**********November 2015 mummies***********

3 mins is good going! Haha emerald - I remember saying to the midwife last time 'why is it taking so long?' And her saying you've only been pushing 15 minutes! I didn't believe her at the time, but hubby tells me she was right!
Seems like a lot of the November babies have been in a rush to get here - not many of us left now although I have a feeling i'll be going overdue again to balance things out :(
In hospital being induced, so hope it doesnt take forever! X
Good luck Carla! My November girl is still tucked in tightly & showing no desire to want to emerge, I suppose I do still have 13 days till due date though x
Due Monday... Will probably still be here in December at this rate ......
Today's my due date :D and absolutely no sign of anything :(
I'm due tomorrow and in the same boat. Have had bouts of Braxton Hicks, been woken in the night a couple of times with waves of period pain but it all comes to nothing. It's so disheartening!! Hope you aren't waiting long, last time I was a week over and knew I'd end up overdue again this time :(
Same!! It's awful every little niggle or pain I'm on edge thinking this is it !! Ha .. Happy due date to you hope it's a short wait for you too xx
Stalking to see if mylullaby has had her bubba yet?

Congrats to all other November mummies of course! I'll be celebrating my sons 3rd birthday in two days... a November baby!
Stalking to see if mylullaby has had her bubba yet?

Congrats to all other November mummies of course! I'll be celebrating my sons 3rd birthday in two days... a November baby!

We did have our baby - our little boy arrived on 12th Nov (a week early) he's a wee little 6lb 2oz and is totally and utterly amazing. We are so in love. Labour was amazing - mostly at home and he arrived after a couple of hours in the hospital. We used the pool but I ended up getting out for the actual delivery. No pain relief - the gas and air made me feel sick so I just got on with it in the end. Head over heals in love and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Completely and utterly besotted. Can't stop smiling!!! xxx
Aww that's such wonderful news! Congratulations!!! So pleased you've finally got your long awaited little baby :-) I hope he's being a good little boy for you :-)
I'm due tomorrow and in the same boat. Have had bouts of Braxton Hicks, been woken in the night a couple of times with waves of period pain but it all comes to nothing. It's so disheartening!! Hope you aren't waiting long, last time I was a week over and knew I'd end up overdue again this time :(

My due date is not till next Wednesday but last night I really thought it was all kicking off! However, seems to have come to nothing. I never had this with my daughter as my waters broke and I was in established labour a few hours later.
Hate not knowing what's happening, I'm a total control freak!
Was even wondering about waters leaking last night, but obv was just dodgy pelvic floor... Oh the glamour!
Congratulations mylullaby, sounds like an incredible birth :)

Glitter - mine was the same, waters went, up to delivery, waited for dr for a bloody age, in active labour by the time he arrived and then haydn was born a few hours later. I guess I just have to sit right now and wait. Get Braxton Hicks all the time but never becomes anything more. I feel like crying I'm so fed up now.
Congratulations mylullaby :-) can't belive we have all nearly had our babies, feels like only yesterday we was getting our bfps xx

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