*** November 2014 Mum's ***

That's better :) the only thing I'm jealous of pregnant woman for is that their babies don't cry for unknown reasons yet! Being pregnant was definitely a lot easier than actually having a baby. I have no idea how hard it must be to have 2 or more young children. How people cope with 2 under 2 is beyond me!!
Yay u changed ur signature finally haha!!!

What's wrong with ur wife she sounds like a bloke she should be more understanding having gone through it herself! :-/
If it wasn't for ur parents coming I'd have trashed the place! Grrr partners can be so frustrating with their comments!!!

I'm worried about work for September too :( luckily nige agreed I can just do part time but it's so much harder to find a part time teaching job!! I only want like Thursday Friday or something. :-/

Been to bf group and funbox again today. I now know colours of the rainbow, days of the week and letters of the alphabet in sign language yay hehe
I would have been tempted to leave a mess and see how long it takes your wife to think about tidying it and not leaving it all to you!

Had Ruby weighed today she weighs 10lb 10 1/2oz she's gone down a centile on the graph so they want us to go again next week.
I'm not worried tho I think she's just petite and she's constantly moving and playing on her mat and doesn't sleep much in the day so I think she's just using the milk she's taking for energy

The snows started here again :/ supposed to snow all through the night. I hope not we had a new class to go to tomorrow called rhythm time. I hope we can get to it still
It's all better now, we have sorted it out! I was really tempted to just let it go to a manky hovel! The house isn't spotless and it won't be, am making a point of not having it spick and span. Not that I hold petty grudges...

Frankie doesn't cry much, I have to say. If I miss her hunger cues she SCREAMS at me, sometimes so much so that she can't latch because she's too busy screaming with a mouth full of nipple, haha. Otherwise it's usually for wind or nappy, if it's not those a dummy usually works.

Our sleep pattern is getting better, I am managing to get out of bed earlier because she's going to sleep before midnight now.

Kaa, I only want part time too. I thought 3 days a week, with 2 days nursery and one day my wife looking after her. But the thought of leaving her at a nursery or childminders is awful. Also, part time in schools doesn't always equal 3 full days. You might get a 0.6 contract but spread over 4 or 5 days, which would be too costly for childcare.

Stacey, they probably move up and down the centiles all the time as growth rates differ. Last week, Frankie looked really wide whereas this week she looks longer and thinner and I think she's just grown length-ways faster than width-ways this week. Last week she was like solid barrel! Good that they're keeping an eye on her though, just in case.

Frankie's on her third leg cast now. The have managed to straighten out the sole of the foot, as it was curled, and now they're focusing on aligning the foot to the leg at the ankle. It looks loads better already. They said I'd see a big change next week after this cast. In a few weeks, they're going to cut the Achilles tendon, under general anaesthetic before putting one last cast on. Not looking forward to that. After that, she's got to wear boots with a bar between, which will restrict her kicking her legs which I think she'll hate. The casts aren't bothering her, but that will, and that's 23 hours a day for 3-6 months. :/
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All the snow keeps going up north. We have a tiny amount but it never settles :(

Jake keeps screaming for no reason on an evening, well I know the reason it's because he's tired but he just wont give in and sleep! Its so annoying, yesterday he barely slept all day even though I went out and about (he normally sleeps in the car and pushchair)

I'm very fortunate that both grandmothers are around to look after Jake so I wont have to pay for childcare. I still wouldn't want my days split across the whole week though. I always find it easier to do longer days than more shorter ones.

Sounds like the cast is going well, good that you can see improvements already. Cutting the achillies tendon sounds horrible, won't be nice seeing her put under like that at such a young age. I suppose its just going to be a short procedure though, at least I'd hope it was.
The snows come again here, were up North. Rhythm time was cancelled today. Hoping we can get to sensory class tomorrow.

Aw bless her not a nice thing for her to have to go through but at least she's young enough not to remember any of it and it will benefit her in the future.

Ruby cried before bed last night. I went dancing and she cried the whole time for her dad ages getting clingy to me this week. Could jake be a bit clingy with you mellie?
We had a bit of snow here today. None of it settled though. Decided to make the most of the rubbish weather and took Jake to be weighed, there was absolutely no one else there it was great. He's now 13 lb 1 oz. Following his line perfectly :)

That's a shame that she cried so much, bet your OH felt really rubbish about it. Jake's not really that clingy with me. If he wont stop crying for other people he'll normally only stop for me because I can give him boob! Sometimes my OH is better at stopping him crying than me. Last night he wouldn't stop crying, he started humming the Jurassic Park theme and he stopped.....weird baby! Haha
Haha Jurassic park! Gosh 13lb! He's 2 weeks younger than Ruby too. She really is going to be a petite little lady I think.

Yea he did feel a bit rubbish about it but sometimes he is better at settling her than me just recently she's wanting me. She's always looking for me when someone else is holding her. Introduced johnsons lavender bubble bath tonight and she's fallen straight asleep after only taking part of her bottle and hasn't woken back up which isn't like her. She's gone straight into her Moses basket. Her cheeks did look flushed earlier and the health visitor suggested she might be teething and she's dribbling loads and chewing her fingers a lot.

