*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Hi all, sorry been busy Jake is taking up all my attention the past few days. I can barely put him down otherwise he cries. Tried to have a bath and left him with OH after about 5 minutes he was screaming because he thought I'd left him. :/

Having terrible nights too. He was awake pretty much every hour on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night. Last night wasn't as bad, so we'll have to see what tonight brings.

Definitely finding motherhood harder now, Jake cries so much. For seemingly no apparent reason. He can be smiling and laughing and then suddenly he's screaming. It's like he's bi polar. :(

Had Jake weighed on Thursday and he is now 15lb 12.5 oz. So very nearly double his birth weight. I imagine this week he'll double it but obviously I won't know until we get him weighed again.

All his 3-6 months clothes have now been retired and his 6-9 months are out. Think he's broader than a lot of babies plus he has a big head so had to get the 6-9 month tops out whereas he could probably still squeeze into his smaller sized jeans.

No news on our house yet. Just waiting for a flooring report. Getting really impatient as we just want out of this place now, it's so small there's no where near enough room for Jake's things.

Does anyone elses babies cry....a lot. I honestly don't think any babies cry as much as Jake does. It's so much. And for no apparent reason. I did assume it was teething but it's not a pained cry like sometimes (I think thats a teething cry) this is just a seemingly cry/scream but no matter what you do he doesn't stop. :'(
Mellie..i do sympathis..we seem to be going through a bad patch too.. Me and oh were just having a conversation about how everyone tells you the first three months are the worse...thats not the case for us... For us its settling her at night...imogen crys alot at night and when she is tired. Only a couple of times have i ever none her to cru with out knowing or discovering what the problem is,,, and these situations i resort to calpol..interestingly i always show her what im giving her, wheather it be something for teething, calpol or infacol. It always seems to subside the crying when i show her that im giving her calpol. Like she knows it will help.

Hv told me by six months babies should be double there weight.

Oh mellie, been meaning to ask we ordered a amber necklace from the same place you did over a week ago and still hasnt arrived, how long did yours take to arrive?
My oh also has decided that imogen has bi polar, crying one minute, laughing the next second..lol..these babies have us wrapped around their fingers.

Whats he doing in the nights just waking for a feed or is it resettling thats taking its toll?
He'll only go back to sleep if he's been fed. Had OH get up with him a few times and he just screams because he knows I'm there and he wants me. He took him downstairs on a few of the mornings and he was fine once he was away from me.

She sent my amber fairly quickly, by signed for delivery. So if I was you I'd contact her then she can track it for you.
Thanks will do ..

Is it only 9:30am on Monday. I feel broken...crying and emotional...i have woken with the start of a cold (sore throat) having just got rid of one last week. Imogen was a nightmare going down but did well in the night and then woke at 7 wide awake ... On paper this doesnt sound bad, but i feel so crap and tired i couldnt get back to sleep after the 5am feed and just want to lay in bed sick...the thought /realisation that you have to keep going on regardless is so depressing. I shouldnt even be moaning because she has been so good this morning...

I just want my mum..:-( think i may have to phone her for a cry.
I sympathise with you both. Ruby was such a whingy baby crying all the time. First colic then teething from 12 weeks. She just gone thru the phase of wanting me all the time when she knows im there. I tried to keep my distance and let oh settle her so she got used to it. I has got better! She's also settling better on a night with less crying but she's still waking a few times needing re settling and last night wanted a bottle every 3 hours! I fed her at 6.30 and she went back to sleep and slept another 3 hours!
I do think she's sounds a bit chesty today and she was coughing a bit
Yday and through the night

Apple I would defo ring your mum if it will make you feel better

Jake is putting weight on well too! I've only just put Ruby's 0-3 wardrobe away lol
There's something in the water because I've been up all night & morning with a screaming baby. My wife has a bad cold and I think Frankie's getting it. I think she's also teething. Her blister is definitely infected too, so all in all, not surprised she'd crying. I keep trying to doze but every time I get to that lovely snoozy point she cries again.

The antibiotics still aren't going down well. I haven't attempted any today yet because we had to try calpol. She's usually okay taking that but I think the antibiotics have made her suspicious of medicine now!

Feel for you all, we're not a happy bunch at the minute ate we?

Clothes sizes are mad, we got 9-12 in asda vests and they only just fasten. Part of it is the cloth nappies but asda is really short on sizes because she's in 6-9 stuff from 'better' shops. My mum bought her some MC Hammer style trousers from Next to accommodate the nappy. Very cute but 6-9 and they're snug on her porky little tummy.

Have yous seen the Little Bird range in Mothercare? It's so lovely! I bought some red dungarees and a yellow flowery top with a gift voucher. I love the whole range, boys and girls side. If I had enough cash she'd be kitted out in that all the time!
I need a sling asap. She's fine when we're chest to chest. Trust me to work this out when sling library isn't on for ages...
Aw no that's not good it's infected! I'm going to have a look at the little bird range, I've prob seen it but can't remember it.

I'm loving the next summer clothes I could buy it all. I went at the weekend my dad gave me a gift voucher for there that he was bought for his bday and couldn't see anything he wanted in there so Ruby got 3 summer dresses :)

What's a sling library? Just what it sounds like?
The range is all primary colours and a bit of a retro 70s kids look to it.

