*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I got excited then. Thought someone would have posted. But its only tou, I already know how you are, Kaa! Haha :p
I'm still here. Were doing well. To health visitor is still concerned Ruby's not putting on weigh as quickly as she should. We're going to be weighed again this wed.

She hasn't been taking her bottles as well as usual over the weekend, she's been crying when we give them to her when we think she's hungry. She has been ratif but the formula guidelines say for a baby weighing 11kg should have 30oz a day. Ruby had 26oz in total yday (24hr period) so it's not too bad. I just can't understand why she cries when she seems to want to take the bottle. We were going to try a 2 flow teat, were currently using 1s. Anybody have any ideas about teats?
I'm around too, just a bit quiet. I feel like I'm on a never ending cycle of boob and nappies! She's feeding ridiculous amounts at the minute and I can barely fit anything else in, even simple meals like pasta bake shoved in the oven gets burnt because the baby suddenly decides she needs feeding again.

Stacey, I don't know anything about teats but could it be wind? Frankie sometimes fusses about feeding. She'll unlatch and not go back on but when I sit her up she screams to go back on, then suddenly a burp will come up. I stopped the infacol but I've had to start it again.

She has started 'singing' with my wife, it's so cute! My wife will sing something in a painfully high pitched voice and Frankie will go 'aaahaaaaaaaahhhoohhoh' along with her.

Had my doctor's check up today, she didn't seem concerned about the breakthrough bleeds. My stitches are healed well and are very neat apparently. I can feel the scar right up my bum cheek but haven't yet had the courage to look at it! I wouldn't look at them after birth because I felt it would hurt more if I could visualise it, but now I'm kind of curious to see exactly what they've done to me.

I am feeling a little sad that Frankie is so old already, our early days feel like a distant memory. I knew this would happen and I did my best to enjoy them but I still feel like I should have somehow cherished them more. I am having serious bump envy too, feel very broody to go again, but I think that's because I know I won't ever do it again.
That sounds like a long scar njp. I was so lucky that way not having any stitches Or anything.

I know what you mean about time going so fast I'm so glad I took lots of photos.

I did wonder if it was wind but it doesn't seem it is. We've stopped the infacol after a few days of her being funny taking the bottle. She used to take the infacol ok but just recently she's been trying to spit it out and whinging when we give her it. So decided to stop it to see if she would take the bottle better. We will start it again if she struggles with wind again.

I recorded what she ate yday again and she's having more or less what the guideline says for her weight. She just seems to be finishing the bottle over an hour rather than taking it all at once like she used to do.
We haven't tried the teats yet.
Haha Mellie sorry!!!

Oh njp I know the feeling I didn't look though too squeamish for that!

That's so cute about the singing bless her :) I tried to make the most of Faith too but it just flies and I feel like I took much for granted though I tried not to!!

Stace is the flow not fast enough for her then as sometimes Faith fusses on the boob when the flow doesn't immediately gush out like it often does haha. Hope u get sorted soon though Hun and u work something out
I know how you feel about cooking, fortunately Shane does it when he's at home although 9/10 Jake wants feeding the moment he dishes it up. Its a nightmare when hes on lates though, I tend to end up eating crap as its quick and easy.

Did you tear or was you cut NJP? Just the doctor never checked mine at my 6 week check. But mine isn't no where near as big as that. The joys of giving birth, eh?!

It is ridiculous just how quickly these babies are growing up. Jake will be 3 months on Saturday. I find it hard to believe how small he used to be. I just keep worrying about when he's a teenager and no longer wanting mommy cuddles :(

Stacey I think most of the teats for flow 2 say 2 months plus so it may be worth giving them a try to see how she gets on with them.
Oh really mellie? 2 flow from 2 months. Well that could be the problem then! I'll defo try them then. I thought I had more 2 teats but I only got 2 in the set. I imagined the bigger bottles in the tommee tippee set would all have 2 flow teats but they don't there all 1s which doesn't make sense because when there taking a larger bottle surely they will need faster flow teats as there older. Never mind I will try them and buy more if they help.

I'm not convinced it's the teats tho as she takes her bottles really well during the night when I would have thought she would struggle the most due to being tired. I'll let you know how the teats go!

Is anyone doing anything nice for valentines day? We're going out for our first baby free meal :) we think Ruby was conceived valentines day! Ha ha can you believe this time last year some of us wernt oficially pregnant.
I wasn't pregnant at all on Valentines day! I conceived around the 26th, can't quite remember now. I don't think we're doing anything for it, we don't usually do much anyway.

