*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Noo, can't see warm banana working. Chocolate perhaps because it would be a bit like hot chocolate. The true test will be if he makes it again.

I have one sore boob, like it is full but she fed off it before. I googled mastitis and it doesn't sound like that but I'm a bit concerned. Will have to see if it gets worse.
NJP..She's grated on hubby today.. She sent her friend round to collect preston & then sent her friend back round to bring him back.. Haven't once spoken to her so can see tomorrow is going to be fun when she shows her face.. She said in to my hubby whilst I was there that it feels like Im not allowing her to go near him and being rude by making it feel like I'm the only one who's allowed to pick him up etc.. For once hubby backed me up and agreed I'm not doing anything like that.. With a bit of luck I'll have no issues from now, she also isn't bothering with Myah much either, her friend (who was my maid of honour when I got married btw) spends so much time with both kids you'd think she was the grandparent!
Having one of those nights where its harder than usual...im starving and nothing to snack on which cant help...I also feel like my boobs are empty and she is t getting any milk...
Imogen is being really restless as well ...moving from side to side in her cot...
Im impressed that the mil thing hasnt flared up sooner Katiee...
Njp..is the boob hurting or the nipple, if its the nipple it could be oral thrush...although it does sound more like mastists
Mine have been starting to feel less full. I believe its normal, as our bodies are now getting used to how much they need to supply.
Imogen is about 8 weeks isnt she? Because that's a wonder week so could explain it. Jake was the same about that time
It was hurting inside so I googled what to do and it just said to keep feeding on that boob as normal to clear any blockages and it seems to be going away now.

Katie, your MIL is weird, I'd just let her get on with it and ignore her!

Frankie was feeding like mad yesterday, she didn't seem to stay full for long. I've eaten a load of porridge, will keep that up for a while to help my milk as she's growing loads. Started making it with honey and bananas, so nice I could eat it all day! She's 60.5cm now which is on the 99.6th centile. She's getting weighed later when she has a cast change.
How do you find time to make porridge?? I had it every day on maternity leave but now I just about manage to eat a bowl of bran flakes, wish I had time to cook porridge but I don't think Jake will let me. I love it with honey though, that's my favourite!

I've not had any breast problems yet, they do say it's best to feed through any blockages though otherwise it just gets more and more blocked!

Went to our first baby class today, none of the moms seemed to be the type I was worried about. Although they did all seem very clicky at first as pretty much all of them were over 6 months old. Got talking to a few near the end though, but one of the older boys hit Jake on the head with a block which nearly made me cry (although Jake didn't arsed by it!)
I just make it in the microwave. I put oats, honey (or sugar and frozen blueberries) with about half the amount of milk, microwave it for 3 mins. It goes more solid than wallpaper paste but I then pour cold milk on top and eat it lumpy with cold milk. It sounds gross but I like it like that! You can just put all the milk in and make normal porridge though. It's just like those sachets but with normal oats. I tend to do it while feeding the dog or something like that.

I add banana after microwaving though, I'm not weird like your Shane and eat them hot!

Aww, poor Jake! You do feel bad when they get hurt even if they don't seem to be bothered.
Aw no poor jake. What class was it and are you going back next week?

We've got sensory class again tomorrow all the mums there seem lovely and chatty. Let's see if Ruby stays awake longer than 10 minutes to enjoy it haha! Havnt been out much this week we've had quite bad snow. It didn't stop snowing all day yesterday.

The porridge sounds nice. I kinda predict when Ruby will get up depending on how the night has gone (I don't always get it right!!) and I set my alarm for before then so I can get a shower, eat breakfast and sterilise bottles. I usually manage all this but sometimes im caught out. I just put the baby monitor on so I can hear when she stirs
When I make porridge I don't put toppings on until after, just normal lats and honey. I always use proper oats though, I don't like tbethe sachet stuff it always comes out too runny for my liking. I did used to make it in the microwave though. Will have to see if Jake allows me to make any next week. Although he does tend to be in the best mood in the morning for some reason.

I'll probably go back to the baby class, it seemed to tire Jake out and he loved looking at all the other babies. Only problem is that we didn't really do much. I was told they do different activities every week. They don't. Basically the moms sat around and talked for an hour and a half while the babies played then at the end they sang some songs. Think I'll just go occasionally.

I'm going to a play group with my SIL and niece today. My niece is 2 and a half but I'm told they have a little section for babies too. But again I think Jake will like just looking at all the other children.

The snow here has been pathetic. Its snowed a couple of times but just hasn't settled. We want to see what Rockys like in the snow as the last time it properly snowed he was only about 8 months old and he'd have still been living in the rspca.
No snow at all here, we rarely get it round here. My dog loves it, she runs around like a mad thing in it.

Stacey, sounds like you're getting into the swing of it! I'm slowly getting there, managed to be out of bed before 10am today, haha! Frankie was washed and dressed by 10 too, I was very impressed with myself.

Have been looking at nursing tops - why are they all modelled on women/mannequins who have a huge pregnancy bump? You don't have a huge bump when you're nursing. I understand making the tops a bit loose around the stomach but not the full on bump rucking at the side seams.
I do try njp! I'm always up before 10 :/ it's usually about 8am and sometimes Ruby will stay asleep until after 9 which is annoying cos I could have had extra sleep but at least I've got sterilising etc done.

