*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Oh apple im so sorry to hear about your grandma. Your poor grandad :( so good that you got to visit and she had cuddles with imogen.its nice that you are just focusing on all the happy memories.

Stacey sorry about ur night out at least u still got glammed up though. Hope u shift the last of ur cold soon!!
Usually faith falls asleep during her bedtime feed but if she wriggles and stirs i still try and put her down. I use ewan the sheep on the hover sound. If she is restless in the night or starts waking i press him on and usually it soothes her enough that she drops back off. They have certain cries and sounds dont they ha i know when she wont settle and needs boob, often as a pacifier also and will literally have 2 sucks and be asleep again haha.

Aw Njp good luck getting sorted today poor frankie dont worry about boots 2 days wont hurt and rather that than risk any more sores developing or worsening :-/

We are moving house get keys 10th april soexcited been looking at wallpaper and furniture hehe. Just not sure how easy a move is with a baby ha but unlike u apple my move is literally across the road! So cant moan can i!

Oh stacey happy birthday thats amazing!!! Fab pressies. Did u get a nice mummy card too?
Thanks kaa. Yes I got a lovely mummy card and a mum card from my oh he wrote 'wife' on it too lol. It's a dig at my cooking!!

Fab news your moving house you'll have to get extra hands to help out with the baby.

Ruby rarely falls asleep on the bottle and if she does she usually wakes straight up when put down.
I might start the cot move tonight. I'm feeling loads better just got a horribly annoying cough now. I think I have energy for lots of re settling.

Ruby was up loads last night. She went to bed at 8 then was up at 12,3, stirring at 4.30 but I resettled her and then up at 7! She had 2 feeds but didn't finish the bottle. She's struggled to take the bottle this morning and just cried. She didn't have any baby rice yday don't know if that's affected her feeds or not. Hope we're not going backwards again!

I'm liking the sound of Ewan the dream sheep. Hopefully I won't have too much of a battle to settle Ruby I think it could take a while but may have to look at one.
How come you're moving Kaa? So exciting moving house, I love it and hate it at the same time. Although definitely think it'll be harder with a baby as not only do you have them but you have all their stuff too.

Jake pretty much always falls asleep while I'm feeding him. There's been occasions where he's been lying next to me and fallen asleep on his own. If you put him in his cot awake he won't sleep, he'll end up crying and waking himself up more. We can bounce/walk him to sleep sometimes. Apparently their bodies don't release the hormone that helps them to sleep until they're older anyway so I'm not worried about it.
So Ruby's in her cot in her own room for the first time eek!

Gave her a bath and then bottle downstairs but after bottle we went to her room sat rocking in the nursing chair and read her a book. She fell more or less asleep on me during the story.
Put her in her cot and she stayed asleep, she woke after about 20mins so turned her back on her side and patted her back. She woke again 10mins later, did same. I also tried the rolled up towel under the cover so she hasn't got as much room to move. I think she's rolling to her back and startling herself

Fingers crossed she has a good night! I have a feeling it could be a long one :/
Hello girls...

Struggling to re settle Imogen tonight, think she has a cold decided to sit out on the sofa with her and wait till 6am when hubby can take over. He is so much better at settling her...i also made the mistake of changing her which i think has unsettled her..

Imigen giggled for the first time yesterday yay!

I love ewan too
Aw bless Imogen. You can't really give them much it's rubbish. Ruby's still got a little cough. I got some snuffle babe for Ruby it's like Vicks. That's lovely she laughed!
We bought Ruby a door bouncer she loves it lol, looks right pleased with herself!

Well Ruby did surprisingly ok to say I didn't think she would manage the change. She needed resettling twice before 9 then slept til 12 had bottle then slept til 3, needed resettling twice at 5.30 when my oh got up for work she then slept til 7.15 and woke her smiley usual self. I think she woke cos she had done a poo as usual first thing ha

One happy mummy today :)
I dont get the joke card regarding your cooking stacey??

Great that ruby slept ok for u in the cot. Hopefully it will get progressively better over next few days.

Aw apple sorry imogen wouldnt settle for u. Did she finally go to sleep in the end?

We are moving because our landlady is horrid. And i am fed up of it all. So we are going into abungalow across the road only thing changing is our door number haha. Funny really coz the new house is no 12 which was due date and day faith was born (albeit a month before expected)

Better night last night. Down for 9:30 ish up at 2:45 then again 6:45 although i still feel completely shattered ha.

Off to a friends today. One of the girlsfrom bf group. Few of us going for a brew and natter should be good.
Hows things with ur nct girls apple? Hopefully she has realised how she has been coming across and continues to be pleasant now
Belated happy birthday, Stacey! Sounds like you had a nice day. Glad to hear Ruby managed the room change, hopefully it will stay that way!

