*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I've got lots of leaflets/booklets cant bring myself to read them yet haha. Then theres a talk on introducing solid food on 1st april so hoping that will help guide me. Intend to go down the path of baby led weaning so will see what happens.

Njp i do hope it gets sorted asap dont let them fob u off!! Poor frankie with blisters :( hope theyre not painful?

I know!!! Times gone super fast since Faith was born it's scary :(
I get that. I keep seeing pregnant women and thinking look at them not appreciating every second haha i cant even really remember how it felt now!!
This time last year I still didn't know I was pregnant! It was soon I found out have a feeling it may have been a year ago on Saturday.

We don't have a high chair yet, I was looking at a similar one in babies r us that has an adjustable height that I liked the idea of. Or I might just go basic and get the one from Ikea. Depends if we've moved house by then aa the Ikea one doesn't fold down so don't have room for it in the current house.

The dr doesn't seem very reassuring, I get that he has to make sure you're aware of potential relapse but a bit more reassurance would surely be nice. Hope she doesn't relapse just get it over and done with for her as quick as possible.

Our house looks like its going to be delayed a bit. Had the valuation back from the mortgage people and they need the floors inspected before they can give a valuation. It's annoying as I deliberately asked the estate agent if the floors had been checked and he acted as if they had. There's a problem in a lot of the houses around here with the floors, something to do with the mine they got the materials for the foundations. So all the houses had to have something done.....However some people decided not to so now its a nightmare when trying to buy.
Mellie, better to be sure and no that your not buying something you cant sell on or going to cost you thousands..i would be reassured that they are being though..in my experience estate agents are a waste of time...and charge the earth. Sorry ill get off my soap box..hope it all turns out well.

Dont know if you have to buy furniture but look at next online they have a home clearence section with curtains and sofas all reduced.

Njp..i think you are handling this foot thing so well..first time i recall you being frustrated , i do hope frankes feet arnt too sore bless her xx.
That's not good about the casts/boots njp. And I wouldn't have thought she should be getting blisters. When do you go again I would ask them.

At least there checking it before you buy mellie it will take longer but will be worth it!

We're hoping for baby led weaning it didn't quite work with the baby rice tho lol. We showed her the bowl and she tried to put her tounge in and then she took the spoon and attempted to get it into her mouth lol. Today she threw the bowl onto the floor haha but when I held the spoon for her to take from me she just put her mouth towards it so she took it off the spoon. Eventually she took the spoon but that soon ended up on the floor hehe.

I'm still ill with this viral infection I think I'm having to postpone my birthday night out :( I've been so looking forward to it havnt been out since before I was pregnant!
Aww that's a shame Stacey! Best to postpone to when you can really enjoy it though.

The blisters are quite common, it's just because the boots rub. Got lots of packs of compeed in to help. I do feel more frustrated at the minute, I just found yesterday's appointment a bit pointless, it hasn't really helped me get the boots fitting better.

Mellie I know it seems like a pain now but best to check the floors out before putting in your final offer. The estate agent will say anything to get a sale!

I haven't got any info on weaning yet, was just going to wait until 6 months and shove a piece of carrot or something in her hand! Perhaps I should get a bit more prepared.

We are having a bit of trouble with the eldest at the minute. She is really behind at school and has her A Levels in a few weeks but isn't doing any work at home because she 'doesn't feel like it right now'. I can't seem to get through to her that she should be doing quite a few extra hours outside of school time, especially this close to exams. She's aiming for an AAB entry uni and I just don't see it happening. But they get to this age and you can't force them to do things any more, so annoying.
Aw melliethats a pain but at least they're being thorough

Stacey i didnt realise u were ill sorry may have missed that hope ur better soon sucks postponing but if it makesu feel better ive not had anight out in over a year haha. One downside for ebf.

Njp thats hard as i remember being the one who didnt want to do the work haha. Unfortunately not sure what u can do. Have u offered cash incentives for grades that can be good. Like the money ismore the better the grade she will regret being so blase when older and reaises how hard it actually is at alevel when u dont put the work in :( good luck there!!
We don't really believe in cash incentives, even if we did not sure we'd have much spare to do it just now. She's so looking forward to uni, I'd have thought that would be enough incentive. I suppose we'll just have to let her face the consequences. Tbh, I'm not sure she's got the work ethic for uni anyway. If she doesn't know something it's always the teacher's fault for not teaching it and that just doesn't wash at uni does it. Oh well, we'll see come August.

