*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I thought I'd replied the other day, it mustn't have posted!

I took the harness to the beach today, it was hard work going over the stones and on the sand without being able to see my feet. But obviously easier than pushing a pushchair. Getting back up the hill to the car park was like being heavily pregnant again, haha!

How have your nights been? Last night was awful, the monitor just seemed to go off constantly and I couldn't work out why. We had to be up dead early too, to get to a dog grooming appt. I swear, that dog gets more spent on her hair than me.
Aw did frankie like the beach?
It is hard work not being able to see your feet. Went to feed the ducks with my 3yr old
Nephew and bent down to pick up the bag of bread and bumped into him. He said I was trying to push him into the pond haha!

Our nights are getting better thankfully. She's settling a lot easier when she's waking for feeds and last 2/3 nights she's only woken twice for a feed and maybe once for resettling. She's been getting up around 7 tho but I can't complain really.

Is there a fault with your monitor or was frankie crying/moving around?

Ruby rolled from her back to her tummy on Monday yey! We were at baby yoga waiting for it to start and she just decided she wanted the rattle and just rolled straight over. When I put her back on her back she did it again more or less straight away. She hasn't done it again since tho her dad was sad he missed it.
We tried putting her down for a nap yday evening only to find she had flipped over from her side and was on her tummy looking her teddies up and down it was so funny! She just laid there as if she couldn't cry for us to help cos we would see what she was upto, we stood watching for ages hehe

Where has everyone else gone? It's got really quiet
Hiya!! Sorry not had much time to come on. Jake is becoming very attention seeking. He doesn't like it when I look at my phone and jot him! Haha

I finally gave in and brought cloth nappies. Today is the first day and we've started with a gorgeous one!!


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Aw no that's not good mellie

The nappy is so cute my oh would love it. What made you change to cloth nappies?
Frankie slept at the beach! She sleeps through all the interesting things.

She is doing my head in at night! Firstly, she seems to want feeding every 2 hours if not more. Then she has a wakeful period around 4am where she just lies and babbles to me, bangs her foot bar about and sets the monitor off. Last night I switched the monitor off because I desperately needed sleep but then I woke to find the babbling had turned to crying but I don't know how long for. So the monitor had to go back on. I even brought her into bed with me which shut her up but she kept flinging her arms about and hitting me in the face. She currently sleeps great between 8-1 but that's not when I want to sleep!

Mellie, what kind if nappies did you get? That looks like a pocket one, nice pattern. I bought mine from TJ's and Tiny Nipper. They're only about £3.50 each, they're made in China so not the most ethical ones but I like them because they're cheap and have loads of patterns! What made you switch?

Stacey that's great about the rolling over! She'll be crawling before you know it, she seems quite keen to do things, from what you've said.

Frankie still hates being on her tummy and I think the bar is slowing down in trying to move. She's like me anyway, apparently, a watcher not a doer! She's only just grabbing toys now but she will sit and crane her neck to see everything going on in the room, so nosy.
Aw no that's not a good nights sleep. Ruby did wake every 2 1/2 hours for a little while but it's getting better so fingers crossed it will soon pass.

Ruby does not sit still have to keep giving her diff things a lot to keep her amused. She can sit up on her own now too but sometimes a little wobbly so have to keep a close eye on her. She can take herself from sitting up to lying on her tummy when she wants to get a toy or something. She doesn't always do it so well and sometimes falls :/

There was an 8 month old girl walking at one of our classes! She looked so funny cos she was small.

Aw what a shame she slept at the beach. We're going to the sealife centre on Saturday I hope Ruby sleeps on the way there and not whilst we are there
I got a bundle from TJs. 10 in total all various types of pocket nappies. Thought I'd just give it a try and as TJs aren't too expensive then I haven't lost much if I decide against them or if I use the occasional disposable too. Got lots of lovely ones. The big test will be to see how they wash and if all the poo marks come out!

Were still having terrible sleeping here too. OH currently sleeps in the other room its got that bad! Jake sleeps on one side of our bed and me on the other. It's the ont way to get him to sleep
Stains often fade in the sun. I rinse the worst of the poo off as they come off the bum, then do a short cold rinse cycle before the wash. I have had poo all over them when the liners have creased up and I've got virtually no stains. If you don't get on with them you can sell them secondhand on fb, so you'll get some of your money back.

8 months is so young to be walking! Don't think I'll have that. She sits up in her bumbo style seat, it has toys on a tray on it and she's only started this week trying to touch them.

Ruby is going to walking early I reckon, she'll be crawling in no time, you'll never be able to keep up!

