*** November 2014 Mum's ***

We have to be home for 7ish at the latest. Jake always gets very moody around then so it has to be his bed time. In a way I'm kind of fortunate that OH normally has to be up very early for work so we have dinner quite early and he goes to bed fairly early meaning I do too. So we never normally do lots on an evening so we can have a regular ish bedtime. Does Frankie sleep in late on the mornings if she goes to bed late?

Thanks for the tips NJP, I knew all the people on the phones were rubbish from when my mom used to claim when I was younger. She could speak to one of them and get one answer then ring back talk to someone else and be told something totally different.

Is the connecta comfortable to wear does it hurt your back or anything? I have a ring sling but it's really awkward. When someone else is here to tighten it I can get it on comfortably but when I'm on my own its a bit awkward and it normally hurts my back after a short while.
The connecta is really supportive, it goes around the waist as well as the shoulders so a lot of weight rests on there. A woman at the group has a beautiful one which was dark blue with an elephant print on. The ring slings look nice but I can see how they could be a bit uncomfortable. Easier for a newborn I think. Definitely seek out a sling library, mine had so many and the woman running it suggested ones that would suit my needs.

I really dislike the way everything is done over the phone with tax credits, I'd prefer an online system so you could get confirmation emails etc. Plus, the waiting times on the helpline seems to have got worse. I phoned twice recently, at a non-peak time of year and during the school run times, when I thought many claimants would be busy and it took 45 mins on hold to get through.

Frankie sleeps until around the 8am mark then wakes up full of beans, forcing me to wake up. Then she has a long morning nap after a bit, but I don't :( . Hope she sleeps a touch later this morning as I've been up since her 6am feed for the past couple of mornings. Unusually, she woke at 1.30am for a feed, which I really didn't appreciate, having just gone to sleep! I like a lot of sleep. I like early nights too, thought I'd get lots of them with a baby!
Njp that made me laugh ringing when you thought the claimants would be busy! I know nothing about tax credits etc we earn too much to claim any which is rubbish cos I don't earn that much really :/

Well Ruby did ok she didn't need any resettling at all last night. She woke at 11,2 and 6.30 for a bottle. She did wake crying around 5 and oh went to go to her and she had fallen back asleep when he got there. She got up at 8.45 and has been awake all morning only just going down for a sleep 10mins with a bit of a protest!

Hope your all having a lovely Easter, the sun is shining for a change!

My in laws bought Ruby a lovely vest with a tutu skirt from the Disney shop with a rabbit on and they've had her name embroided on it. Going to put her in it hen she wakes up :)
That's what they advise to do on the money saving expert place! Unless everyone else has had the same idea. I have to phone again now it's a new tax year to adjust our estimated income, good job I've got plenty of free minutes on my phone.

I am so tired, I need a lie in but there's been something every day that has stopped this from happening. Visits, doctors etc. I know tiredness is normal when you have a 4 month old, but I'm driving up to see my mum tomorrow and don't want to do that tired so need to try to get a good night tonight.

I tried wearing my baby carrier around the house. Peeling potatoes with it on was slightly awkward but chopping them was downright dangerous, her head was in the way and I'm lucky to still have all my fingers. She's a bit less whingy at the moment thankfullly.

The weather here is so odd, it's very warm and sunny most of the time but we keep getting bouts of cold fog. According to our weather monitor it's 19 degrees in the garden today, off out to hang washing out, love that it's dry enough not to have everything draped inside now.
Oh gosh njp maybe you need a diff sling haha!
I hope you managed a decent night sleep for your drive to your mums.

Ruby was up 3 times for a feed last night and twice got resettling she got up at 6.25! Argh I can do without these type of nights. On a plus she's going down for naps south easier when she looks tired I've been lying her in her cot and she's been falling asleep pretty quickly. She's done this 2 days in a row now, hopefully it carries on :)

I've entered Ruby's photo in a first foods competition with hipp.co.uk would you be kind enough to vote for her please :)
Everyone has gone quiet!

Stacey where is the competition, I can't see it?

I had a nice time at my mum's. It was lovely to just do stuff with the baby and have my dinner done for me and no housework! They loved spending time with Frankie and I ended up staying a bit longer just so they could have a bit more time with her, she's at a really nice stage at the minute. She has discovered her right hand, but she keeps rediscovering it every few hours. She'll stare at it in amazement and wiggle it about. We've shown her the left hand but she doesn't seem as enthralled by that. I keep giving her toys but all she wants to do is play with her hand.

She's off the antibiotics thank goodness. The foot is still not healed but it is not infected any more and the wound seems to be getting a bit smaller.

Hope everyone is okay.
I know I keep checking back but everyone's quiet.

This link should work for the competition :)


Glad you had a good time it's great to see family and catch up. I'm glad frankies off the anti biotics, how are the boots going?

