*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Aw njp I bet it was awful seeing her upset! She's put weight on well! What size clothes is she in? 3-6?
Yes being cut definitely sounds better than tearing. My mom said she tour both ways when she gave birth to me which is what I really wasn't wanting to happen.

I actually remember labour quite clearly, not quite sure how though. I have no idea what really happened once he was born though. I think I was too overwhelmed to know what was going on. I'm pretty sure they did everything I didn't want though, think they cut the cord almost instantly, pretty sure he had a vit k injection and I didn't get to feed him till ovee an hour after birth.

We've been for his 12 week injections today. He screamed and screamed, so I fed him in the doctors waiting room afterwards to try and cheer him up. He has now been asleep for 2 hours! I had time to wash my hair, have my lunch and now I'm sitting with a cup of tea. They made him sleepy last time, so they must be making him sleepy again.
Oh forgot to tell you that at baby massage was a woman with a little girl a couple weeks older than faith and she has a brace on her little legs it's like a snowboard ! The baby copes very well with it and barely seemed to notice let alone have it bother her. Thought u might like to know njp.

Being prem I missed the skin to skin and she was whisked away from me as the cord was too short so barely got a first hold! :-/
Make up for it now though.
Went to a wedding yesterday one of my closest friends was lovely day and night but faith didn't want to be held by anyone else other than me or nige haha cranky bum. Her teeth are really bothering her though and she was shattered. Been my mum's and my gma was there and faith was having cuddles with her quite happily for ages. Wonder if it was just a one off or she really is showing her discomfort with strangers! Haha.
Be interesting to see how she is with nige family as she barely sees them.

Am exhausted today! Hoping for a good night. Hope ur all ok
Yeah that's what Frankie's getting, like a snowboard! Am hoping she gets a cool looking one, will have to dress her in skater boi clothes, haha! My friend has bought her some black gothy babygrows but she hasn't worn those yet. Will save them for the 'babies should only be in pastel' MIL.

Has faith got many teeth kaa? What have you found useful for her? I haven't bought any teething stuff yet.

Is Jake okay after his jabs now mellie? Frankie's first lot didn't bother her fortunately. Second lot due in a couple of weeks.

Stacey, she's in 3-6 and some of them only just fit. It depends on the brand - M&S ones are still fairly long on her but supermarket ones are short. I'm still mainly in babygrows but her cast doesn't fit, so I leave that leg out and put a cute leg warmer on it.

Can't suggest anything for the room, stickers would have been my suggestion. I've got some animal ones for our little room but haven't used them yet. What went wrong with your bathroom sticker? The ones I've got are removable so we should be able to reposition if we screw up.

Going to visit my family this week, a 4 hour drive. Frankie sleeps well in the car so will just be a case of stopping halfway to stretch her out and feed her, I think. I'll be doing it by myself so hope it goes okay.
I think most babies go through a clingy phase sometime soon. Not sure when though, so maybe that was why Faith was like that.

Apart from sleeping a lot Jake didn't seem to have any reaction after his jabs. Very strange as pretty much everyone told me their babies suffered quite bad after the second lot.

We got some stickers for Jakes room. Haven't got round to putting them up yet though. Thing is we've just been given some good news from my grandparents and we now might be buying a house (subject to getting a mortgage) so depending on how long it all takes Jake might not even get to sleep in his current room!
Hi ladies! I hope you're all ok. Lovely to read how your little ones are doing!

Just wondering are any of your tots going through an extremely fussy/clingy phase? Mine won't take her eyes off of me when I put her down or leave her with someone. Her big sis wasn't like this! Kaa I saw you said your lg is like this too, when did it start? She also seems to go from smiling to inconsolable crying in the space of 10 seconds. I popped some teething gel on and she instantly calmed but not sure if it was the taste that startled her more than it soothing the gums. Anyone else's bubs showing signs of teething?

Aside from that all is good, she's now doubled birth weight but still a littl'un cruising the 25th centile! Total opposite to her sis who was on the 91st. Little and large!
Hi girls...im sorry for being quiet...i do value you all and well want to keep the thread going, so will endeavour to post more.

Goat my little one has shown signs of teething the last four days, before that we had lots of dribbling, now she is fist in mouth, destroying the teat on her bottle (bf but gets a bottle at night) and we have had to give calopol 3 times this week. When i put my finger in her mouth there is nothing there though, but its definately teeth.

Well done on doubling birth weight.

Mine is not particulaly clingy...although she does use the boob as a dummy! :-/
Frankie has dribbling and fist in mouth but I couldn't feel teeth so I assumed it's not that, time will tell I suppose. She's a bit fussy too, though if you listen to my MIL it's because I keep picking her up.

Apple & goat, nice to hear from you both. It can be hard to find the time to pop in, even if I read sometimes I just don't get around to typing a reply out.