Mellie, I was cut for the forceps. I wasn't expecting her to check as I'd read that they often don't bother at this check up. Yeah, my scar seems dead long. It was the stitches that are on my bum cheek that made sitting down and scooting up and down the bed the hardest, so glad that's all over now.

Oh, I was reading the other day that post-birth incontinence can come on months or years after birth. I was counting my blessings that I've had no issues in that department (except once when Frankie was 3 or 4 days old and I thought I could wait for a wee and it turned out I couldn't). But I've read that the effects might not show up for years and you should always do pelvic floor exercises even if you don't think you need them. So I thought I'd share that with you all.

Really tired this week. Wife is on a course in the middle of nowhere so I have to get up to take her, waking Frankie to come with us. But neither Frankie or I are ready to get up then and I can't get a nap in because i'm breastfeeding so often. I could let her get herself there but it would take over 2 hours each way, including 45 mins of walking on pavementless country roads. Why hold a training course there, I don't know!
Jake was conceived the first time we had sex in our current house and we didnt move in until 12th so think its about a week or so to go until my conception date. Shane's on lates on Saturday so valentine's day will mainly be spent on my own. I don't mind though.

How come they had to cut you all the way up there then? I didn't know you had to have forceps, although I'm not surprised given the size of her. I was cut but only because his head kept half coming out and then disappearing back up the moment the contraction finished. I didn't examine my stitches but I don't think I had many, didn't feel like lots anyway.

I had terrible bladder weakness until about 8 weeks after birth. I had to run down the stairs a couple of times in the middle of the night ans I still managed to leave a puddle in the kitchen/bathroom. It seems to have gone now though, hopefully for good!
I'm really glad i didn't need a cut. I did have a graze and a small tear which I did examine because I wanted to know what was causing so much pain! I can only imagine the pain njp.

Oh gosh yea pelvic floor exercises. I didn't do too many when pregnant and wish I had, I advise my pregnant friends to do them. I havnt had a full on puddle but a few dribbles lol. I told my oh and he didn't believe that I dribbled in the floor lol!
When I'm dancing and have to jump I can feel myself having to tighten my pelvic floor to stop any embarrassment ha not good!

We don't do much for valentines usually go out for a meal and oh buys me some flowers. We made a valentines card for my husband from Ruby today at stay and play. My 3 year old nephew helped so it does look some what child like he he, he will love it.
Hi girls I'm still here!! Just had a quick catch up..

Stacey what bottles are you using? PJ is using tommee tippee and the size 2 teats are 3 months+.. He seems really slow at feeding now and only have 6 bottles a day so I'm going to be changing his teats now.

Times flying by so fast! Hard to believe this time last year I had just conceived PJ! (8th/9th feb) must admit I wish I could do it all again and have a 3rd but it's a no no now :-(

Bloody hell NJP I didn't know you had to be cut! I can't imagine what sort of pain you must of been in.. I know my year with myah was sore and that was only small!

Nothing planned for v day.. Don't even think we will be buying cards :-/
We have the tommee tippee too. She's not really feeding slow she's just at times refusing to take the bottle at all. She's done quite well today tho.
Hi everyone been checking Wot you've all been upto every now & then but don't get much of a chance to write anything. They take up so much of your time don't they, but there so worth it!

Njp I was cut and stitched 1st time round with my son and it wasn't nice I was so desperate not to be this time round and thankfully I didn't need to be...I feel for you but if it makes u feel any better, this time I only had a couple of grazes and it was just as bad as then.

Stacey the midwife advised us to get number 2 teats When Ariana was a DAY OLD! she didn't even watch her having a feed just said tht babies can struggle with number 1 and get tired and fall asleep before there even full...but the baby couldn't keep up with them the milk was pouring out everywhere, she still can't really keep up with them but it's worth a try to see if that's Wot the problem is...

Going for dinner & to see 50 shades on sat I'm soooo excited!

Anyone's los sleeping through the night yet?
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Stacey I changed pjs teats lady night.. First bottle he messed around and kept spitting out and now he's totally fine - definitely drinking a lot faster and not as much wind. They have a vari flow teat that's from birth that you could always try?