We're having a nightmare with Ruby sleeping! Easter weekend she did great still waking 2/3 times for a bottle but sleeping til 8.30am.
The last week she's been waking loads! She will go to sleep at around 8.30 and wake within the hour for re settling then wake at 11,2,5 (roughly) for a bottle and often wakes inbetween for re settling! Turning into her side and giving her the dummy back.

Last night she did a little better asleep by 8.15 but woke for dummy back in within 40mins but then only woke twice for a bottle 11 and 4. I Think I resettled her once between feeds but everything blurs into one at the minute!

I'm hoping it's linked to not doing much for the 2 weeks over Easter as everything has been shut. We started baby yoga today and she's napped twice since the class.
I've had a few trying nights too. Last night and a couple of nights ago it was every 1-2 hours, it was killing me! I tried to have a lie in this morning to make up for it but she had other ideas and from 7.30 was cooing and babbling at me.

Have voted for Ruby! What do you win? I'm looking forward to giving Frankie her first food, will have to start researching weaning soon as I know nothing about it. I'm trying to hold out to 6 months but sometimes it is tempting to see what she thinks of some things when I'm eating. How is Ruby enjoying it?
Thanks njp :) we win a hamper of hipp goodies.

Ruby's taken to weaning slowly we started on baby rice and then finger food veg at tea time but she would just lick the veg! So we have her some puréed fruit and veg pouches from Ella's kitchen. She's enjoyed these and would take a small amount.

Tonight she ate all of what I offered her an ice cube size of sweet potato and same in apple puree. (I had frozen some small amounts to not waste the pouches) she did eat a small amount of sweet pottos finger food too!

She ate some banana a days weeks ago and I nearly died when I saw her poo! It had black stringy bits in it's the fibre in the banana!

I'm totally with you on the tiring nights! Ruby had a major long nap 2 hours just before tea! She's never napped that long ever hopefully if sleep does breed sleep it should help tonight!
Frankie loves a long morning nap, just after I'm too awake to join her, so I always grumble to her about how selfish it is!

I'm thinking of starting make little portions to freeze, so I'm ahead when I start weaning her. Not loads of everything, in case she doesn't like it, but perhaps just start taking out portions of my meals now and putting them in bags.

That's funny about the poo, apparently carrot makes it bright orange.
Haha I force myself to try and nap but it doesn't always happen!
They are very inconsiderate!

I'm just battling with Ruby to get her to fall asleep in her cot it's always a battle! Nap times don't seem such hard work she just fights the tiredness at bedtime. I'm sat on the step outside her room with the remote for her light show mobile thing! Lol

Yes you could freeze a few portions. I wanted to go straight to finger foods and not use purée but Ruby didn't seem to get it so I'm using puréed. I did mash my own sweet potato and carrot but she finds it too lumpy at the min :/ so it's in the freezer for now.

Are you planning to do baby led with frankie? Ruby's poos have been ok with everything else just the banana that gave me the scare she hasn't had it since but she did seem to like it
It was great at my mum's - changed, fed and asleep on the travel bed by 9pm while I went back downstairs with the monitor. Tried it at home last night and it didn't work. I'm hoping it was just the travelling and that she'll do it tonight. Do you do naps in the cot during the day? I still use the moses basket downstairs, dunno why, she's touching the top and bottom of it now. I might start doing day naps in her cot. I'll have to rethink it before my wife's on nights next though don't think she'll want naps in the bedroom when she's trying to sleep in the day.

From what I understand, finger foods are best from 6 months and purees are better for younger so perhaps Ruby will get into them soon. I'm planning to do a mixture. I like the sound of blw and finger foods but I can imagine being able to spoon in mash will be handy sometimes so I'm planning to go as flexibly as possible.

Although I'm looking forward to it, I'm trying to treasure the last few weeks of exclusive breastfeeding. I'll probably keep doing it during weaning, we'll see.

I visited my cousin's little boy the other day, he was being looked after by my other cousin, his auntie. She had him wandering around, shoving bits of cake and biscuits into the carpet, dragging a leaking bottle of milk around as he played. I don't plan to be too ott about mealtimes but I do intend to have Frankie sit down to eat and drink. It turned my stomach a little seeing just how grimy everything became as he guzzled his way around the room. And his snotty nose. Ugh. I'm going to be one of those mothers who have tissues everywhere because I can't leave a snotty nose. I'm not fastidious about many things but snot is kind of where I draw a line.
Oh my god njp I'm the same! Ruby will eat in the kitchen where good should be eaten say in her high chair. I'm a bit OCD with mess so defo don't want grubby hands everywhere.

Ruby hates having her nose blown but it's awful running down their face.

I'm trying to be flexible with the weaning too, like breastfeeding I had a set idea in my head an I got so upset when breastfeeding didn't work out I don't want to be the same with weaning. I'm just trying to enjoy it with her. I like the social aspects of eating together.