Mellie, that sounds great about the house! Hope it works out for you, it's so nice to get away from landlords.
Yes! We're getting the fists in mouth and dribbling. I dug out a little diary which I kept when my toddler was a baby and it seems she too was going trough this early teething phase at this age. Though nothing arrived until she was 6 months exactly. I'm guessing the fussiness is also linked to that. Poor babies!
My toddler is teething too, the last of her molars and she's really suffering. Full of teething woes in this household!

Apple, how's little Imogen doing?

Aww NJP how could you possibly pick up a baby too much? Babies just know what they need and it's us for the most part. I'm secretly enjoying the clinginess though!x
I love cuddles, i figure its my payment for doing night feeds :-).

I am at the stafe where i have no idea if she is a good baby or not, she sleeps well and always had, we always get 6hrs sleep from her minimum...and then usually another decent slot and as my oh is sharing the feeds. (He gives her a bottle at night) we are all getting lots of sleep. So shouldnt moan...

But the evenings, we have yet to establish a routine...she cluster feeds if on boob or just struggles to settle, we think she has colic, but talking to people with colic...it never sounds as bad as they descibe..she is just uncomfortable and farts alot..wimpers and doesnt like being put down...me and oh never have an evening anymore..and i feel like all new mums i know (including you lot) have established routines and get your evenings...feel like we are doing something wrong...but then with perspective i know how good we have it un comparisions to others...so who knows :-/
Kaa..saw your message on fb, decided maybe best to post you here, as its fare to say things are a little tense in that forum at the moment..I dont know why i have been a wall...i think we may be struggling and not even realising......but seeing all the tension on fb has made me feel like we need each other more than ever... The thing i love about forums, is that eveyone does there thing and has there opinion and thats ok... :-(
Sorry so self absorbed how is everyone else doing...? i have been reading just not posting. :-)
Is anyone going to get the amber necklaces or anklets..i have friends who sweat by them so definately will be buying some
Her sleep sounds amazing!! As for the routine, I haven't really got one yet. We do bath, feed then bed but her feeding lasts a while as she also cluster feeds a lot. I normally put her in the cot at 8.30/9, dream feed at 10.30 and that usually sees her through to 3, then till 6.30 then she's up at 8/8.30. But the past few days she's just been in bed with us from the start of the evening as she's feeding constantly and its the only way we both get sleep! Babies are little mysteries!
I've never had the balls to get those necklaces/anklets but I too have heard good things about them!x
Firstly can I just congratulate Apple on being 51 weeks pregnant ;) haha.

Yeh njp will be glad of staying here and not venturing into it. I can't be bothered with it all to be honest. I like it on here nice and calm :)

Teething is horrid. I have anbesol for faith but she HATES calpol and spits it out! :( teething keys and rings have been tried but are not great. Considering Amber anklet as last resort but can't imagine they'd be comfy! I hate it when she's had on socks and they leave a mark. Wouldn't want a necklace I worry too much about choking or something!

We don't have great evenings at all. I always panic when asked to go anywhere of an eve with her as know she is pretty much on off boob most of eve. Got his brothers 30th on Friday don't know how I will cope with that not like special room to feed or anything. Really dint want to go might tell nige go and say I'm ill or baby unsettled :-/ feel bad but no place for a baby at that time of night anyway is it!!
Haha...you should see the size of my bump...I know the number of times, i click to update my signature and it all becomes to technical and i give up!

Its such a relief to here your comments girls..new mums i meet at baby groups never really say they have a problem in the evenings, i think me and oh feel such failures at the moment and ungrateful in equal measures...i too dread evening invites...not that we have many at the moment...being in devon.,

Re amber necklaces, Im not keen on the way they look...but anything to ease her discomfort..calpol is my ace card, so imagine it must be hard, i think they have various flavours so may be as easy as changing flavour??....
Apple, you sound the same as me - getting a decent night's sleep but no evening routine. Somewhere between 9 and 11 Frankie will want a feed, that's my cue to take her up for a night feed and settle her and hopefully have a cup of tea afterwards. Our evenings are non existent too, wife moans a bit about it but I don't really know what she expects.

Frankie's also fussing, she's driving me mad on the boob tonight, screaming when I take her off it, screaming when I put her on. I'm taking antibiotics again which might be giving her wind, either that or the curry I ate last night is making my milk taste bad. I hope not, don't want to give curry a miss until I wean!
Apple, also about feeling crap, when you talk to these other mums I'm sure some of them are jealous of your decent sleeps, even if they don't say so. And I think you're doing well to get out & go to baby groups, I haven't bothered yet. I really should, Frankie needs baby friends, but I am quite anti social and hate having to meet new people and pretend I like people if I don't.
Gosh its such a relief...so many people even my sister talk about routines...that i fell (felt) a failure...not having one, we both did, gosh it must be hard with oh expressing the obvious about lack of evenings, when there is nothing to be done about it at the moment...this is the part that know one warned me about.

As for baby groups, i have a good bit to tell you all..but it might have to wait till the next feed as im done, feeding for now...

I feel 100%knowing im not the only one :-)

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