: :rotfl: xxx

So wasn't going to test this morning but OH thought to double check. Least now when I test again with fmu I have a guide..Top was last night and bottom this morning. 10dpo today so will maybe leave it now until weekend or if can Mon when due. Long way to go. Xxx

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This is going to be your rainbow baby, i just know it. Your time is eventually coming and i am so so so happy for you :)

Last night was so forced in the bedroom, we was both absolutely shattered. I didn't get in until 9.30pm as went to get my hair done straight from work and we both really couldn't be bothered but we did it.
Not really sure if we are going to be able to get another session in tonight. I am just praying that my OPK in a little while has gone negative! xx
This is going to be your rainbow baby, i just know it. Your time is eventually coming and i am so so so happy for you :)

Last night was so forced in the bedroom, we was both absolutely shattered. I didn't get in until 9.30pm as went to get my hair done straight from work and we both really couldn't be bothered but we did it.
Not really sure if we are going to be able to get another session in tonight. I am just praying that my OPK in a little while has gone negative! xx
I hope so for you too as if so then you won't feel as guilty if don't dtd tonight... It becomes tiring and I will have everything crossed for you. You deserve this so so much and with other ladies I hope more than anything to see lots of bfp before Christmas.. You all actually have made such a diff to my journey xxx

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