*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Aw that's so cute njp. Ruby kind of gives her daddy kisses but seems to turn her head to everyone else! Lol the lakes are lovely and the weather has been quite nice too I bet it was lovely to get away.

We don't have much around that she can get to really we like a minimal look, most of the things are her toys! She does like the tv cabinet with the DVDs under tho she's into them all the time! She really is off now and is quite quick even we dress doesn't get in her way. She's obsessed with the dog, always crawling over to him ha!

Hi mellie glad to hear your in your new house and great that jakes in his own room now! Rut shuffled backwards for about 2/3 weeks then all Of a sudden went forward, she follows me around the house now!
Congratulations on moving house, Mellie! Hope you get sorted soon.

We always have stuff around, Stacey, it drives me mad, but I suppose that's the thing with a household of 6 people and a dog! I'd love to live in a minimalist fashion but I'm a bit of a hoarder.

Frankie is going through a really narky phase, lots of screaming at nothing. It's a kind of half hearted scream, not like she's in pain, just like she's having a bit of a moan. She's obsessed with remote controls, mobile phones and cables and when we take them away from her she screams in temper! She has her lovely moments too though, it's not all grumpiness, she's still good at hugging and kissing.

She's started bearing weight on her legs. When she had her boots and bar off the other day, she stood up leaning against me but without me holding her up. Still no sign of crawling or shuffling or even any progress on rolling over though. I bought her some toys that roll away from her but when they do, she just leaves them!
Hi hope you're all ok! Sounds like our babies are all developing differently and showing their own personalities now! Love it! Faith is 9 1/2 months old now I can't believe it!
She's a little madam though very cheeky ha. Like Frankie she kicks off if I take remote off her ha. Bought her a baby smartphone in the hopes it looked enough like mine she wouldn't realise. She does though darn it haha.

Sorry not checked in for ages or caught up properly time just flies in constantly out and about with groups trips mummies family etc. Love it though. Still not working but mat pay finished this month. I'm getting contribution based job seekers bleurgh feel a right scruff signing on. But it's tiding us over til September at least. Keep looking for part time but not much around. Would rather not go back but might just do but of supply for a year then go bk full time next September.
What's everyone else doing about work?
Hello Ruby's 9 months this Sunday times going so fast!
She's so cheeky and is into everything crawling and pulling herself up.
Yesterday she stood up on her own without holding on to anything for about 5seconds. I don't think she will be long before she's walking which I was hoping she would do before I went back to work so I didn't miss it!

My maternity pay ends this month too. I'm going back to work in November the week after Ruby's birthday. I've got an interview for senior post where I currently work so fingers crossed for that.

Our baby groups have gone a little quiet over the summer but some are still on

Hope everyone's well
Hey stacey!! Aw is she that's great. Faith is trying her best always wants to be on her feet haha. Oh gosh yes don't want to miss it so you hopefully she will have mastered it by then or at least taken her first steps for you!

That's great best of luck on the job then hun. Will it be full time? Are u putting ruby in nursery?

My mum works Mon to thurs so will have her on Fridays but rest of time I will need to find a decent nursery not too easy round here!!
Costs a bomb though doesn't it.

Can't believe we are actually getting so close to our babies being 1 how scary :(
They're getting too independant! Where have our babies gone?

I work 30 hours a week now and this job if I get it will be 37 hours. I'm hoping it won't be another day in work and that the other days could be made a little longer so I don't lose out on time with Ruby.

My mother in law is a child minder so Ruby will be going there, were so lucky that way!. I don't work Monday or Tuesdays in my current job and husband works half days Fridays so it will only really be wed and thurs and part day Friday. I work shifts too so it might not be a full day I may still have a morning with her :)
Have you found a nursery? Childminders are often cheaper have u considered then?

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