I wonder if the sleep thing is a phase then. Fingers crossed! Hopefully your oh can get back in his own bed soon. I'm not moving Frankie into another room any time soon, couldn't imagine getting out of bed each time the monitor went off. Hopefully when they're weaning they'll sleep better.
Hi all, sorry been awol! No excuse just knackered.

So brief update on us...Grandma funeral two weeks ago, busy and sad. Back into routine and Imogen has started sleeping much better and now goes down so well in the evening. We have actually had two nights out without her recently when staying with my mum and dad.
Still being picked on by nct girl
imogen is rolling from back to front and front to back and all she enjoys doing is practcsing standing up and aitting down. This is inbetween chewing and dribbling over everything in sight.

Reason i am up at this time is we are waiting for doctor to arrive tonight for house visit. As oh had opp on knee today and when we went to bed tonight it started bleeding all over the floor. So we need the bandage to be replaced, they asked us to come in, but when we said we had a baby they offered us a house visit, so we are waiting.

Njp..sorry about the sleep, but defiantely go through phases! So just remember it will pass. I love how much frankie babbles!

Ruby sounds just as physical and mobile as Imogen, i wish she would slow down and stay a baby for longer!

Mellie, love your pics of jake!

Sorry short and sweet. Will endeavour to come on here more, but doctors arrived
Apple, we might have been in the same place at the same time, I was in the North-East 2 weeks ago. Hope your grandad is coping okay. Sounds like you've got your hands full with both your oh and the baby!

Sorry to hear the NCT girl is still having a go, has anyone else said anything about it? Nasty cow.

Only two wakings for me last night, yay! She did wake earlier than I wanted but I have stuff to do today so at least it got me up and doing some of that. I can't get too annoyed when she wakes me early in the morning because I get the nicest smiles, so that kind of takes the edge off.
I know njp she's going to be into everything the dog is going to get it too she's obsessed with him. She almost came out of her baby bouncer straining to get him as he went past!

Yea apple sounds like we have lively ones lol. At rhythm time yay we were supposed to be playing our instruments instead Ruby wanted to bounce, so we bounced to the beat lol! Hope your doing well can't believe the girl is still being mean! Have you started weaning yet?

Ruby slept a bit better she was asleep by 8.15 woke at 12 then didn't wake until 5.50! I think it was because she had rolled onto her tummy that she slept better she's it slept on her front before but she was like that when I went down to her when she cried

Aw mellie I hope it gets better for you soon. Have u tried jake in his own room? It might take perseverance but it could work so you and oh can get back into same room.
Oh Frankie has a new interest in our dog! She's half old English sheepdog and until this week still had long fur over her eyes, like a sheepie. I got her shaved and now you can see her face. Frankie is keen on faces and seems to have just realised the dog has eyes, now every time the dog goes past she stares and rocks back and forwards. Before the shaving she showed no interest.

The dog is very good with the baby, gives her little licks on the back of the head occasionally. If the baby is crying in the other room the dog comes running to me anxiously and looks at me like 'something is wrong! Make it stop!'.

It's another gorgeous day here. I bought baby sun cream from asda which smells like ice cream, which doesn't really help to stop the dog licking the baby! But it does make her smell delicious.
Aw njp that is so cute she likes him now he has eyes hehe. I thought u were going to say frankie had pulled his fur out ha. Ruby sometimes gets hold of our dog and pulls his fur the dogs not amused hehe.

I've got the same sun cream! I can't blame the dog for licking it off.

It's a lovely day here again too just been for a walk. Ruby's been really off it today didn't want her morning bottle til 10am, she was up at 7. She's had 3 poos and just seems really tired she's having a nap at the min. I'm wondering if it's the weather

I'm having massage and facial this afternoon it was my Mother's Day pressie I can't wait I really need it
NJP that's exactly what my dog is like too. Although he always tries to lick Jake's hands but he always comes running for me if he's crying. It's so sweet.

Jake will be going in his own room once we finally move house. It's all moving forward now so we're hoping we'll be in by June. I'm not that bothered about sharing a bed with OH. He gets up at 5am moat mornings so literally all we do is sleep. So him being in the other room isn't the end of the world for us.

Jake's been wanting to be stood up for months, he's had strong legs pretty much since birth though. He can sit up for short periods but then he normally gets excited which makes him wobble and fall over! Haha
Hi ladies! I thought Id pop on and say hi! It sounds like all the babies are coming on so amazingly! Can you believe were reaching the 6 month mark?! Crazy, it's gone so fast! I still see her as a little newborn.
NJP that is so cute about Frankie and your dog!