Nope baby boo boo I'm still on night feeds! Can't seem to break the 3am feed
Faith sleeps through. She's ever so good. That started at 10 weeks!! I wasn't expecting it as exclusively breast fed but I'm not knocking it. Started half 11 til 5ish not technically sleeping through I know! But now can be half 10 til half 7/8! :)

Njp I felt my cut was long too. Get it seen if u feel it's not healed well yet. Although mine did take a very long time and was super painful :(

Oh no 50 shades, yuk u will be sat on plastic covering haha!
We don't really do Valentine's because it's Xmas then nige bday then mine then Valentine's day and we have no money left by then haha.
Plus it's such a commercial event I don't like to waste money anyway hahaha. Nah we get a card I think. At bf support group we made cards for the dad's with the babies it's their footprints to look like a heart hehe. It's hidden in a draw ready for him ha
My cut didnt bother me at all, I was really scared of having to be cut but then afterwards I didnt even really notice. I was too preoccupied with trying to poo though!

We've never bothered with valentines. Last year we brought a fridge together and the year before he brought me a vacuum! We needed both those things though so didn't see the point in wasting money on a useless present.

Jake doesn't sleep through. His current habit seems to be sleeping for 4 hours, waking up, then sleeping for 2 hours, waking up, then he'll be up every hour. Until I give in and get us up!
I still havnt got the size 2 teats out yet keep meaning to do it. She doesn't usually fall asleep on the bottle, she has a few times tho. I might look for some variable flow teats.

Finally the health visitors seem happy with Ruby's weight. She's 11lb 1oz now and is going back up on the centile chart. We have to Go again in 3 weeks.

Ruby's not totally sleeping through by the last 2 nights she has fallen asleep a 8.30(ish) and woken between 12-1 then yday she woke at 7.30! And today she woke at 6.30. I hope it carries on.
The vari flow will hopefully be handy to you.. I bought them by accident and tried him when born.. Although it says for 0+ months he was struggling as it was 2 fast!

How many feeds are you bottle feeding mummy's getting a day? Pjs having 6 bottles at 6oz but I worry it's not enough as his weight gain isn't much..

We haven't done v day for other 3 years.. Was nice at first but no point wasting money that could go towards the kids.

Pjs sleeping habit is 9-10pm feed then wake again at 3am then back down half an hour later until morning.. Sometimes he will go 2 hours sometimes 4.. I worry he needs something more but refuse to buy hungry milk or baby rice
I've had long sleeps since she was quite young. I think she was around 4 or 5 weeks when she was going 7 hours but they were awkward hours like 2am-9am. Now she sleeps more about 11pm-5am then we go back to sleep until about 7 or 8 depending on whether I need to get up. It's so much better. I don't mind the fact that it's 6 hours now because at least it's more sociable times!

My cut is fine now kaa, thanks. I was lucky, cutting means they can choose the angle. My gp said she tore & it went right through to her anus and she was really scared about pooing! That was my biggest fear! Actually being cut & stitched was painless, because of the epidural. And when I was being stitched was when I was barely conscious through blood loss anyway. That was the point they ushered my wife away to 'help' clean the baby, because apparently my sats were dropping so badly & with her being a nurse they didn't want her to see.

It all seems like a big blur now. The only thing I remember clearly is the thunk of what felt like a giant baby being plunked on my chest!

Got weighed yesterday and she's 14lb exactly now. She's feeding very regularly. Her operation to have her achilles tendon cut will be in two weeks. Yesterday was the first time she cried when they put the cast on. They really pulled her foot around and she screamed so much her head and hands were sweating. The look in her eyes was awful, like she was begging 'why aren't you making this stop, mummy?'. I nearly cried myself. She's fine now though, gave her lots of cuddles.
Ruby has roughly 4oz every 3 hours. She used to take a bigger feed before bed 6oz but she's not taking so much recently. She prefers to snack than have a big feed.

I need some ideas for the main wall in Ruby's bedroom. I can't decide how I would like to do it. Her room has 2 pink and 2 white walls. The wardrobe and changing table are against one pink wall and her cot is against one of the white walls. The window wall is white so she has pink and white curtains from next with little ballerina animals on the bottom. I've hung her memory frame on the window wall and one of those month by month frames we were bought above her changing table. I was also going to put 2 small shelves on other side of widow wall to put some of her cuddly toys on. She has too many already!

There's still one big pink wall to fill. I was thinking of a wall sticker but we wernt very successful putting one up in the bathroom lol!

I also don't want it to be too babyish so we have to re do it in a few years.

I washed her cot bedding yday I sometimes lay her in her cot when I'm putting her things away so wanted to make it up.

I wish I could upload photos because I would upload some!

Any ideas would be fab! I've been looking on Pinterest but I like too many haha

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