Anyone else seeing signs of teething?
Aw she's a little one stace that's cute. Last week Faith had only put 6oz on in 2 weeks and went under the 50th percentile line so weighed her again this week and she's put 6oz on in a week so can fluctuate and sure sounds like ruby burning it all off haha.

Oh no njp that sounds great and sad all at the same time. I mean it will be so worth it once all over and done with though. What's the date of her having it cut??

Faith is settling much more for her daddy now I fear she will be a daddy's girl :( she does tend to watch me and look for me a lot though and has developed an attention cough. If I'm not paying her any she does it and also when she wants a feed haha. Cheeky monkey!!

She's smiling loads more it's ace but sadly still no giggles yet.

I cried last night and feel like the most awful evil mummy ever....I cut her little finger with the nail clippers :'( Honestly never felt so bad I still do now and keep worrying it will affect our bond or cause her problems in future (neurotic much ha)
Frankie has an attention 'wah'. I will settle her in her basket then go do something like make lunch. She'll go 'wah!' once, like the start of a cry. I'll come in to look at her and she'll smile or giggle at me!

Don't worry if she's settling for him more, kaa, sometimes they don't settle as well for their mum because you smell of milk so they're trying to get more off you. Nige doesn't smell of milk so she knows there's no point trying it on!

I know what you mean about hurting them. I whacked Frankie's head off something in the hospital, I felt awful afterward. I don't think they'll remember!

Stacey, no signs of teething here, not looking forward to that bit!
Kaa I've done that with the clippers! It wouldn't stop bleeding I had to put a plaster on. I felt so bad. They won't remember it though! I havnt used the clippers since tho haha
I bet that will be like Ruby we will have put lots on all of a sudden. She hasn't eaten great today tho she's snacked more taking 2oz here and there. She did take 4oz before bed but she usually takes at least 5oz.

Her little checks have been rosy for the last few days I think it's with the teething. She was chewing her dads fingers earlier and when she couldn't get his finger anymore she chomped on his wrist it was so funny!

She wouldn't settle for her dad again tonight she was really crying. He was a little Annoyed when I managed to settle her pretty quickly, I feel bad but I can't help her being clingy.
Glad I'm not the only one then. I didn't clip the nails on her other hand because of it :(

Yes she may have a few growth spurts and surprise u!
Faith has had rosy cheeks and chews her fingers I think it's coming to us soon :-/

Haha love these babies they are so clever and love how clingy they can be. Faith is quite clingy at times but don't know if that's because I'm the food source haha
Perhaps use an emery board on nails? I haven't attempted to cut Frankie's yet. My mum said it's safer to bite them off but I could still see that accidentally hurting, if you catch it wrong.

I'd better get some teething stuff in if it's likely to happen soon. Frankie's mouth and hand have discovered each other but I don't think it's for teething yet.

Very unsettled night last night, she must be growing because she's fed very frequently all night. I feel like she's going to 'Hulk' out of her clothes if she doesn't slow down! Some of her smaller 3-6 months baby grows don't have much length left in them.
Kaa I'm not breastfeeding anymore so I don't think it's because Ive got the food but it could be that with you.

Aw no njp let's hope that doesn't carry on waking frequently isn't good for our sleep. My husband let me have a lie in today and got up with Ruby it was lovely and much needed.
Already outgrowing 3-6 clothes?! Oh wow. Ruby's not in all her 0-3 yet haha.
If Jake's crying and I hold him he automatically wants boob, but if Shane holds him he doesn't. So with Faith it probably is because she can smell your milk.

I cut Jake's nails a couple of weeks ago. I did them while I fed him as it's the only time he stays still. They need cutting again now though. I read not to bite them as apparently you can put infections in or something.

Jake doesnt seem to be teething, although every time he cries for no reason I have a little peak in his mouth to see if I can spot anything.

I've had to buy Jake new socks, he's not in 6-12 months, all the 0-6 ones had the heel sitting half way down his foot. Annoying as if means all his onesies don't quite fit right because his feet go into the leg a little bit.
Yeah, her vests only just fit with disposables & for cloth nappies I have to use vest extenders! She's got a long body & short legs. I'm glad I didn't buy many 3-6. Got quite a few dress type things to use up but I think they might be more flexible re length. Dresses are faff though, I prefer sleepsuits.

She's so hungry today, it's making me starving! If I could eat healthily I'd probably have lost loads of weight by now!

For those of you who are breastfeeding are you having periods? I keep having odd half days like it's trying to start. Not impressed!
I've not had anything yet, hope it stays away for as long as possible! Jake's a very frequent feeder though, so that may explain why mine have stayed away.

Jake has a long body too, but so do I. It means I have to roll up all his jeans which is a little annoying.
It definitely is that with Faith as sometimes she is very chilled with me but other times will fuss and then if I give her to nige she stops fussing haha.

Oh dear we struggle with some baby grows as she has little legs bless her.
Nights are good at the min 10:30-7:30 not bad hey?!

I've had 2 proper periods now :( worried was an issue with milk but apparently not.

Njp yours sounds a bit odd though have u mentioned it to Dr might be worth a visit just to check all ok
Where's everyone disappeared too? Hope you're all ok, haven't seen anything of apple for ages, hope she's all good.
I know I keep checking back haha. Hope everyone ok

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