Our sleeping is still pretty crap, waking a fair few times and very rarely does the night in the cot, often in our bed before midnight! But hopefully it'll pass. Staceylou, reading about Ruby's sleep gives me hope!! Though whenever A rolls onto her tummy she cries! So frustrating because in the day time she would just roll back onto her back.
We're also teething and tonight she has a low grade temp and keeps chomping on her fingers in her sleep bless her!
She's also sitting up more and more now. I've starte giving her little tastes of food. She's so far had cauliflower and brocolli and absolutely loves the brocolli, just munches away at it! I also tried her on a bit of baby porridge today which she also seemed to like. She's 5.5 months so not quite 6 but just seemed so ready for it!

Glad you're all doing well! We seem to be in a really unlucky spell of coughs and colds which is getting me down a lot as it makes us trapped indoors a bit and I get serious cabin fever when that happens! But we have our first family holiday next week and I'm so excited!
I can't wait to start food, not to wish her time away but I'm really looking forward to that. I'm planning to start with broccoli, carrots and chicken.

I am really miffed about the weather, we've been planning to book a last minute getaway for this week because my wife has a few days off in a row and the weather has turned crap! It's forecast for rain 100 miles in every direction for the next week. Shame Frankie doesn't have a passport, I'd be tempted to get a cheap flight somewhere.

Goat, it's so sad how fast time is going. This age is a lovely age and I am really enjoying her but I do miss everything of the last 6 months (except labour). Hopefully we'll all start getting more sleep as food takes over from milk, too.

I'm having a problem with naps, which is probably because I didn't establish a routine earlier. I've started doing naps upstairs but she's so unpredictable. She doesn't nap at a set time every day, they just tend to happen after one of the morning feeds and one of the afternoon feeds. I'll carry her upstairs and lay her down in her cot, check she's settled and leave her. Once, she went for 3 hours, today she awoke within minutes. I left her for 15 mins but she was just shouting and giggling and kicking, very obviously not going to go to sleep. I think I will have to read up on how to encourage regular naps.
Oh goat I was reading about other peoples sleeping and talking to other mums just hoping Ruby would start getting better.
Where are you going on your family holiday? So exciting I'm looking forward to ours in June but I'm already not looking forward to packing and were only going for 3 nights.

We started weaning early too but she's doing really well and is eating veg that I have mashed down with a fork so it's still got little lumps in. We are still offering finger food but she's not totally got the hang of it yet. She knows to out it to her mouth but doesn't seen to want to eat it just lick it but that's fine by me. She does love banana tho and will eat that as finger food. Ladies be ready for the banana poo!

Njp we don't have timed naps I don't think it would work for Ruby she can be quite difficult sometimes going down for naps. We got to a point where she was really good but now she can roll she just keeps rolling over then won't sleep! I go with when Ruby shows signs she is tired, she generally goes about 2-2.5 hours before having a 30min nap.

We've just sent off Ruby's passport form what a headache that was I would definitely reccomend using the check and send service with post office!

The sea life centre today was fab. Ruby loved it more than we thought she would!

Imogen recieved her first passport in the post today, so cute! I only sent off forms on monday and didnt use post office service. (Did get my mum to double check everything though).we have booked to go away end of june to france, we have a rental cottage and going with two other families.

We are going bto start weaning next weekend i think, she is showing all the signs of being ready! And i read that there is a great window where babies are open to any food between 24 weeks and 6 months so want to maximise the opp. (Annabel karmel book said this). I know nhs say 6 months but i think they have to be generic in there advise, although think would be easier to wait another month. She just seems so keen.

Sleep is just hit and miss..last night brilliant tonight crap! Oh well

Re day time naps...imogen is a 30min napper and roughly every 2-2.5hrs.i figure as long as she is napping doesnt matter where she naps.
Staceylou were just off to Centrparks for a midweek break and can't wait! Where are you going in June? Apple, how cute about Imogen's passport! Where abouts in France are you going? Sounds lovely!

Yes A was 24 weeks when I started, I'm mainly doing BLW but she's definitely eating as there's been a change in nappy content!! Staceylou, Ruby sounds like she's getting on great!!! Banana poo is hideous! I was almost going to call 999 when my eldest had it for the first time!!

So glad Ruby enjoyed the sea life centre!!

Regarding naps, A has three a day. One around 9.30-10.30. Then 12.30-2.30 then 4.30-5.30. That's on a perfect day of course, if all the stars are aligned... But I know she gets overtired of she's been awake for 2hrs+ so my general rule is she needs to nap every 2 hours.
That was really quick for her passport apple! Sent Ruby's Wednesday.

Oh goat I had my oh googling it he was like I can't believe I'm looking at other babies poo haha!! There good naps goat I would actually be able to get things done if Ruby napped for longer. She always wants amusing.

Aw a cottage in France sounds lovely were going to Filey on the east coast not far from us and in sept going to Marbella.

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