It helps knowing I have classes to go to and to be up and ready.

I didn't notice that about the nursing tops but that doesn't make sense!

We took Ruby out in the harness for he first time today she loved it and so did the oh he was really pleased with himself walking the dog at the same time. Ruby fell asleep in it.

I finished her memory frame too I'm so pleased with it! I wish I could upload photos to show you all. Just going to get a little wooden heart with her name on to add to it. I didn't use the wonder web in the end the grow and vest didn't move much when th glass was on so I just put a few pins in and used double sided tape to secure photos and other bits. I sewed her hospital tag on too :)
Yea a lot of nursing tops seems to have room for a bump too. I found it strange as well. I assume it's so you can use it during pregnancy and then after. But surely the tummy will be a bit loose and saggy then as you'll have stretched it out with the big baby belly!!

How have you found time to finish her frame Stacey? I keep thinking I've got 5 minutes to myself and then he tends to wake up so I have to stop what I'm doing.

We've booked Jake's christening today, having a nightmare trying to find a venue for the after bit though. And I'm still undecided about Godparents. It's so difficult!
Hey girls sorry been mia I kept getting mightily peed off with my messages disappearing ha.

Went to funbox last week, singing and signing and was fab!! Faith loved it and watched intently as I signed. Music so loud no one can u hear u sing so that was handy njp!

I'm currently looking for a dress for a friend's wedding and get so annoyed as I also find all nursing clothes are maternity ones are these people thick! Who needs space for a bump when baby's out and on the boob!!!
Luckily lots of sites for nursing dresses but either expensive or not quite weddingy enough haha if u know what I mean.

Faith went down at 11 last night and I've just finished feeding her now so like 8 hours can't believe her she's so good!!! Bad news though the ladies at bf said they start sleeping through n then about 4 months can go through sleep regression and then weaning can cause it too. :( so basically I just get them sleeping through and bam back to square one :'(
Yes I've heard about the 4 month sleep regression. Not looking forward to that at all. Its apparently why a lot of people assume they need food at 4 months to help them sleep but I think its just a massive growth spurt instead.

Jake's certainly not sleeping through yet. He's been terrible the past 2 nights just screaming the moment I put him down in his cot. Fortunately Shane got home from work just as I put him down last night so I handed him over and got 3 hours sleep while he stayed awake with him. But then he wanted food so I had to wake up :(

Just got back from church, Jake slept through most of it but then I had to feed him right at the end. It all came flooding back to me from when I used to go to church every week with school.

Nursing clothes just never seem very nice, especially as you pretty much always have to buy them online so you never know what its going to be like until it arrives. I'm just living in the same 2 pairs of jeans and 4 jumpers at the moment.
Oh no 4 month sleep regression. Ruby's still not doing great, she sleeps on average 4 hours and wakes up sometimes it's not as good tho.

I gathered all the bits together and have done it over time. My hubby was home yday when I stuck everything down and he hung it on wall last night.

The funbox class sounds good they don't seem to have that near me.

I wouldn't know who to ask as god parents either, I don't have to worry about that though were not having a christening.
I don't think I'll bother with the nursing stuff, just couldn't find anything I liked. I agree with the online ordering, it's frustrating. I'm living in 3 pairs of leggings that I wore before I moved onto maternity ones, several mid-thigh length vests and two long jumpers! They are my 'outside' clothes. I have some joggers and old t-shirts for around the house but I tend to put them on before getting showered.

I really need new clothes but money is tight at the minute, with no forseeable improvement, given my redundancy. I am worried about finding a job for September, the thought of leaving Frankie is awful. I know that gives me longer off than many people have so I should think myself lucky but I really don't want to do it at all. She'd have to go into childcare and I'd find that really hard. :(

There's a sleep regression at 18months too, so when you think they're getting the hang of it, off they go again! We managed 10.30-7.30 with a feed at 4am last night. I don't mind the night feed like that when it means she's sleeping more normal times! It meant I was up and showered by 9am which is amazing for us.

Had a massive argument with the wife last night. Turns out the 'jokes' about failing my housewifely duties weren't very much jokes after all. I did wonder. Apparently the house is a tip. It's not really, I tidied, dusted, swept, hoovered etc a week and a half ago and haven't done much since then so it's definitely overdue a clean but it's not a hovel or anything. I'm still cooking, shopping and doing the teens' packed lunches and uniforms as well as doing all the baby-looking-after, and I washed all my wife's laundry the other day. So I'm rather put out by that. Half of me wants to scrub the place from top to bottom in a 'shove that up your arse' sort of way, half of me wants to go on strike.
Your wife sounds like she's forgotten what having a baby is like. You sound like you manage to get more done in the days than I do. I just about manage to get all the clothes washing done and even that's a push some times. I definitely wouldn't clean the house I'd make it doubly messy just to piss her off!!
I was sorely tempted but then realised my parents are due at the end of the week and I'd just have to tidy it all then anyway! I haven't done loads but I've done what I would consider reasonable for one day.

Just realised I am showing as nearly 50 weeks pregnant on my signature, suppose I should change it!
Haha I did wonder when you'd change it. Urgh can you imagine being 50 weeks pregnant?!
Got two because I can't decide between them!

50 weeks pregnant would be weird. I do miss being pregnant though. I still feel jealous when I see pregnant women. I don't want another child though, I just want to do it all again! Except labour.

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