Kaa, at least if you're moving across the road it's not a big trek with your stuff. If you get enough hands on deck, you could get a chain of people across the road to pass the boxes across!

Apple, hope you got some more sleep in the end.

I've had a long night. Couldn't get back to sleep after 3am feed then when I did, either the dog, wife or baby would do something to wake me. When not crying, Frankie has taken to thumping her foot bar about so that wakes me too. I set an alarm for 7.45 in case I needed to phone the gp and it turns out I don't. Didn't want to sleep all morning but Frankie's nodded off so I'm tempted to get another hour or two.

I went back to Alder Hey yesterday and they did some stuff to her boots but didn't do anything about her sores. He really fobbed me off on that aspect. Also, he said the boots were too small so he got bigger ones, customised them, got all confused about which ones were which so spent an age sorting it out. Then when I got home I realised he has put the original smaller one back on her sore foot. I don't know if he meant to or not. He said to pop back on Weds if I've any worries but it's about 30 miles away, plus tunnel fare and it's costing me quite a bit to keep trekking over.

I'm going to take her to get weighed at the health visitor tomorrow so I'll ask them about the sores.

She's more unsettled with the boots now. She screamed for over an hour last night after I refitted them. I think after having a day off from them, she got a taste of freedom and realised how bad the boots feel. :/
Thank you! The card has a joke on the front something like 'when it comes to mums cooking there's 2 choices- take it or leave it' and the dad is sat there with his tea on his head! He's just having a dig at me he found it hilarious but because it's a mum card he's wrote 'wife' next to it lol!

Aw poor frankie. It sounds to me he might have mixed he boots back up if he was so unsure. Can you ring him to ask it is a long way to go back every time. Hopefully when the boot start to work more she may become more used to them and they won't be so painful. I would have another sleep while you can if you've had a bad night.

That's a good night kaa and the cuppa and natter sounds good. I don't really know the other mums that well to meet like that. If someone suggested it I think id go tho. I hope the mums on the massage course stay in touch there a nice group I don't think we will tho there's a lot of quiter people on it and I don't know if they would suggest swapping numbers or anything, we shall see.

My best friend and her new baby are coming over today for a play date so that will be nice.
So sorry to hear about ur grandma apple, u must be thankful she met imogen.

Happy belated birthday Stacey, a laptop...so not jealous!

Njp sounds like he's got them mixed up, how annoying and your poor girl with her wee blisters, hope they clear up soon for her.

Ariana had her last set of jags today till 1year old thank god that's over with for a while. We're starting baby massage on Thursday morning, interested to see what it's like...
Thanks babyboo a pink laptop too :) I love it. Havnt really had chance to play on it though Ruby doesn't seem to want to let me.

Were doing baby massage at the minute I really like it. It's nice to see the same mums wax week and the instructor Is lovely and goes round asking how everyone's weeks have been and other things. I think it's coming to an end tho :/

Ruby didn't have such a good night. She settled about the same time and needed resettling twice before she fell properly asleep. She woke at her usual around 12 but needed settling once before she next woke for a feed at 4.20 then she needed resettling twice and finally fell asleep until 7.15 which seems to be her getting up time. It could have been worse just a lot of up and down steps!
Stacey, perhaps you could initiate a meet up with the massage mums? Keep the group going even though the massage is ending. I say that so casually, like I do it all the time when really I'm the last one to do stuff like that!

We went to the health visitor drop in on Weds and Frankie is now 15lb 14oz. Thought she'd be a bit more actually but she's still on the 91st percentile apparently, so not much of a drop from what she was. I showed them the blister and they said to go to the GP, they scoffed at the idea of me 'popping' back over the hospital 30 miles away. I took her to the GP who has prescribed antibiotics and given us some dressings for it. Which brings me to my new problem - getting the antibiotics in her! I do it with a syringe, nice and slowly, 0.5ml at a time, a bit like infacol, and it all ends up spat out, after either choking on it or screaming about it (or both). I'm going to pick up a medicine dummy from Asda later, fingers crossed that works better.

Starting to find it a bit harder with the boots and bar now, I think it's hit home a bit more just how much of a complication it's going to before her, for years. At the minute it's taking a lot of time to look after her feet, she screams for ages after the boots go on and I have to console her. She's become a lot more clingy too and I seem to have abandoned any principles I had about not picking her up all the time and am now thinking of getting a sling to hold her more because I end up not getting much done. Does anyone have one? I'm concerned about it hurting my back, I get backache anyway between my lack of exercise and big boobs!