Hope I get a reasonable night's sleep, I don't want to sleep through the eclipse! Last one in our lifetime. And our babies will be 76 when the next one occurs in the UK.
Aw no really njp? The last one in our lifetime and I didn't see it!! It was too cloudy here :/ it kinda went darker but nothing significant. I'm just going to have to live extra long to see the next one, I'll be 104 it is do able hehe!

Thanks kaa im full of cold just can't get rid of it! I do feel better today and we went to baby massage. You could tell Ruby hadn't been out all week she was babbling away hehe

Njp I think with the a levels she real does new to motivate herself if she wants to do well she will do the work. She may learn the hard way and regret it later in life but at that age I don't think much will pursuade them to put more effort in. I'm sure ypuve spoken to her about it and that's all you can do really.

Ruby was up every 3 hours for food again last night :/
We went outside to see it but it was a bit cloudy so didn't get an amazing view.

It's a pretty common thing them behaving like that when it's big exams. They kind if put it to the back of their mind and assume they have ages left. In a few weeks she'll probably go into panic mode when she realises just how close it all is. Hopefully she doesn't realise too late.

Jake had to go to hospital yday. His arms and hands went blue. He's fine though :)
That must have been worrying Mellie, do you know what caused it?

Yeah, re the a levels there's not much more we can say. Mentioning it just gets a big huff and strop out of her. The thing is, she's had her target grades lowered now because of poor results and they're far from her uni entry requirements. Was hoping that would give her a kick up the bum but it seems to have had more the effect of sticking her head in the sand. Fortunately her sister is doing gcses and is revising hard so we don't have to worry about her.

I breastfed in a restaurant last night, first time! I managed to do it really discreetly, despite my wife trying to make a fuss and put muslins and napkins over me - that just makes it obvious what I'm doing! Frankie didn't have the best feed but enough of a fill up to stop her crying before my meal came out.

Church going FIL asked about her christening and looked thoroughly bemused when I said she wasn't having one. I've known him 10 years and still have to explain that I'm not religious.

Tyr eclipse just made it go a bit dark here too. However we did get a perfect amount of cloud cover which meant that we could see the moon without being blinded (because I didn't bother buying glasses!)

Hope you're feeling a bit better now Stacey.
Aw no mellie I'm glad he's ok I have been so worried.

Well done njp for feeding in the restaurant. That was one part of breastfeeding I wasn't looking forward to but I didn't get to do it anyway :/

I'm feeling quite a bit better still bunged up and bad cough though. I'm feeling sorry for myself cos I should have been going out tonight but never mind. I'm going to have my hair and nails done soon I had booked them thinking I was going out. My hair needs cutting anyway and my nails will help cheer me up.

It turns out I did see the eclipse after all whoo! I felt a bit silly but was discussing it with the photographer when we went to view Ruby's photos and I said 'I only saw the moon in a crescent shape, it was too cloudy to see the sun' he was like erm you saw the eclipse then! Doh!
The dr said something about him pooing and the blood being focused elsewhere. Was a peculiar explanation. But she checked him all over and he was fine. I only rang 111 to see what they'd say. Next thing they're sending an ambulance. Was very dramatic!

Well done NJP, although if my OH behaved like your wife I'd get so annoyed! I just feed anywhere now, it really doesn't bother me. Half the time no one notices. I've fed all over the place and no ones said anything to me yet.

Oh the dr told Jake he had a very clever Mommy when I told her he was breastfed. Made me very happy as often they don't seem to care. I think many only ask so they can then ask if they're not feeding as much.

That's nice that you're getting your hair and nails done. Bet you'll feel like a new woman!
Stacey thats funny agout you not realising you saw the eclipse...
I got to see it..quite impressive and wore sunglassses..but kept having to go in doors to check on sleeping Imogen..(a few years back my grandad had a funny turn at the last total eclipse..so knew it could do funny things to people so wanted to make sure..silly i know) as it is it wasnt her I had to worry about..but my grandma she passed away yesterday very sad but expected and so grateful i got to see her and show her Imogeb, i had a lovely day with her very hard to shed tears with such fond memories. Just got upset when spoke to grandad who was very very sad.

Mellie..i sound like a broken record but your photos on facebook,,iAre sooo lovely he really is a cutiee. On the back of your post i have ordered a necklace and anklet..Imogen has been quite uncomfotable today with her teeth.

She is sleeping so much better now in her cot and just settles so well..still feeding more in the night but that could be to do with her age..

Its so hard ..not to be frustrated with your step daughter ..njp..but alas they have to learn the hard way..
Aw apple I'm sorry about your grandma its lovely she got to meet Imogen. You'll have lots of great memories.