Are you planning to stop breastfeeding soon? And with the settling it takes a lot of perseverance she will get it

Ruby's been napping in her cot in the day for over a month now. She outgrew her Moses basket and I didn't want her pram up in the living room all the time so switched to her cot. She did so well with napping in it and it made moving her there for bedtime easier I think

I was talking to some mums yday about her sleep or lack of and they both said they only keep the cot for bedtime and let their baby sleep in bouncer/Moses basket/on the sofa/pram. I think the cot should be for sleep its their routine that helps them learn the difference between night and day ie bath, pjs a story. That's just my opinion tho but then when they said that I was like hmmm should I not have done naps in cot. Baby will soon outgrow bouncer eye and surely it's not comfy or safe for sofa naps. I don't know what you think about it?
I feel bad about leaving her on the couch for a few seconds and she's nowhere near rolling over, wouldn't leave her for naps! I have left her sleeping on her playmat sometimes, just put blankets over her. I don't think you're doing wrong by doing naps in the cot. She'll understand that cot is for sleep then, and you have a different routine for nights so that's fine.

I think I'll just keep breastfeeding through weaning, but it seems that most people I know think this is unusual. I keep getting congratulated on making it this far and surprised reactions to the idea of me continuing. I just thought that's what you did but people keep expecting me to switch to formula after a while. I didn't realise that was the norm. I'm not really sure when I'd stop, but I don't want to be one of those mums shoving a boob through the school gates shouting 'bitty', haha! Like Little Britain!

I need to buy a high chair. Need to find one that Frankie's foot bar fits into. The hospital said it shouldn't matter which high chair I use but I've found loads that won't support her legs comfortably. They said the same about car seats and hers is definitely uncomfortable for her, I have to pad under her knees with blankets.

Took the dog for a walk with the baby in the sling today, it was lovely carrying her like that, almost like being pregnant again. Felt very nurturing to have her held against me. I want to try a different sling though.
I don't leave Ruby on the sofa at all I wouldn't feel comfy Leaving her to nap and leaving the room.

I wanted to breast feed for as long as I could, I think you've done great and just stopwhen you feel ready to. I hadn't thought about breastfeeding though weaning I suppose you will just breastfeed less when they start to eat more food.

We didn't look at many high chairs I saw a joie one that you can fold with one hand by pulling a strap in the seat it's great! I don't know how it would support her legs. You might be best going to baby shop and sitting her in lots.

Ruby slept awful last night one of the worse nights for a while! She went to sleep really easily and a little earlier than usual but woke within 40mins for resettling then she woke at 10,11, a few times between 11-2 when she had a feed at 2 then she really struggled to settle after 2 and we were in re room almost every half hour for a few hours then she fed at 5 and slept 5.45-8.30! So at least I got some sleep but I don't know how she managed to sleep in the morning and not through the night! Argh hope this changes soon
Yeah, I have tried a couple of shops, I'm trying to get one that supports the feet, has an easily removable tray, a removable bar between the legs and is cheap! I really like the look of the adjustable height ones but there was something I didn't like about the one I saw (not least the price, didn't want to pay £60+).

Did you get a better sleep last night? My last couple of nights haven't been too bad, just a couple of wakings. The problem is getting her to sleep to a humane time in the morning! I'm not getting up at 6am unless I am going to paid employment thankyouverymuch! No matter how sweetly she coos at me!
Have you looked at the joie high chair? Tee tray come totally off and the bit between the legs is attached to the tray. I also like the it because the tray has 3 adjustments on it for how close it is to them which is good as less good gets down there!

I love wearing our harness whilst out walking it does feel like being pregnant. Don't know how long I will be able to keep using it for tho she seems to be getting heavy even tho she's tiny lol! Which style are you trying at the minute?

We did get a better nights sleep yey! She went to sleep about 7.50 stirred at 10, bottle at 11 then 2 then slept til 6.45 and got up then! She needed resettling once between 11-2 and u heard her talking in her sleep at one point, she must get that from me haha!

I went through a stage of having to get up at 6am, what time does she go to bed?
Though I don't know if the joie high hair would support her feet the foot support bar is really low down. We paid £40 it was on offer in mothercare
I'll check put the joie anyway, the foot bar might be okay,thanks for the suggestion.

She doesn't have a fixed bedtime but I've started trying to leave her up there between 8 and 9pm then feeding her when I go to bed. It varies so much though, it's hard to get a fixed routine because of my wife working shifts.

I think the harness is a connecta? It's reasonably comfortable but it feels too wide under her and cuts into the backs of her knees while the bar pulls her heels together a bit. So I'm going to try out some more at the weekend.

Some people use them with toddlers or more than one kid at once! There must be something seriously wrong with my core strength because I could not do that! What harness do you have?
I could not have more than one child in the harness and definitely not a toddler!
We have the mammas and pappas morph.

We had another good night only needed to resettle her once and again feeds at 11 and2 and she got up at 7.15 :) I'll be happy if this carries on

We've got a sensory session this aft, had to stop going cos the time clashed with baby massage but we can go again now.
Have you started going to any classes or anything?

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