Kaa, what are you doing about work in September? Are you looking for work now or are you staying at home? Now is the key time for school jobs but I haven't really looked. I'm waiting until the new tax year starts and then I'm going to use the online tax credits calculator to work out whether we're better off me staying off and claiming tax credits or getting a part time job and paying for nursery. Desperately hoping the tax credits will be enough so I don't have to go to work just yet! Going to a new job seems even worse than going back part time to my old one because you have to make more of an impression in a new job. If I went back to the old one they wouldn't mind if I spent the first week crying because I'd left the baby and I'd know where to cry and who to.
NJP, sorry to hear you've had a tough time with the blister and boots. As for the antibiotics I find I have to syringe it in bit by bit like you're doing but after each squirt I have to blow gently in her face as it makes her swallow. Sounds a bit odd but it really works.xx
She took infacol and calpol fine when giving it in small amounts, but I've just tasted her antibiotics and it tastes completely awful, don't blame her for spitting it out. It tastes like a really bitter spirit, it burns your throat like neat vodka.

I'll meant to give them 4x a day, haven't managed one dose yet. Will try blowing in her face!
Oh poor little mite! Def see if the blowing works. My eldest was quite poorly when she was born and was on daily doses of folic acid and iron for the first 6 months which were awful too so I can completely understand. Blowing was the only way to get it in. I hope you manage it chick.xxx
Aw poor frankie and least you have something to try help the blisters. When we give Ruby paracetamol I lean her back a little so she can't spit it all out.
She's putting weight on really well too!

Ruby gets weighed on Wednesday guessing she's got to be around 13lb she's slowly growing out of 0-3 vests and she's wearing her 3-6 clothes finally- she's 5 months on Sunday! Time had gone so fast.

I'm hoping to see some of the mums at the first friends group and possibly baby yoga if we start that at the same time. I also mentioned to one mum about the swimming session were going to take Ruby to and she said she might look at that so we might see her there.

Were having sleep problems at the min :/ we thought we'd had the sleep regression but I think we're having it now. We moved Ruby into her own room and cot on Monday night. First night went really well not alot of waking but some. The last few nights she's woken every hour needing resettling and is waking for a bottle every 3 to 4 hours (which is her daytime pattern)
I thought starting to wean her would mean she would need less milk but it seems to have increased her appetite.
Last night was a little better she woke a lot before 12 but then she slept a few hours together. She's been down since 8 tonight and only needed resettling once so fingers crossed tonight will
Be Better.

You can tell I'm sleep deprived, last night I thought Ruby was in bed next to me and I started winding her and 'shhhing' her to settle her and it was my oh I was doing it to! I also tried to pick him up under his arms to take him back to his cot! Haha I remember doing it once
But apparently I did it a few times! Oops
Lol stacey,..i find myself waking thinking that i have Imogen on me..really weird when you realise you are just dreaming it.

Njp...feel for you and franke, it must be such a hassel at least she is otherwise a good baby. I got Imogen weighed when she was 4months (tuesday) and she was 15lb5 she is growing well.

Njp i try and put Imogen down for naps and fail frequently had a good run last week and we were doing so well when she caught a cold and now she is clingy during day and wont be put down for a nap. At night she really struggles to self settle..
Blowing didn't work. I ended up mixing it with a little milk but the taste is so rank it just made a bigger volume of rank liquid to get in her! This morning I had some success keeping approx half the dose in I'll just have to persevere and hope she gets enough. I cried last night because she was so upset, I just feel bad that she has to go through all of this. It's years of treatment with a high chance of relapse. I just wish I could make it all better with cuddles.

The last couple of afternoons we've had a screaming fit which has only gone away when I take her out in the pram. The good thing about this is I'm trying to walk more to get exercise and save on petrol.

Oh and I had to breastfeed in the very exposed, open Asda café. I'm getting better at doing this!

Imogen is growing big! Frankie will be 4 months next week and she's not much heavier than Imogen now.

Stacey the weaning has probably just changed how & when she needs feeding, quite normal I imagine when you have a diet change. It'll hopefully settle soon. That is so funny about you picking your oh up like a baby! Was he asleep?

Frankie doesn't go more than 4 hours in the night now. I had it so easy when she was little but now we've settled into a fairly routine pattern of 11pm/12am then 3/4am then 6/7am. But in between sometimes she wakes for a little cry and I pop the dummy in and go back to sleep. I don't pick her up at these times, just shove the dummy in and roll over again! I love having a side car cot! No way am I moving her into her own room, it's as far away as it could be, in the over-garage extension bit. I'm too lazy to trek over there several times a night.
Imogen goes down about 9pm and feeds can be completely random usually two a night with one almost always being at 6am. She doesnt ever seem to wake other than for a feed touch wood. We are going through a bad patch at the moment just dont know weather its because she has a cold or its just a bad patch.

Imogen is growing so big and strong, all she wants to do at the moment is practice standing..she is so proud of herself when she does it too.
Yes oh was asleep lol!

Ruby's 5 months old today! We're getting Ruby weighed on Wednesday I don't think she's going to be as big as your girls though.

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