I felt silly about the eclipse oops! I was looking out of the window and oh said can you see anything I was like no just the moon ha! I was really pleased when I realised I had seen it tho :)

Do you settle Imogen in her cot when she is awake or do you let her fall asleep on you and put her down asleep? Me and oh his had this convo. When I'm better next week were going to try move Ruby into her cot at night

I feel loads better for having my hair and nails done even tho I'm still coughing away :/
I can't wait to open my pressie in the morning from My oh and Ruby he's been wanting to give me it for ages bless :)
I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma Apple. It's so good that you managed to make that trip up the other week after all. Your poor grandad. I remember staying with my grandma for a couple of nights after my grandad died, she was so upset. Must be awful for them.

Stacey, what are you like? 'Just the moon', haha! Mind, you would have realised more if you'd been in the area of totality. The was way up in the Faroe Islands though, miles above Scotland.

Mellie, it did annoy me when she was trying to cover me up because it felt so obvious! And then she tried to lean in front of me to shield me. In the end she realised that no one could see any of my boob so she stopped. She only breastfed for the first 6 weeks or so, so didn't ever breastfeed in public like that.

We've had some girls around for the eldest's birthday. Frankie was the star of the show, she had about six 18 year olds fussing over her for hours. They've all volunteered free babysitting services and one works in Next & has no one to buy cute baby outfits for so she wants me to tell her what I like in the Next range so she can buy it!

I think if you phone 111 they don't take any chances and I think hearing a baby turning blue would guarantee an ambulance being sent around. Better to have him checked than not though. Glad it wasn't anything serious.
Apple, sorry to hear about your grandma at least you and Imogen both got to see her recently though. Must be horrible for your Granddad, I assume they've been together for a long time.

I get so snap happy with Jakey but thank you, a parent can never hear it enough times that their child's cute! Haha I was too scared to order a necklace, even though no ones ever had any accidents with them. So just went for the anklet instead. It does seem to help a little bit.

That's good that you know someone who works at next. I'm not sure what their staff discounts like but their clothes are so lovely. Plus they normally have quite a few bright colours which I know you like
Next clothes are very nice! I'll have to have a look & see what I can get.

We've had a bit of stress today, she has a huge blister on her good heel. I had to take the boots off & tried calling the hospital but there's no one available to speak to on the weekend. So she's boot free today and I'll speak to them tomorrow. I got very upset though, it looks awful and I'm worried about the effect of not having the boots on. I asked on the talipes fb advice group & they all told me to keep the boots off but I just don't want anything to slow her treatment. She seems content though, think I feel worse about it than her.

Mellie, I'm terrible for photos of Frankie! It's so easily done with camera phones. Do you have a forward facing camera? We get funny shots of Frankie when she can see herself on the screen at the same time!
I can't imagine one or two boot free days will affect it that much, so try not to worry. Hopefully you'll get to speak to someone at the hospital about it tomorrow.

I take far too many on my phone. I keep trying to remember to take them on my digital camera too as the quality when printed is so much better but I keep forgetting. OH has took quite a few lovely "selfies" of him and Jake on his phone.
Im sure it will do no damage or slow progress down on frankes foot, so try not to worry (easier said than done i know)... But try imagine you advising a friend for some clarity.

Thats good about the next baby clothes friend..

Thanks for all your kind comments about my grandma..

Stacey..my oh tends to put her down awake at night so she self settles in cot, this is every night part of routine. i seem ro struggle to do that so more often than not For night feeds she falls asleep on me, in fact thinking about it last night was the first night she self settled for me. Problem is she uses my boob as a pacifier.
I wouldn't worry about the boots for an odd day. It will give the blisters chance heel a little.

Is your routine bath, feed, cot? We've been trying to put her down in the Moses basket awake on a night but drowsy it's not working. During the day she can fall asleep on her own when put in the cot it sometimes doesn't take long maybe 10minutes. I think we're really going to have to study her cues a bit more and see what's the diff when she will fall asleep on her own and when not. This evening she was really tired and ready for a sleep but just wouldn't go to sleep wen put in her cot she cried. We tried the dummy, patting her back and a comfort toy and cot mobile but in the end I had to pick her up and she fell asleep on me. She had got quite upset so I let her have a short kip on me as she really needed it.

I've had another fab day and been spoilt! My oh and Ruby got me a new laptop which was much needed. I can't wait to put lots of pics on it. And my in laws bought me a printer so I can print them all out :) I got lots of lovely gifts !

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