A sling library is a meeting where you can try slings out, get advice and rent them out. I found one tomorrow but it's a little drive away and we've got a meeting with my stepson's teacher (god knows what he's been up to).

Haven't looked in Next for a while, I haven't got any vouchers for there! Got one for M&S but holding out until I see something special.
It's a fab range njp I had a nosy! That's good about the sling library too trying them before you buy.

I just got Ruby 2 snow suits for next winter today from mammas and pappas and boots. They were £7 and £8! There lovely! Just thought I would share as they have a really good sale on.
I've not looked much in mothercare recently will have to have a nose soon. Although I'm not really allowed to buy any clothes unless I really need them :(

I was going to go to a sling library near me but it was on Friday and I had a hospital appointment so couldn't go. They're only on every 2 weeks :(

Been watching one born every minute and questioning so many things about Jake's birth. Shane could remember bugger all so had to ask my Mom 20 questions instead! Haha
I've never heard of them don't think they do it near me.

Are you asking questions because you can't remember or because you think something wasn't right?

I can remember most if not all of mine- well it was only 3 hours so not much to remember ha

We had Ruby weighed today she is half an ounce over 13lb. Looks like her pattern is one pound a month
There's a lot of sling libraries about I only found out about the one by me as I googled it and it came up. They just hold it at a church in the city centre.

Basically it's just the end I don't remember it was a total blur but I think that was partly as I was so exhausted. I only asked at first as I wondered if I'd had delayed cord clamping or not (which I'm now pretty certain I didn't) and then I started thinking about everything else. Mom reckons they were more worried about me than what they let on. Unsure if that's due to blood loss or retained placenta potentially. Shane remembers the doctor having her whole arm up me which is what's making me think it was something to do with my placenta (also none of us saw it which I find strange.) Anyway I'm mainly annoyed as I have no idea. You thought they'd tell you afterwards, a kind of debrief. But I have no idea. I wasn't allowed to feed Jake for over an hour after birth which isn't normal. Again I don't know why. ;/
I think you can request a debrief..maybe a bit late now. but i know two girls had a debrief after there burth to talk about it...Kaa might of as well. Yes mellie sounds like there may of been complications with placenta, weird that you werent encouraged or allowed to bf straight away. Good on jake for getting the hang of it, if he was initially denied.

So had a terrible night again with Imogen, but really opptmistic about tonight. Despite terrible sleep, still have loads of eneregy today and was on the ball, managed to get Imogen asleep by 7pm having prepped dinner so we had eaten and done bedtime routine by 7:30pm we were high fiving and dancing like idiots this evening so chuffed, coulf actually relax for first time in a while. See what tonight brings. Bad sleep has been because cant get her to go back down in her cot after feeds.
Iv just done a seperate post which sums up my current situation.4 month sleep regression
Jake spent the whole of the time from when he was born to when I finally fed him looking round for food. So I am extremely thankfull he caught on. Had he not I think I'd have questioned things a lot sooner. Pretty sure kaa had a debrief yes. Will have to look into it, see if its too late or not.

Bad sleep here too. I have no idea how I'm coping on such little sleep.
I wasn't allowed skin to skin straight away. I had a hospital gown on and they pulled her out and plonked her on my chest over the gown. But then they took her straight away, started weighing her etc and my wife held her. They said they had to concentrate on stitching me up. I was numb from the waist down so I don't see how that made a difference but since finding out that I lost half my blood, I wonder if they just needed to focus on getting me better. I didn't see placenta either and I'm pretty sure I didn't get the delayed cord clamping I asked for but after 40 hours, I didn't give a crap any more.

Sorry to hear you are having bad sleep, I have no suggestions. I'm sticking with the side car crib, it minimises the impact on my sleep so much! I doze slightly through night feeds because it takes such little effort to wake up and pick her up. The only problem I'm having is that she's still in a late night sleeping pattern. I tried bringing her up at 9pm because she'd gone to sleep downstairs but within 5 mins of me leaving the room she was awake and chatting to her mobile!

My mum & auntie gave us ELC vouchers for Easter so plenty of money for toys! I said not vouchers for clothes shops because she will start needing toys soon. Looking forward to using them, we don't have many toys yet as she's still not holding things much. I got her an activity seat. It's like the bumbo but with a circular tray all around her with toys on. She can only sit up for short periods before her head gets too heavy but she seems to like it.
A toy that Imogen loves is the Fisher price laugh and play piggy bank. Also she loves Emily Lamaze dolls.

All i can describe what im going through is hell at the moment. imogen was never like this as a new born.
Oh Apple, it won't always be this hard. Are you managing to sleep when she naps?

I'll have a look at those toys. Frankie has a giraffe from asda that has a flat material body with polythene inside so it crinkles, that's a winner at the minute. She likes things with faces on, I've noticed, which I remember learning at uni is to do with social cues.

Last night I opened the freezer to find the door seal wasn't shut tight and we had to go through and throw stuff out. Fortunately expensive things like meat were still solid but half of my bags of breast milk had to be binned. They're all from those first few weeks when I was having trouble feeding and I was pleased when I started pumping more than needed. We've only used one bag since but I felt very sad at pouring it all away. :( I think it just symbolises how hard the first few weeks were and how I got over all the feeding problems.

Off to Alder Hey again today, the good foot is being bent into a funny position by the boots and I want it looked at. Sick of trekking over there.

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