**********November 2015 mummies***********

Popping in to say eeeek on I'm on trI 3 thread!!! Can't belive how quick time is flying now!!! Haven't been on the boards in a while and wanted to post something and realised I've moved to tri 3,scary stuff!!!! Not long now ������
I'm 27 weeks tomorrow so I thought I'd check in here. 😬 Hello tri 3! Ahhhhh! Looking back to my bro in March I couldn't imagine getting to this point. Sooooo excited and slightly terrified! 😳 Xx
27 weeks for us now purple cloud!! ARGH 3rd tri!!
I'm counting down to Friday now so I can officially join this thread!!! xxx
I'm new here 28 weeks today and due November 9th. Pregnancy is pretty hard work huh! Excited to be entering the final bit. :-)
Yeah some women make pregnancy look so easy. Im not one of those women lol
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Do you know what you're having theshipscat? Xx

They said they think it's a girl but it was hard to tell. Hope it as though as we've been calling her Lucy for months now. :)

What about you?
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having really strong braxton hicks. Finding it very difficult to get comfortable.
Ouch. Poor you. I keep thinking I'm having them but I can't tell. I see you're from Plymouth. Me too! Although I live in cornwall now.
Hi everyone

My EDD is 21st October but im convinced I'll be kept waiting til November
So just thought id pop over and say hi. Lol x
Do you know what you're having theshipscat? Xx

They said they think it's a girl but it was hard to tell. Hope it as though as we've been calling her Lucy for months now. :)

What about you?

I'm having a girl. 😁 They see,ed quite sure at my scan so they better not be wrong! 😂 Xx

Agreed. I will be cross if Lucy has a willy. Ha ha. Still love him all the same though if he's a boy. :)
I see you're from Plymouth. Me too! Although I live in cornwall now.

:wave:Not too far away from me. :wave:

Took the kids in town for school uniform today. So tired and sore now but atleast its done. So expensive this year as my baby boy starts school in september.

Also had a scan the placenta hs moved up and baby is now head down.

Been talking to the babys mum to be about being here for the birth but i can't convince her that she will need to be here from 37 weeks as my son was born at 37 weeks and the consultant said theres a chance it may be he case this time.
she wants me to talk to the drs about trying to get me to 39 to 40 weeks. I'm not sure what to say to her now as its really not something the drs can control.

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